The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 194

Liu Xingyao closed his eyes and carefully recollected these dishes-after a strong sourness, a slightly sweet dish will be served, but in order not to dilute the impression of the dishes, the taste was changed.Then came the cold dishes, followed by the high-temperature dishes with spices that greatly improved the flavor in one breath!

One dish after another, the rhythm of change is brisk and melody without disrupting the overall balance!Compared with a single cooking that ends together, the degree of difficulty is simply different.At the same time, this also indirectly reflects the “ulterior motives” of the chef who makes these dishes, or his grasp of the accuracy of the dishes.Whether it’s the processing of the dishes or the direct "relay" of the dishes, it is an appropriate benefit to deal with...

"Haha...Yuanyue's first seat, as expected, it's not an ordinary person!" Liu Xingyao muttered to himself, and at the same time put some dessert in his mouth and tasted it.

At this time, even Kobayashi Gentiana, who was sitting opposite Liu Xingyao, said, "These are still the same, you have a great ability to see the advantages of the ingredients, and you have a good vision~ But I, I want to taste the dishes "Passionate" cooking ah~"

Si Yingshi seemed to have recovered from the incomparable worry just now, and finally recovered the aura that he should be the first seat.

"In my cooking, I don’t need myself. My job is to erase myself from the plate! I only leave the good materials, and I concentrate on exploring and honing! But the work, on the other hand, is nothing like showing myself. Things are connected, this is my cooking!" Si Yingshi said kindly and plainly, but the powerful aura revealed on his body could not help but make people slightly surprised.

"Oh... it seems to have recovered from the cowardly personality? This is the first seat!" Liu Xingyao just finished saying this, and Si Yingshi came to another guest table, and the cowardly personality turned on again.

"Ahhhh, then...what do you want for the drink!? I'm so sorry for the poor service!"

The three guests at another table looked at Si Yingshi so flustered, they were so different from what they were just now, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Also, I haven't finished eating yet! Si Jun, it doesn't matter~"

"Hahaha, this year's first seat is also quite an interesting student!"

Kobayashi Gentiana looked at Si Yingshi who was hurriedly communicating with the guests and said slowly: "The gourmets of this world...I don't know when I gave Si such a name. It can bring the delicious food to the extreme. , Who devoted all his pride to cooking-the white knight at the table!"

Liu Xingyao also smiled faintly after hearing this, and said: "The white knight at the table? Haha, it fits his title!"

Kobayashi Gentiana smiled like a nymph on his cheeks and said, "Ahahahaha, he is handsome, right? When I saw it on the impurities, my laughing belly almost hurts!"

Perhaps others have not noticed, but Liu Xingyao has already noticed a detail.Obviously a cowardly person, he kept asking customers if they needed other services, but he never mentioned [How is the taste]... Si Yingshi has absolute confidence in his cooking, so he has no idea about the taste. Will intervene!

Confidence, and devote all of your heart to your own dishes... The strength of this kind of chef is often terrible!

"Things have become interesting... It seems that it's not just those guys that I can look forward to among the top ten!" Liu Xingyao closed his eyes and smiled.


After eating lunch at Si Yingshi restaurant, Liu Xingyao and Kobayashi Gentiana walked out of the restaurant together.

"It’s so full~~ Every time I finish cooking in the restaurant, I’m very happy! Especially when I see him nervously asking you whether the air conditioner is cold or not? I can’t help but want to laugh! Hahaha~~" Maolian-senpai looked very happy.

With a smile on Liu Xingyao's face, he looked at Xiaolin Longdan and said with a smile: "It seems that Senior Sister Longdan and Senior Si have a very good relationship. When we left, the waiter didn't care about our meal expenses."

Hearing this, Kobayashi Gentiana also stopped smiling, and stared at Liu Xingyao with cat eyes: "In fact, the so-called autumn trials are just to select the top ten candidates..."

Liu Xingyao naturally knew about this, but what made him slightly surprised was how Xiaolin Gentiana suddenly got on this topic.

Chapter 269 The vinegar jar is overturned again

The top five of today’s top ten are Shieishi, Kobayashi Gentiana, Mekishima Fusuke, Akakubo Mom, and Saito Sooaki. These five are all third-year students, which means they will be Five positions will be vacated.As the 92 freshmen or 91 students, 5 people will be selected to become Yuanyue Top Ten.

Therefore, this autumn trial is actually to select the top ten candidates from the freshmen. Once the ten best candidates in the third grade graduate, the new top ten will be selected from the best in the autumn trial.

"I've heard and knew what Gentian-senpai said. After all, once you graduate from the third grade, these top ten will have a lot of positions. The new ten will be selected from the autumn trials!" Liu Xingyao said.

