The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 300

"The expelled person?"

Jiqi smiled slightly on his face, and said, "I never thought I was an evicted person! More than ten years ago, I only temporarily left Yuanyue to plan my future! And now I am back...I I'll be able to get back some of what belonged to me immediately!"

When the last sentence was said, thistle's face showed a hideous and dark color!

"Yuanyue belongs to all the chefs in the world, and there is nothing for you in this Yuanyue! Nakamura, you are still influenced by the interests and power as before. You have not changed at all!" Here is the mercy of igo's old nest.

Thistle was not at all angry because of Mansamu's words, but the smile on the corners of his mouth grew stronger, saying: "Profits and power? In the eyes of you, Caipa-senpai, and Dojima, everything I do is related to power. Is this the reason why you are willing to be an obscure and inferior restaurant chef!? Hahaha...It is ridiculous!"

"When I heard that the senior Caibo opened a restaurant for [enter civilians], I felt desperate! And because of this, it inspired my awakening to change everything in Yuanyue. Obtaining legendary kitchen utensils is only one of our goals! Okay! , How come Man Samu hasn't seen each other for many years! Let's have a try..." Ji raised his hands and looked at Man Sam in front of him with a smile.


Ji continued: "Yes, just like when we were in the Jixingliao kitchen with Senior Caibo, we used dishes to decide the winner! But this time the bet is not as simple as washing clothes and mopping the floor. If you lose, hand over the key to the legendary kitchen utensils in your hand! On the contrary... if I lose, I will immediately take my men out of Far Moon!"

Man Samu also realized that today's battle could not be avoided, and he took off his vest only on the upper body.At this moment, the aura on his body slowly rose!

"Nakamura, I hope you can remember what you just said!" Mansamu's eyes seemed to have turned a devilish color, and the air pressure around him began to drop rapidly.

Mansamu's special ability has been launched!

Facing Mansamu's air pressure, Jijiu tidied up the tie on his chest and closed his eyes, and said, "It's a long-lost feeling...I remember when I was cooking under your pressure!"

"Soo" Thistle's eyes suddenly opened, and at that moment they turned into a strange scarlet color!

"Come on, long-lost duel!"

Mansamu VS Nakamura Thistle!?

Can Mansamu's air pressure defeat Nakamura Thistle? And what are the special abilities of Nakamura Thistle?


The result is unknown, the next day will come

This is already the fifth and last day of the Lunar Meal Festival.By today, the number of diners in Yuanyue has decreased a lot.

Central Region, here is the Food Research Association

"Xing Yaojun, Xing Yaojun!"

Several seafood restaurant members came here again. Seeing a few people so flustered, Liu Xingyao couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"Hey, what else can you do! It's Chef Man Sam, who didn't return overnight!" The seafood restaurant clerk Xiao A frowned.

Liu Xingyao's forehead was black, why is he still worried about this guy Man Samu!

"Didn't I say it yesterday? He is as strong as a cow, how could he get lost! He must have been overworked last night, so he slept in someone's bed!" Liu Xingyao said with a curled mouth.

The seafood restaurant Xiao B shook his head quickly and said: "No...this time the situation is different from before! Chef Mansamu rarely spends the night outside, even...even if he goes for an appointment, he will call ahead. I sent a text message on a phone call! By now he has no text messages or phone calls, and the phone is turned off! And most importantly, we have already agreed to return to the food court today to reopen! He can’t even leave the shop alone Right?"

Chapter 415 Igo's Meeting

After listening to Xiao B from the seafood restaurant, Liu Xingyao felt a little strange.You said that Mansamu's lust and narcissism are undeniable, but he is also a chef with the soul of a chef, so he shouldn't leave his shop and staff alone.

Then the only reason that can make him so is...

"Chef Man Samu...has something happened!?" Liu Xingyao had a bad feeling in his heart.

At around 12 noon, Liu Xingyao walked towards the meeting place of today's top ten after handing over some things from the shop to Sakura Ryoko and Sorie.

"Hey...or call Senior Isshiki together!"

