The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 305

For others who don't know, it's just a battle for the eighth seat of the top ten!But even so, those who didn't know also felt the dark clouds covering Yuanyue's class.

The 422nd chapter battle for seats (2)

The battle book about the battle of the eighth seat of the ten outstanding halberds was sent to Nagiri Senzaemon.

At this time, inside the mansion

Liu Xingyao, Feisha and Erina looked at the hot halberd war book before them, all with their own expressions.And after reading it, Nagiri Senzaemon had a deep expression on his face.

"Lord... Grandpa, what is this halberd war book?" Erina hesitated to say.

Nagiri Senzaemon closed the Shiji War Book in his hand, and said, "The eighth Xikuga Teruki was challenged by a third-year high school called Horio. Shiji-confirmed and established!"

The few present here are naturally very familiar with how the halberd can be established, and they are still the eighth seat of the ten best!What is the number of conditions that require "equivalence"?


Feisha frowned, no matter how hard he tried to recall, there was such a person in the distant month.Generally speaking, those who can challenge the top ten are those with a certain level of strength and reputation... and now there are only dozens of students in the third year of high school. Almost such a number can be famous in Yuanyue.However, the name "Hori" has never been heard before, whether it is Liu Xingyao, Erina, or Nagiri Senzaemon, who is the commander of Totsuki, as if he appeared out of thin air!

"I've never heard of this name, it's weird!"

Scarlett turned over the halberd war book on the table "promisingly", and couldn't help exclaiming after reading the terms of both sides.

"Wh... what is the condition of eating halberd is actually... ground, underground food material storehouse!? What is this? When will Yuanyue Academy have this thing?" Feisha approached.

It was also the first time that Liu Xingyao heard about this thing, frowned slightly, and Erina was the same.

Nagiri Senzaemon this time slowly said: "This is also the news that I have only recently learned... The underground food storage, which was built by igo for decades. And the place where it was built is those of Totsuki. A place that was left open and abandoned! It is a super huge ingredient storehouse with the most advanced refrigeration technology, which can keep the ingredients fresh for decades! There are rare igo collected from all over the world for decades The ingredients...Puffer whales, Qi-color flowers, etc., are innumerable in this ingredient library!"

After listening, Liu Xingyao, Erina and Feisha were all startled.

It's no wonder that the conditions for eating halberd can be established. If you use this ingredient library and drop out as a bet, the conditions can be established!Horio can use the ingredient library as a bet. This is naturally supported by igo, and he can be sure that he is igo!

"The underground food material warehouse... and it is still such a huge food material warehouse, which can be built silently inside Yuanyue! This not only requires huge manpower and technology, but also needs to cover everyone..."

Even Gao Leng Erina couldn't help sighing again, and said, "It's igo to be able to do this!"

"I don't really care about the conditions of eating halberd now, because the halberd war has been signed and established. It can't be better. The only thing I worry about now is that if igo takes the halberd... stand by them like this. There are six of the top ten! At that time..." Liu Xingyao set his worried gaze on Nageki Senzaemon in front of him.

After Nagiri Senzaemon slowly sank, he said, "I know what you are worried about... The student of Horio is obviously a chess piece that igo had arranged long ago and inserted in Totsuki, and Kuga Teruki is also a neo person. No matter which side wins, it is extremely detrimental to us... But if igo wins, the consequences are unimaginable! So now we only have to pray for a long time. I can hold my seat and maintain the current balance, so that when the solar eclipse is over, turn off and turn on the legendary kitchen utensils. After the gate, everything is back to normal!"

Liu Xingyao also nodded, and said: "This is naturally better, but what I am worried about is that if I fail to follow Ji for a long time..."

After hearing what Liu Xingyao said, Nagiri Senzaemon stood up and put the last five keys in front of everyone.

"These are the last five keys to open the door to the legendary kitchenware... Hoshiyao, I will give them all to you!" Nagiri Senzaemon sent the keys to Liu Xingyao.

Seeing that Nageri Senzaemon actually handed the five keys to Liu Xingyao, both Erina and Scarlett's expressions flashed with surprise, but they were relieved soon.There are few opponents of Liu Xingyao's strength in Totsuki, even if he met the group of igo... and now Liu Xingyao and others are the only people who can be trusted by Nageki Senzaemon.

"You are Xiao Zhenzhen's apprentice...and his heir, and I can only believe you now! I must guard the key to this legendary kitchen utensil, and you must not let him fall into the hands of others!" Kirzenzaemon ordered.

Liu Xingyao nodded, and didn't say much. He knew the seriousness of the matter.However, he was a little puzzled, why didn't Nagiri Senzaemon give the key to Erina?Are you afraid of the ghost father coming to trouble Erina?

"By the way, Commander Nagiri, there is one more thing I want to tell you...that is, the key you let Chef Mansamu keep in safekeeping has fallen into the hands of Nagiri Thistle." Liu Xingyao said.

Nagiri Senzaemon wasn't surprised after listening, but just nodded faintly.

