The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 195

After Feisha finished saying these words, he actually hung up the phone, not giving Liu Xingyao any chance.After hearing this, Liu Xingyao understood why Feisha was so angry just now. It turned out that he had secretly "dated" with Xiaolin Longdan.

Liu Xingyao wondered, why would he be caught by Feisha every time with another opposite sex?And this time it was just a lunch with Kobayashi Gentiana...but Heisha's tone made it seem like a date!

(PS: I’ve been busy recently, and I ran out of manuscripts... I have to go to the classmate’s wedding today, and I have to delay most of the day. So today may be 2 more... The second is also possible to come back in the evening~~~ Well, hereby let me know! In addition, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance. I will also write a Mid-Autumn Festival in my novel when that happens~~ After all, the time of the plot is almost synchronized with our current events!)

Chapter 270 Undercurrents Surging

Liu Xingyao shook his head and took back the phone. He knew that tomorrow, only the lonely family would go to the seafood market~ I didn’t plan to call Ueda Suohui. If I was found out by the jealous jar of Feisha, I don’t know how long I will be jealous...

"Nangui lobster... Then, what kind of lobster dishes do you want to make! I have to think about it~" Liu Xingyao muttered to himself and returned to Jixingliao.

The words are divided into two parts. After separating from Liu Xingyao, Xiaolin Longdan did not return in the direction where she lived, but headed towards Yuanyuehou Mountain.Yuanyue covers a vast area, and a large part of it still has undeveloped areas.

After Xiaolin Gentiana bypassed a dense forest, she came to a very hidden place with almost no people. After looking around to make sure that there was no one, she came to a big tree and touched a mechanism.The mechanism was touched, and a hole leading to the ground appeared.

Xiaolin Gentiana slowly entered the cave. When she entered, the passageway closed again, and the ground returned to its original state as if it had never been here before-no one had been here.

Mysterious basement

At this moment, in this dim basement, there are more than a dozen mysterious people in black robes. There are lights in the cave, but they don't light up. The atmosphere is very strange and weird!

One of the people who was covered by darkness and could not see his face asked Xiaolin Gendan: "Gentiana, how about the identity investigation of the Chinese boy named Liu Xingyao??"

"It has been found out that my lovely junior is not a member of Neo~ Although he also knows the existence of us and Neo, he has not joined any organization!" Kobayashi Longdan replied.

"Very well, those who have the special ability to communicate with ingredients are the ones we lack in the current solar eclipse, so you must let him join us anyway. This kid is not easy!" Mysterious Weiwei Sighed.

Kobayashi Gentiana habitually showed a cat smile on his face, and then said: "I took him to Si's restaurant today and tasted the dishes made by Si. Most people will be surprised after tasting the dishes made by Si. Color, but my lovely schoolboy... is just a little surprised! And judging from the current strength of his performance, it is not all his strength! It is really exciting, he will be in the next finals What kind of cooking and strength do you show~"

"It seems that you are very optimistic about Gentian~ But then again, the one named Xi Yangxi is not easy this time... The old bastards of neo actually cultivated chefs who can [practice Qi]! It seems that we Hurry up too!"

After the mysterious man pondered for a while, he told Xiaolong Lindan and other mysterious people: "The solar eclipse is coming within this year. In order to realize our organization's great plan, we must hurry up! The top priority, we It is to keep recruiting chefs with special abilities...Liu Xingyao, the chef of Longdan, is left to do it for you, no matter what method is used, let him join our organization. As for the rest of you, the goal is to score this time. Other chefs in the finals of the Autumn Trial..."

"Yes!" everyone replied in unison.

The lurking forces have begun to attack Liu Xingyao and others, and the crisis is slowly brewing.


By the way, after Liu Xingyao arrived in the dormitory, he received another call. This call was not from other people but from Feisha, who had just been jealous.

Liu Xingyao was surprised after a brief surprise, and hurriedly answered the phone.

"Oh, Scarlett, what's the matter?" Liu Xingyao deliberately made his tone flat.

Feisha on the other end of the phone heard Liu Xingyao's calmness, and his heart began to feel unhappy again.Feisha just thought about it for a while, if she is not worthy of Liu Xingyao to go to the seafood market, according to this guy's personality, she will definitely find other women to accompany her...I feel uncomfortable when I think of this place, and after some tangles Only then did the call come, thinking that Liu Xingyao would be extremely excited after receiving the call, but who knew how he reacted like this.

"You..." Feisha paused for a long time but didn't say a whole word.