Liu Xingyao said that he took out his mobile phone and dialed Yi Sehui's phone. The beeping phone rang for a while before the other end of the phone was connected.

"Senior Isshi~~Are you still in the shop now? I'll come and see you for a meeting later!" Liu Xingyao said.


A confused voice came from the other end of the phone, and said, "What meeting? I remember that there is no meeting today. I am still busy in Jixingliao to greet guests!"

"Xing Yaojun, don't go to the meeting~ Come back, let's cook the taro meeting together~" Mrs. Wen Xu's voice also came out.

A drop of sweat hung on Liu Xingyao's forehead, so playing so high, maybe he forgot the meeting!But before Liu Xingyao could continue to speak, the phone was cut off by Isshihui.


Liu Xingyao put away the phone somewhat speechlessly, and then continued to move towards the place Xiaolin Gentian said.

"Strange...If it's an important meeting, all the top ten should be there, and Senior Isshiki didn't know at all?" Liu Xingyao was already suspicious in his heart.

After thinking about it for a long time and feeling that something was wrong, Liu Xingyao called Erina again, and after some inquiries, she also said that there was no such thing as a meeting!

"Haha...Sure enough, are you going to do something again?" Liu Xingyao had already guessed something.

About 15 minutes later, Liu Xingyao came to the place designated by Xiaolin Gentiana.The place for this "meeting" is still a luxurious villa. At this time, there are already five people gathered in the hall: Sieishi, Kobayashi Gentiana, Akakubo Tao, Saito Soaki, and Kinokuni Ningning!

"Xingyao, you are here~" Xiaolin Longdan first greeted Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao glanced at the ten outstanding people who had arrived...all the guys who joined igo!Could it be...

Although Liu Xingyao had already guessed a possibility, he was still very calm on the surface: "Hey, isn't there an important meeting today? It's almost 1 o'clock. Only then are the few of us here. Where did the others go? !?"

After a long grin, Kobayashi Gentiana said: "Today there are only 6 of us... This meeting is only for our igo ten outstanding members!"

Sure enough!!It seems that it should be the thing mentioned in the original work-the six masters of the ten masters overthrow the Nageri Senzaemon regime!

Then, the guy who will host the next meeting must be the Naginari thistle known as "Ghost Father"!!

"Wait for the real superior of igo to have a meeting with us, you should prepare yourself!" Xiaolin Giandan said to Liu Xingyao.

After hearing these words, Liu Xingyao was even more sure of what he thought of!Is it coming up?Naginaki thistle... the guy with a distorted understanding of food and absolute ambition.

After a while, a thin man appeared in front of Liu Xingyao surrounded by a group of people in black robes.The thin man looked like "Long Aotian" and walked forward confidently.

A windbreaker, hands with gloves as if not willing to get dirty from other people, and a bow tie at the collar!The facial features are also very good-looking. At first glance, this person can be called a "handsome guy".However, a group of black robes surrounded him, adding a lot of blackness to him!

Liu Xingyao has known him for a long time, he is the biggest villain in the anime and Erina's biological father-Naginari Thistle!

"Are you all here? Come on, take a seat first!" Naginaki thistle said to the ten outstanding six people in the hall.

Liu Xingyao also took the seat with a slightly sinking expression.Including the Naginari thistle, the seven people are about to have a meeting around a large table at this time, and next to the seven are people in black robes standing in turn.

"Maybe you still don't recognize me... Let me introduce myself to you first. My name is Naginari Thistle. I am the real power of igo. This time I come back to lead everyone in igo to prosperity. They have all become our cooking dreams in our minds! The six present here are all the ten outstanding people of Yuanyue, who are also our igo, and they are the key to our mission this time..."

After a pause, Nagaki Thistle said: "Before today's thematic meeting, let me tell you a story about our igo and the seven kitchen utensils..."

Then Naginari thistle told the story of how the legendary kitchen utensils came from and how they were introduced to Japan from China to everyone present, including Liu Xingyao.Another random BB forcibly attributed the legendary kitchen utensils to igo's lost things.

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