The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 306

In the early morning, after enjoying the Nagiri’s breakfast, Liu Xingyao and Feisha walked towards the direction of Ji Xingliao.With four keys on him, Liu Xingyao instantly felt that it was very difficult to walk!

"Looking back and thinking about what you said last night... I still find it incredible. What legendary kitchen utensils, immortality, the large organization igo that suddenly appeared! After living in this far moon for more than ten years, these things suddenly appeared It's really unacceptable!" Feisha said with a dazed expression.

Because Liu Xingyao knew something in advance, he didn't have the feeling of Scarlet Sand.Now he is just worried about the future...

Chapter 424 Hope of Yuanyue

At this time, Liu Xingyao was rushing towards Pokushinyo with Feisha, and at the same time in the mansion of the Nakiri family, Nakiri Senzaemon was leaning on the gate and looking at the red maple leaves that had begun to wither.

Nagiri Senzaemon stood alone in the courtyard, and the old man among the red maple leaves seemed a bit lonely.

"Hoshiyao... I asked you even Erina! Hope... You can take good care of her." Nagiri Senzaemon said slowly while standing among the flying red maple leaves.

Time goes back to last night, after Erina and Scarlett went to bed

A full moon hung high in the sky, but there were countless cloudy clouds around the far moon.

"That's it... he was expelled from Yuanyue--"

At this time, Nagiri Senzaemon and Liu Xingyao were sitting on the floor of the backyard corridor, looking at the sky, and talking for a long time. The topic they discussed at this time was the past of Nagiri thistle.How did Naginari thistle brainwash Erina at 30, and how to draw people's hearts to establish a dark force in Yuanyue.

There is a large section of Liu Xingyao who naturally knows and knows.

"After that, I occasionally heard some news about him. He was active overseas... and quickly grew the igo organization. This organization is based in China, and it continues to develop in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and other places!"

Nagiri Senzaemon closed his eyes and slowly said, "But I never thought he would get into the position of igo young commander, and lead igo back to Totsuki to capture the legendary kitchenware! In fact, I knew at first that he would come back to capture the legendary kitchenware. Legendary kitchenware, but I didn’t expect it to be in such a terrifying way..."

After listening, Liu Xingyao nodded slightly and said, "That means that Naginari Thistle...wasn't igo before? He joined igo and started step by step from the bottom?"

"Actually, he was not called Nakamura Thistle at first, but Nakamura Thistle! You may already know that... he was the surname changed after entering the Nakiri's house. As far as I know, he was just born into a poor family... One His character was not like this at first, but after he met my daughter, Erina's mother, and got married, the whole person's character changed!" Nagiri Senzaemon recalled.

Liu Xingyao thought for a while, and then said: "Commander, with all due respect, although these are your family affairs, I can't intervene on my own. But I still have to say that Nakaki thistle is most likely an undercover agent sent by igo... igo had been brewing this conspiracy decades ago."

So inferring that Naginari Thistle approached Erina’s mother just to fulfill his ambitions, the ultimate goal is to get everything about Naginari Thistle and Totsuki Academy, so he would brainwash Erina regardless of everything!Even someone who has to control his own daughter... Liu Xingyao couldn't bear to think about it.

"But it's my fault that caused all this... I deserve it, if I could find out the character and identity of Naginaki thistle earlier. Although Erina's [education] is deeply rooted, I know It is gradually changing under your influence! I thank you for this... Of course, Scarlett, Alice and others have helped him! But I am afraid that Naginari Thistle will come back to look for Erina... So I hope next I beg you for everything!" Nagiri Senzaemon said and bowed his head to Liu Xingyao!

Nagiri Senzaemon lowered his head to Liu Xingyao, please, please... If you let others watch it, you will be surprised!

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao hurriedly sent over to help him up, saying: "The commander doesn't need to be like this, and I promised you will take care of Erina. Even if you don't say it, it's the same, because... Erina is also my junior sister!"

"Haha...Yes, Erina has also been to Shirinji Temple and practiced with you! I am very pleased..." Nagiri Senzaemon raised his head again and said with a smile on his face.

Liu Xingyao slowly raised his head to look at the moon in the night sky, when countless dark clouds had gathered and covered this side.

"I 853 not only want to protect Erina... but I want to protect everyone around me, including my favorite Yuanyue Academy!" Liu Xingyao said slowly, looking at the sky.

