The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 301

After listening to Naginaki thistle, Liu Xingyao sneered in his heart: Shameless, I still want to convince you!

"The legendary kitchen utensils are the gods that God gave us igo to change the sad cooking world! So, no matter what, this time we have to get the legendary kitchen utensils..." Naginaki thistle spread his hands and said loudly.

Except for Liu Xingyao and Kobayashi Gentiana, who already knew the existence of the legendary kitchen utensils, the others were surprised to different degrees after hearing the words of Naginaki thistle.

"Can produce without labor... Is there such a magical kitchenware in this world? If so, I have to use it!"

It was Saito Sokoaki who was talking, and he raised the long sword in his hand and said, "I don't know how it compares with the famous sword handed down from my ancestors!?"

After a chuckle, Naginari thistle said: "I am very happy to see you with such a huge confidence! However, if you want to get the legendary kitchenware to change Tomotsuki and the entire cooking world, this first step requires you. Come write it!"

Naginari Thistle said as he took out an agreement from his clothes and placed it in front of everyone, saying, "Come on, write your names on this agreement, and we can take the lead in reforming the cooking world. Step away!"

Liu Xingyao glanced at the agreement roughly, and the general content was to elect to abolish the current commander Nakiri Senzaemon, and to elect Nakiri Thistle as the new commander.

Chapter 416 The Conditions of Thistle

Liu Xingyao sneered after reading the agreement in front of him.Nakiri thistle...This man is almost the same as the original, the first thing he did when he returned to Totsuki was plotting to overthrow the rule of Nakiri Senzaemon!

Nagiri Senzaemon implemented a "competitive system" in Totsuki. This is a system that allows students to compete with each other. It is a competitive system that suits today's society.And Naginari thistle... He just for his personal opinion-that cooking is art, and what the common people eat is just bait!

A chef with such a thought, if he is allowed to rule Yuanyue, it will not only be Yuanyue, but even the whole of Japan and the entire cooking world.And now the Naginari thistle still controls such a huge organization of igo...

Thinking of this, Liu Xingyao secretly made up his mind that he would not let Naginaki thistle overthrow the government and establish his dynasty like in the original book!

Liu Xingyao and others have reviewed the agreement one after another, and most of them have a groaning expression without expressing their opinions.By the way, the agreement probably only stated that Nagiri Senzaemon was to be overthrown, and Nagiri Thistle was appointed as the new commander...As for the benefits to everyone, nothing was mentioned!

Before Nagaki Thistle could speak, Saito Souaki, who was sitting next to Liu Xingyao's right hand, slowly said: "The new commander... It is not a trivial matter to abolish the 900 current commander and choose a new commander! Although we did join igo, Wrong, but not that we have to listen to you everything."

Saito Sooaki said this because everyone except Kobayashi Gentiana joined igo only temporarily.Igo can indeed give them some benefits, but the relative ten masters such as Saito Sooaki also provided a lot of information and clues for igo... For example, the details of the XX students and what they are good at cooking.

In fact, to put it bluntly, besides Kobayashi Gentiana, the five worlds present, including Liu Xingyao, and igo are all in mutual use!

Naginaki thistle seems to have expected a few people to say this a long time ago. After a lot of laughter, he slowly said: "You are right. As the top ten, you are indeed a little bit talented to join igo... But I miss you You should be interested in the legendary kitchen utensils I just mentioned!"

When Naginaki thistle said this, all five people except Liu Xingyao turned their attention to him.

Naginari thistle continued, saying: "Becoming the new commander and getting the legendary kitchen utensils is just to complete the country of food in my heart. I have no interest in the far moon commander and the legendary kitchen utensils."

"What you mean by this you complete the task, and then let the legendary kitchen utensils belong to us, right?" Saito Souaki closed his eyes and said slowly.

"Hahaha...that's what it means! Besides..."

Naginaki thistle winked at the black-robed people beside him, and then the black-robed people sent the two cards to the six people.

Liu Xingyao looked down at the two cards on the table, one of which was the supreme black card of RS Bank.The other card is printed with three roughly black cards of igo.

Let's not talk about the black card with the word "igo" at the moment. The black card of RS Bank alone is worth a lot of money, because.Because RS Bank’s black card, you can’t get tens of millions without saving...that is, there are at least tens of millions of money in this card!

Igo is really a big deal. In order to buy the top ten, I have paid a lot of money!

"This card puts 100 million yen (about 60 million yuan in total), as you provide me with a lot of information on igo for a long time and the cost of future cooperation. Then another igo membership can enjoy The right to consume in front of igo's major industries!" Naginaki thistle said slowly.

