The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 307

"Isn't it just a few nice-looking keys? As for..." Chuang Zhen said, picking up one of them and playing with them.

"I don't have time to make jokes with you... Now igo has started to take action, this Saturday's halberd is also because of this legendary kitchen utensil!" After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, he informed everyone about the Nami-cut thistle.

After listening, Chuangzhen, Ryoko Sakura, Tian Suohui, Yoshino once again looked confused!

"Huh... Isn't this tantamount to seeking a conspiracy?" Yoshino said.

"Nagiri thistle... is Erina-sama's father?" Tian Suohui already felt that his head was not enough.

Ryoko Sakura also felt that Liu Xingyao told her so many secrets that she caught her off guard.

"This...what the hell is going on? How come so many things suddenly appeared after the school festival? If it weren't for what Xing Yaojun said, I really can't believe that all this is true!" Ryoko Sakura is still relatively Said calmly.

Chapter 426 Believe in You

After Liu Xingyao told everyone everything, even though they were extremely surprised at first, they even couldn't believe it was true.But after a long time, they gradually accepted these facts.

"Well, although it is a bit difficult to accept for a while, these things are indeed true. So we have to consider many things next... This protection of legendary kitchen utensils is only one of them!" Liu Xingyao looked serious. Said to everyone.

Chuang Zhen looked at the key to the legendary kitchenware in his hand, and said: "So now this key is quite valuable? Especially igo, they are so rich. Do you think they can get a lot of money if I sell this one? what?"

Hearing Chuangzhen's words, Liu Xingyao's forehead sweat was countless!

"Chuangzhen, you dare to mess around, I will not let you off 390 first!" Yoshino's second-generation Jixingliao's female domineering image was fully revealed at this moment.

The mentally retarded color on Chuang Zhen's face also disappeared, and he was scared by Yoshino's aura, with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead and said: "Just kidding... don't take it seriously!"

"Well... Tiansuo still has Chuangzhen. I hope you can understand the importance of this you must protect it anyway! The responsibility of this key is not trivial. Of course, if you feel pressured, you can return the key to me. Look for someone else who can guard the key!" Liu Xingyao said slowly.

After listening to Liu Xingyao's words, Chuang Zhen's face showed an indifferent look, while Tian Suohui looked at the key on the table nervously.

Xing Yaojun actually gave me the key directly... This in itself is a very surprising thing... I... what should I do, if such an important key is because I fall into the wrong hands, I will really become a sinner forever. !!

Just as Tian Suohui refused the key, Liu Xingyao, who had been closing his eyes and meditating, said, "Tian not have too much pressure. The reason why I gave the key to you instead of Yoshino or Ryoko is because I believe you have something special that they can't match, and at the same time I am sure you have the power to protect it...

Liu Xingyao has discovered the special power hidden in Tian Suohui's body from a long time ago...Of course, he discovered that Tian Suohui is different from others, Nagari Senzaemon and Mansam.Although Tian Suohui's special abilities are still uncertain, it is determined sooner or later to stimulate them, and only a suitable opportunity is needed!But now this opportunity is in front of him, although there are some risks, but if it succeeds, Ji Xing Liao can have one more guardian.

Tian Suohui still doesn't know Liu Xingyao's true intentions, but what Liu Xingyao said just now moved her very much...

"Xing...Xing Yaojun, can I really do it?" Tian Suohui's body was trembling slightly, and this pressure was not small for her.

"Tian need your chance to be on your own. And I believe you... and you are not alone in guarding the keys, and everyone from Ji Xingliao will accompany you!" Liu Xingyao said again.

Finally, Tian Suohui took the key to the legendary kitchen utensils after numerous internal struggles.

"Star...Xing Yaojun, I will definitely guard this key! Don't worry..." Although Tian Suohui was trembling in her words, her expression was indeed so firm.

Now that the remaining three keys have been assigned, the last key...

"By the way, have you seen Senior Isse?" Liu Xingyao asked.

"When you said that, I remembered... It seems that I haven't seen Senior Isshiki in these two days! He seems to be very busy these two days..." Yoshino said in confusion.