At this time, from the angle of Nagiri Senzaemon, Liu Xingyao's sturdy cheek can be seen... In line with his momentum, even an experienced old man like Naginari Senzaemon cannot help being surprised!

But when Liu Xingyao and Nagiri Senzaemon talked about this, there was a sudden rumbling in the sky.It suddenly rained heavily.

"Xiaozhenzhen and Mansamu are right at all! He is indeed the one who can change Yuanyue while stopping igo..."

After speaking, Nagiri Senzaemon looked up at the sky and murmured, "But...the rainbow can only be after heavy rain, come on... New jade of Totsuki! It will become brighter after the final polishing!! "

The "Boom Rumble" rain finally fell, and it was still pouring!

Chapter 425 inform

Polar Star

Liu Xingyao and Feishao finally returned to Pole Xing Liao, and found that several Xiaoqiangs of Pole Xing Liao were here-Chuang Zhen, Ryoko, Tian Suohui, Yoshino.

Last night Liu Xingyao didn't return all night, and couldn't help but ask anxiously after seeing him.

"Xing...Xing Yaojun, where did you go last night?" Tian Suo Huiman's expression couldn't hide the worry, although Liu Xingyao was already standing in front of him.

Liu Xingyao smiled faintly and replied without thinking too much: "Ah, nothing. I spent the night at Erina's house last night."

Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino couldn't help but glance at each other when they heard this.

Then Yoshino glanced at Feisha beside Liu Xingyao, and said, "Could it be that there is Feisha who stayed overnight with you in Naginaki thistle?"

"Yes, the three of us stayed together at the Academy Commander's house for one night. Because we talked too late yesterday, we didn't come back. I didn't have time to inform you, I'm really sorry for making you worry!" Liu Xingyao explained with a smile, completely I didn't realize the inadvertent smirk on Yoshino and Ryoko Sakura.

"Oh, the three of them are together at the same time... Xing Yaojun, it's really rare for you to mess around!" The smirk on Yoshino's face came out completely.

When seeing Yoshino's expression combining with what they had just said, Liu Xingyao still didn't know what she meant.The Scarlet Sand beside Liu Xingyao also reacted, and was immediately blushed with shame.

"You... don't think about it!" Feisha blushed.

However, in the eyes of Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino, this is an overkill!

"Hey, it doesn't matter, they are all adults after all~~" Yoshino thief laughed.

Sakura Ryoko also sneaked up to Tian Suohui's side and whispered: "Xiaohui... shouldn't you say something about this kind of thing?"

Tian Suohui looked mentally retarded, and didn't understand what the few people were talking about.

"Say...what? I don't understand what you are talking about?" Tian Suohui forced.

"I said...Where did you think of going? We were discussing major issues with the school commander last night...Really!" Liu Xingyao shook his head helplessly.

Hearing that Chuang Zhen on the side could not help but speak: "A big event? Is there another important event that my senior and another person eat halberds this Saturday?"

After Liu Xingyao came to the sofa and sat down, he took out the three keys in his arms and put them on the table.When seeing Liu Xingyao putting the three keys on the table, Chuang Zhen and his party surrounded him.

Chuang Zhen walked over and picked up the key to one of the legendary kitchen utensils and looked at it, "Huh? Xing Yaojun, where is the key?"

Yoshino was also very curious, took one of them and looked at it and said, "What a weird key, there are weird patterns on it that I can't understand?"

After Liu Xingyao pondered for a moment, he said: "The key in your hand is the key to the comfort of the entire Yuanyue and the cooking world. It is also the key to unlock the legendary kitchen utensils that igo and neo need to obtain by similar methods!"

"The legendary kitchenware? What is it..."

Although the few people present knew the existence of igo and neo, they did not know the existence of the legendary kitchen utensils.

After that, Liu Xingyao took a lot of time to explain to everyone. After listening, Tian Suohui, Chuangzhen, Ryoko and Yoshino were all stuck in place for a long time and could not speak.

After a few people reacted, they all looked like Scarlett last night, and even what they said were almost the same.

"The legendary kitchen utensils? Seven?"

"You can stay young and live forever!?"

After a long while, Chuang Zhen had an extremely mentally retarded look on his face, and said, "...Axi, I am dreaming, right? Can kitchen utensils made by meteorites from the outside world destroy the earth?"

Feisha directly gave Chuang Zhen a cold eye and said, "This is not a science fiction movie...but reality. Now igo and others have really broken the blood for these things!"

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