"A total of five third-year students are top ten, including me and Si... That is to say, five of you will become the new top ten after our graduation!" Xiaolin Longdantan Said with his right hand.

Liu Xingyao nodded and said, "Yes, but Gentian-senpai suddenly mentioned this?"

"Ah~ I just thought of it suddenly! But according to the current situation, you are one of the top ten candidates. This is already 197 things written on paper~" Xiaolin Gentiana smiled.

But I won't wait until you graduate to become the top ten... After the fall trials are over, I will continue to start my expansion plan!Liu Xingyao thought secretly in his heart.

Just when Liu Xingyao was thinking about other things in his heart, Kobayashi Gentiana suddenly said: "Xingyao, have you heard of IGO and neo?"

Liu Xingyao's expression immediately appeared astonished when he heard Xiaolin Gentiana's words.

"Dragon... Gentian-senpai, you said igo and neo?"

Looking at Liu Xingyao’s surprised look, Gentiana Kobayashi has confirmed what he thinks in his heart: It seems that my junior student really knows the existence of neo and igo. On the contrary, if I don’t know the existence of these two organizations, I just asked him suddenly , His face will definitely show doubt...

Liu Xingyao sank slightly, then looked at Xiaolin Gendan and asked, "Sister Gentian, I didn't expect you to know the existence of neo and igo! Are you too..."

"Hahaha~~What silly thing are you talking about~~Senior Sister, I’m just talking about these two mysterious organizations~~Because your cooking skills are so good, Senior Sister has been wondering if you will be What about the people in these two organizations. Look at your shouldn't be the one from the two organizations, right?" Xiaolin Longdan said and put his head in front of Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao couldn't help smiling in his heart. Is this trying to test himself?

"It's a pity that Gentian-senpai, like you, I just heard about the existence of these two organizations. I'm just an ordinary student~~" Liu Xingyao laughed.

"Really...?" Xiaolin Gentiana then retracted the cheek that was very close to Liu Xingyao, turned around and said: "Alright, Xingyao, senior sister, I should go back to rest when I'm full! You are fine too! Prepare for the cooking for the finals. Sister-in-law, I will come back to see you during the finals! Then, see you later!"

After speaking, Kobayashi Gentiana just turned and left.At this moment, the strong wind blew her red hair covering her left eye. At this moment, her weird scarlet eyes were exposed!But it was a pity that these strange eyes were not seen by Liu Xingyao, who turned his back to her.

"It seems that my lovely brother is not from Neo... Then, shouldn't he..." Xiaolin Long muttered to himself.

Although Kobayashi's Gentian said very quietly and some distance from Liu Xingyao, but this "super hearing" made Liu Xingyao's ear power different from ordinary people, he still listened to what Xiaolin Gentian said just now.

"My really hide it!" Liu Xingyao's mouth raised slightly.

---------------I am the dividing line of all evil------------

After Liu Xingyao and Xiaolin Gentiana separated, they returned to the direction of Ji Xingliao.Although the subject of this competition is lobster, Liu Xingyao, the lobster returned from the south, has never been seen because it is a local ingredient in Japan and only available in autumn.So Liu Xingyao is wondering whether to go to the seafood market tomorrow morning...

"Hey, right, ask if his prospective girlfriend Feisha is free! Hehe..." Liu Xingyao took out the phone and called Feisha.

The phone was picked up after a few beeps, and the sound of Scarlet Sand came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, I'm very busy right now and just say something!" Feisha's tone seemed unfriendly.

As soon as Liu Xingyao heard the tone of this speech, he thought that this little girl was still angry because of what happened last time?

"Ahem...Fishsha, are you free tomorrow morning?" Liu Xingyao asked.

"Why are you asking this?"

"I want to ask you to accompany me to the seafood market~~" Liu Xingyao said.

Upon hearing Liu Xingyao's words, the scarlet sand on the other end of the phone became even more intense.Okay, taking a romantic walk with the senior sister in Yuanyue, but asking me to go to the fishy seafood market?

This hateful Xing Yaojun considers me someone.Scarlett thought crazy in his heart.

"I—Reject—Absolute!!" These three words were spit out by Scarlett through gritted teeth, showing how annoyed she is now.

A drop of sweat hung on Liu Xingyao's forehead, and he didn't know that he had just sneaked out of the moon sky with Xiaolin Gentiana for a date and was discovered by Feisha.

This Feisha had dynamite today, Liu Xingyao thought secretly.However, Liu Xingyao also knows that to chase the girl you like, you must uphold a thick-skinned and cheeky character, and you can't get angry because of a little rejection~~

"Um... Feisha, in fact, going to the seafood market is secondary. I actually want to ask you to go shopping! Just think about it!" Liu Xingyao laughed.

"Hmph, you'd better find your sister Hui and Gentian-senpai to accompany you, goodbye!"

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