Chuang Zhen had already hung the key in his neck clothes, and then said, "Isn't this Saturday saying that my senior has a halberd with others? He might be preparing to eat a halberd!"

"Well... it's very possible!" Yoshino nodded.

"In that case...Xing Yao-kun, do you want to give your last key to Senior Isshiki?" Sakura Ryoko asked.

Liu Xingyao's expression sank and said, "I need to confirm his identity before handing over the keys to him... No, it should be exactly where he is on the ground!"

When everyone heard Liu Xingyao's words, they were all unclear.


Finally at night, Isshiki finally returned to Jixingliao at 22 o'clock.

"Ah, I'm back! Do you miss me?" Isshiki opened the door of Jixingliao and said something to everyone.

However, at this point, only Sato Shoji and Aoki Daigo were drinking and chatting in the lobby, and they all greeted Isshiki Hui when he came back.

"Ah, Senior Isshiki is back? Have you been happy to be there these past two days?" Aoki asked jokingly.

Isshiki Hui is a fox for thousands of years, even if it is romantic, it will not show on his face.

"Are you busy with eating halberd on Saturday, don't you know that there will be halberd this week?" Isshiki said with a smile and sat next to Aoki and Sato Shoji.

Chapter 427: Isshihui's Past (1)

After sitting opposite Aoki and Sato Shoji, Isshiki also picked up a bottle of beer and poured it into the glass to drink.

"Because there is a very important food halberd this week, I am sorry that I have not come back in these two days and made everyone worried." Isshiki Hui said after drinking a bottle of beer.

Daigo Aoki didn’t seem to take Isshiki’s words to heart, and after a sulking drunk, he said, “Ah...we’re not worried about you, but Xingyao-kun seems to be waiting for you! There seems to be something important to You say~"

"Xing Yaojun?" Isshihui's fox eyes almost narrowed into a line, and then stood up and walked upstairs.

After Isshiki Hui left, Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato realized that there were 3 empty beer bottles in the place where he was just now.This is just a few words, Isshiki killed three bottles?

"Huh... When did Isshiki-senpai drink better? It's really strange..." Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato were also drunk, so they didn't see how Isshiki drank the beer just now, or said It is Isshiki Hui's body that needs these alcohol and moisture to suppress something.


Issehui came to the door of her bedroom, and when she opened the door and went in, she found that Liu Xingyao was already sitting cross-legged on the ground waiting for him.

"Oh...Senior Isshi, you're finally back!" Liu Xingyao's mouth turned into a faint smile.

Isshihui also smiled on Nursing's face, and after gently closing the door, said: "Yes...I'm back, it seems Xing Yaojun has been waiting for me for a long time."

"Yeah, waiting for you is so hard...I have been waiting for Senior Isshiki to come back to Jixingliao from Neo!" Liu Xingyao said shockingly, directly speaking of the forces behind Isshihui.

After a brief surprise, Isshiki quickly returned to her normal color.

"When did you discover it?" Isshiki admitted directly.

Liu Xingyao did not answer in a hurry, but took the cold beer that had been prepared next to him, and filled the two large glasses.

"Senior Isshiki, since the welcome party for freshmen since the beginning of school, we have rarely had a good drink. Come on, sit down and talk slowly!" Liu Xingyao made a request, and the peanuts and other dishes have also been arranged.

Isshiki directly put down the briefcase in her hand and took off her suit as well.Although it was late autumn, Issehui only wore a shirt inside. If it were for someone else, she would have caught a cold.But Isshiki Hui not only didn't have it, but there were beads of sweat on her face.

"Senior Isshiki should really like the frozen beer. After all, your body likes this temperature!" Isshiki Hui said slowly.

"Have you discovered even my special ability? When did you know it?" Isshiki finished speaking and drank the wine in the glass in one breath.

After drinking, Isshihui took off his shirt directly, and Liu Xingyao could clearly see that a lot of water vapor was on his body!

"It was about half a month after igo appeared... I was thinking when I learned that five of the top ten are igo. What should the other four people's identities be? It should not be soliciting. The four people including Isshiki did not join igo, so I was speculating that other people should have joined an organization. Apart from igo, the only person who can have such power is Neo! "

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