"Xiao Shasha, did you miss me so you took the initiative to call me?" Liu Xingyao molested Feisha with a rare phrase.


Hearing this name, Fei Shasha flushed half of her face, and said with shame, "Who...who is Xiao Shasha, call me Fei Shasha! Also, I will be waiting for you at the gate of Area A tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. I will be late. Forgive you!"

Before Liu Xingyao could respond, Feisha directly hung up the phone.After hanging up the phone, Feisha's cheeks were already red, and she whispered in her mouth: "Xiaoshasha...It's really ugly! The level of the name Xing Yaojun is really bad!"

And Liu Xingyao couldn't help but laughed after hanging up the phone, muttering to himself: "Xiao Sha Sha... I don't feel as good as Xiao Fei!"


The next day came very quickly, and the light in the 301 bedroom in Jixingliao was already lighted up just before dawn.

The camera slowly moved closer, and Liu Xingyao was packing his luggage. Today, he is going to Yuhe Bank (seafood market) to take a look at this seasonal Nangui lobster. After all, this is the first contact with the ingredients.If you encounter fresh lobster from the south, you can also buy it and raise it in Jixingliao, and then use it in the finals.

But when Liu Xingyao was packing things, the door of the dormitory was slowly pushed open, and Tian Suohui, who was wearing cartoon bear pajamas, stood at the door with a confused expression.

"Xing Yaojun..." Tian Suohui rubbed her eyes sleepily, standing at the door calling Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao stared at Tian Suohui who was standing in the doorway in pajamas.

"Uh... sorry, did you wake you up!?"

"You got up before dawn, where are you going?" Tian Suohui asked curiously.

"I'm going to Yuhe Bank to see the fresh Nangui lobster to prepare for the finals!" Liu Xingyao smiled.

As long as it is about fish-related topics, Tian Suohui often appears very energetic.

"Yuhean... I said, Xing Yaojun! Can I go with you?" Tian Suohui made this request.

When Liu Xingyao heard this, he secretly yelled badly. Today, he made a special appointment with Feisha...... If Tian Suohui goes to Feisha with him again, will he be jealous again?

Chapter 271 The Wonderful Relationship

Seeing Liu Xingyao's embarrassment, Tian Suohui couldn't help but said in a low voice: "Xing Yaojun wants to go alone or has an appointment? If it is not convenient to bring me, it doesn't matter!"

Tian Suohui smiled reluctantly after speaking, naturally looking a bit sad.

Seeing Tian Suohui look like this, Liu Xingyao felt a pain. He couldn't bear to hurt an innocent girl like her... Even a little hurt Liu Xingyao would feel uneasy in his heart.

"Ah, it's okay! Just now I just felt a little sorry to disturb you. If you are not too troublesome, then go with me~" Liu Xingyao smiled.

"Hey, really? That's great, I'll go wash and change clothes right away!" Tian Suohui immediately turned cloudy to clear, and after speaking, she returned to her room with joy to wash.

Seeing Tian Suohui's happy look, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but smile.But at this moment Liu Xingyao's phone call suddenly remembered.

Liu Xingyao picked up the phone and looked at it. It turned out that Feisha had called.

"Hey, Feisha!" Liu Xingyao hurriedly answered the phone.

"Xing Yaojun, are you up yet? I have set off now, and I will arrive at the gate of Area A in about 15 minutes." Feisha said on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, I'm leaving right now... Hey, what, Scarlett, I have one thing I want to tell you!" Liu Xingyao obviously became convulsed when he said this.

The face of Scarlet Sand on the other end of the phone immediately turned into a look of contempt. Before Liu Xingyao could speak, "Are you going to take Sister Tian Suo to Yuhe Bank again?"

" all know?" Liu Xingyao was slightly surprised.

The Scarlet Sand on the phone couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "Huh, how can you not follow you if Tiansuo is so tired! But it's Tiansuo. If you dare to bring other people, I will make you look good!"

" one else, just me and Tian Suohui, hehe~~" Liu Xingyao couldn't help but smirk, thinking that Feisha would be more or less angry when she knew that Tian Suohui would go together, but she didn't expect her to talk so easily. .

But what Hui Shao said just now agrees with Tian Suohui?Or... because of Tian Suohui's good character, she became a good friend?

"Forget it, don't bother to think about it!"

Liu Xingyao feels that it would be good to keep it like this. As long as Feisha is not angry and jealous, there is nothing better than this for everyone to live happily and peacefully together!

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