"Commander, I have one more suggestion... It would be a bit wrong to mate the five keys at the same time. I suggest that if the five keys be handed over to others for safekeeping." Liu Xingyao said his thoughts.

"Um... I mean that too. Give the key to the chef who you think is most likely to protect it! Because you know better than me, although you have the ability to protect these keys." Nakiri Senzaemon said.

After listening to it, Liu Xingyao directly sent one of the keys to Erina: "Erina...I think you should keep one. After all, as a person of Nagiri, you have the obligation and ability to protect it! As for the other four. The key, I think I know who to give it..."

"I give you the key, I believe you can do it well, so you can arrange it properly." Nakiri Senzaemon said.

Erina picked up the key in a melancholy manner, and then nodded firmly: "Don't worry, brother, grandpa, I will do my best to protect the key."

Nagiri Senzaemon nodded in relief, and said with a smile on his face: "I'm really relieved to hear you say this. Erina, and are all grown up. what!"

"Grandpa. I..."

Chapter 423 Entrusted

"Grandpa, I..." Erina didn't know what to say, but she was extremely warm in her heart when she saw the knowing smile of Nageri Senzaemon.

At this moment, Feishao Liu Xingyao couldn't help but looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.

After a while, Liu Xingyao broke the atmosphere and asked: "Then what is the theme of the jiji that is related to Yuanyue's next development?"

After turning over the halberd war book, Feisha said, "It's actually lamb!"

Lamb is warm in nature. It can protect the body from the cold and replenish the body. It can treat and benefit all deficiency symptoms such as general cold cough, chronic bronchitis, asthma of deficiency and cold, impotence of the kidney, cold abdomen, body weakness and fear of cold. The effect is most suitable for consumption in winter, so it is called winter tonic and is very popular.Because lamb has an unpleasant mutton smell, it is ignored by some people.

"Lamb is also a frequently mentioned ingredient in medicinal cuisine, but because the mutton smell is very difficult to deal with, it is rarely used! Even if it is used, it is only a small part. I did not expect such a key food to be used this time. Above the halberd!" Feisha said with a slight surprise.

Liu Xingyao also nodded slightly, and said: "Well... mutton is not the same as other meats. Even if it is processed carefully, it may not be able to deal with its fishy smell, so it is an ingredient that makes chefs very troublesome! I am curious about which party proposed this ingredient as the theme?"

"Um...I'm not sure about this old man, but besides the old man, igo and neo are the judges of Shiji!" Said Nakiri Zenzaemon.

"That is to say, the number of people who eat halberd this time is three? And igo and neo each have one. Isn't this the most important ticket in the hands of the academy commander?" Feisha said slightly with joy. .

After hearing Feisha's words, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but shook his head, and smiled: "Fishishi, do you think Commander Nagiri is the kind of person who will cheat for personal gains?"

Just now, Feisha only thought about not letting igo win the halberd, so he said that without going through his brain, and now he knows that there is disrespect in the words.

"Yes... I'm sorry the school commander, I didn't mean it!" Feisha hurriedly apologized.

Nagiri Senzaemon knew what Hishizawa was thinking just now before saying that, and he didn't completely put his hand in his heart. If you handle the five keys, the future of the cooking world is all in your hands!"

Nagiri Senzaemon's words have two meanings... One naturally refers to the consequences of the legendary kitchen utensils once falling into the hands of others, and the other meaning is to affirm Liu Xingyao's future!In the eyes of Nageri Senzaemon, Liu Xingyao will sooner or later be a bright star in the culinary world.

However, Liu Xingyao had no intention of guessing the deep meaning of this sentence. At this time, he was also considering the distribution of these five keys.

Five keys have been given to Erina, and if you don’t think about it too much, it should be Chuang Zhen, Tian Suohui, and... Liu Xingyao in Pole Star Liao feel that they can be saved!

If I have to count Issehui?

A drop of sweat hung on Liu Xingyao's forehead. He was thinking about a question. If this key is given to Yi Sehui... He is almost naked. Isn't it too obvious that the key is hanging on his neck?Maybe according to the character of this guy, he would hide the key in his crotch... Liu Xingyao couldn't help but feel cold when he thought of this!

"Forget it...I'll turn around and think carefully about whom to give this key to!" Liu Xingyao thought secretly...

After that, Liu Xingyao, Hisasha, Erina, and Nagiri Senzaemon talked a lot, and there were all kinds of messy things.After talking until midnight, Liu Xingyao and Feisha took a rest in the Nagaki Mansion because it was too late and was afraid of encountering things like Mansamu last time.

The next day.

After a whole night of thinking, Liu Xingyao decided to give the remaining three keys (Liu Xingyao one) to Chuangzhen, Isshiki and Erina!Liu Xingyao also thought about the reason for giving it to Erina...

Although Tian Suohui is a girl, almost all of them are with Liu Xingyao in Ji Xing Liao, there is almost no problem, so is Chuang Zhen!

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