Liu Xingyao smiled contemptuously, it was really an old-fashioned buy-in...Although Liu Xingyao was dismissive of the money in front of him, it did not mean that others were not moved.Not everyone in the top ten has Liu Xingyao's deeds, it is money like dirt!

For example, Ning Ning and Somaki Saito, whose families are relatively ordinary, have not been removed from the RS black card in front of them.

"If this is the case...I have no problem!" Saito Sooaki first expressed his attitude.

"I agree too!" Ji Zhiguo Ningning also followed.

After a cat laugh, Kobayashi Gentiana also agreed: "I don't have any opinions~~"

Si Yingshi gently lifted his slender right hand, placed it on his chin, and slowly said, "Actually, I have no opinion on who is the commander of Yuanyue now, as long as it doesn't affect my smooth graduation!"

Hearing what Si Yingshi said, Naginaki thistle immediately said: "You don't have to worry about this at all. As long as you can cooperate with me, not only will you be able to graduate, I can also give you a three-star restaurant when you graduate. ! Igo's industry, you must already know some..."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Saito Soomi clearly flashed with joy, and even Si Yingshi flashed with surprise!Direct delivery from a three-star restaurant?What is this concept?This can save these graduates from struggling for several years!

In the face of such huge interests, no one is unmoved, even the Si Yingshi who is the first seat. Although he is the first seat, he is just an ordinary person!

"In this case, I have no opinion!" Si Yingshi closed his eyes and said.

Momo Akakubo, who was still in a daze with the purple bear in her arms, suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her was not quite right, and hurriedly replied: "Ah...I, I have no objection! I listen to Zongming and Kobayashi~"

Everyone agreed, and now only Liu Xingyao is left!At this time, everyone's eyes fell on him.

After a while, Liu Xingyao said, "I'm sorry...I don't agree!"

Si Yingshi and others agreed to cut thistle for money and profit, but Liu Xingyao didn't mean to complain or blame them!After all, few people can withstand the temptation in front of money... But Liu Xingyao is a "comer", but he knows the urinary nature of Naginaki thistle. In the original work, it was this guy who made the whole Yuanyue jumpy.The most important thing is that his chef values ​​are seriously problematic, not only distorting Erina when he was a child, but now also imposing his values ​​on others!

Nagiri thistle's eyes fell on Liu Xingyao, and he didn't seem to be surprised.

"Oh...Aren't you satisfied with the terms I offered?" Naginaki thistle asked lightly.

Chapter 417: A New War

Nagiri Thistle's eyes fell on Liu Xingyao, and said, "Only you seem to be dissatisfied with my conditions?"

Faced with the gloomy gaze of Nagachi thistle that made people shiver, Liu Xingyao was not afraid, still with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Nakamura was joking, and the terms I made to you are almost changed!" Liu Xingyao sneered.

Naginari's expression flashed with surprise, but soon disappeared, saying: "You know my real name!"

"Just because I know your past, I didn't promise you the same terms as they did. I think if they knew your past, they wouldn't necessarily agree so quickly!" Liu Xingyao coldly snorted.

Naginaki thistle was not affected by Liu Xingyao's words, and slowly stood up and said, "Is this all Mansamu told you? Haha, it seems Mansamu is still not friendly to me as before!"

"No, you are wrong. This is not what Chef Mansamu told me, but Senior Caibo himself told me!" Liu Xingyao said.

A hint of surprise once again appeared on Naginaki thistle's unwavering face.

"Caibo... Senior!"

Naginaki thistle looked slightly dark, then raised his head and sighed: "Senior Zaiwa... Why did you leave without saying goodbye and then opened a restaurant for the common people? What a pity, what a pity.~"

After sighing, Naginari thistle waved his windbreaker quite handsomely and said, "Regardless of the year or not, now I just want to know if you are willing to help me complete the food dream in my heart like them, and finally get the legend to become one- Famous Chef Fang!?"

"Haha... To be honest, your conditions are indeed very attractive, but..."

Liu Xingyao's smiley face instantly darkened: "I forgive my life, what is the difference between you and conspiracy! And you, as the top ten... actually sold out the entire Yuanyue for your own benefit. Do you feel guilty?"

After Liu Xingyao's words, the atmosphere in this hall fell into an icy atmosphere.For a while, the other five people stared at Liu Xingyao, and they were not very friendly.

The black-clothed men standing behind Naginaki thistle were also agitated, but they were stopped by thistle's eyes.

After pondering for a while, it was Saito Sooaki who spoke first.

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