The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 313

"Fried... it burst!"

"Marshal Yuanyue's clothes are ripped apart...this is an identification with the dishes!"

"Oh, oh... amazing, amazing! As expected to be one of the top ten, the Yuan Yue commander's clothes were torn apart so soon!"

At this time, the audience was full of exclamations, and they all saw the strength of Shijie Jiu Wo Zhaoji.

"Haha... a bait dish surprised you so much, then... let's see what the real dish is!" Naginari thistle smiled like this and his eyes fell on Horio who was walking towards the judging stand in the distance.

Horio's expression was still so lazy, as if he was asleep at any time.

"Let you wait a long time... This is the best [Lamb Mixed Pot] Let's try it!"

When Horio put his cooking in front of the three judges, there was a bit of brilliance.

The audience in the audience, as well as the Nagiri Senzaemon and Yuyange in the judging booth all showed surprised eyes!


"This dazzling brilliance...what is it!?"

Those who didn't know the goods thought it was ordinary brilliance, but Liu Xingyao and others realized that it was a luminous dish!Although it's not the kind of irritating panic dishes that people can't open the eyes in the true sense, the light that can be seen by the naked eye is also very surprising.

Seeing this brilliance, Erina couldn't help but think of seeing Liu Xingyao's luminous cuisine when she first took a halberd!The power of luminous cuisine, even the top ten is also...

"Brother, that dish...yes!?" Erina's expression was a rare surprise to Li Chu.

Liu Xingyao nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, it is indeed a luminous dish. Although the level of luminescence is not comparable to the dishes I made, it can already be called a luminous dish. The food of this game Halberd... the outcome is very difficult to say!"

"Oh oh oh, this is... is this the food of the guy called Horio and others?"

"Although it's the same [Lamb Assorted Pot], it seems a little different?"

Because Horio's mutton casserole has one more thing than Kuga Teruki, and that is the sauce in the small dish next to the plate.

Horio who can instantly replicate the opponent's stunts and play spice between applause!His mutton does it taste?

"Horio's treatment of the mutton smell of lamb liver... should be the same as Jiu me, as long as a slight difference will destroy the delicacy of lamb liver itself!" Yoshino said.

Sakura Ryoko nodded and said, "Yes, you must first send that hand-blog to see if the mutton smell is removed. Although it is easy to say that removing the mutton smell is easy, in fact, if you do it a little carelessly, There will be discrepancies..."

"More...the more important thing is that the judges are those three. As long as there is a little peculiar smell, you can eat it right away? So getting rid of the peculiar smell has become the key to both sides!" Tian Suohui followed.

Liu Xingyao naturally heard the conversations between Tian Suohui, Yoshino and Ryoko Sakura, but he secretly said in his heart: Not only that...not only should we consider removing the mutton smell, but also how to use the deliciousness of the liver to conquer the three judges Taste buds.Removing the mutton smell is the prerequisite, and making the liver delicious is the core!It depends on who is better at both sides...

Nagiri Senzaemon looked at the viscera of the various sheep shining in front of him and nodded secretly.Fully fused with the scent of other spices... Just watching and smelling it has already aroused the appetite!

"It seems that it's not just as simple as [copy]!" Nagiri Senzaemon thought in his heart.

Nageri Senzaemon is not a fool, in fact, he recognized Horio's [Special Ability] earlier than anyone!

"Then come and taste it... how does this dish taste like!"

Nagiri Senzaemon still took the lead, picking up a piece of lamb liver and slowly sending it to his mouth: just put it to his mouth, and the fragrance of the spice is put to his mouth, and he has gradually conquered the taste buds!

"So...what about eating!?"

Nakiri thistle, Nakiri Senzaemon, and Yuyange put a piece of lamb liver into their mouths, and the moment they ate them, their closed eyes suddenly opened.

"This... a taste!!"

The pungency that stimulates the nasal cavity is caused by the special [piperine] of black pepper!After the chili powder is heated, it produces a fragrance, which forms the unique flavor of this dish.Use time and the method of putting it in the broth to remove the peculiar smell.The name thymol stimulates the aroma ingredients...and the ones with chili and oregano...

Numerous spices are mixed together to form this delicious taste!!

Eating by the sunset river also secretly said in my heart: "excellent...the uniqueness of the internal organs of the lamb is transformed into a strong and delicious taste. It is simply a new look and constitutes an attached delicacy."

Xiyang Jiang slowly opened his eyes, and finally said, "No...but the taste is still a little different from the dish just now!"


Nakiri Senzaemon also nodded and said, "Yes, although it's a good dish, it's still a bit worse."

When the two judges said this, the others in the audience also exclaimed.

"Hey, do you hear that? That guy's cooking is not as good as the one I was anxious about!?"

"But it's normal to think about it? For a long time, since Zhao Ji is a top ten, it's normal to win this halberd victory?"

Many people thought that Jiu Wo Zhaoji had already won this halberd victory.

"No... not so much."

Liu Xingyao's gaze fell on the unused sauce on the plate and secretly said: "There is still no use for the sauce, so it's too early to draw a conclusion!"

At this time Horio's head also lifted slightly, and his eyes fell on his dish.

Time goes back a week ago, igo secret cooking room

"Naginama-sama has already said [As long as we can win the victory of this halberd, we will not hesitate to provide any support]!"

An igo member said this next to Horio 1.4, while leading Horio towards the cooking base.

"Come on, we will be at the base soon."

The guide who bypassed the long tunnel Horio and Igo came to a spacious base with all kinds of advanced equipment. There were already several cooking experts in white jackets waiting for him.

"This is the most advanced electronic olfactory system that should be helpful to you [special ability]! So the headquarters specially airlifted over, and these people are igo spice experts active in the cooking industry. Of course, I also know you. The special ability [copy]... But Chief Nagi said that you don’t need any training for the ability to copy, so let’s practice this aspect of spice again and again..." The igo guide said to Horio.

Chapter 439 Results

Igo’s guide pointed to the spacious base and the latest equipment in front of him and said: “You can use the equipment here, of course, you can also send people here to try out dishes.”

"No need..."

Horio also took off his coat back and went to the counter.At this time, there was a whole sheep cut open in front of the cooking table.

The inside and other parts of the sheep are very well preserved, and it can be seen that the people who cut this sheep are also very qualified, and the meat quality of the mutton has not been damaged.

"Then start with the internal organs of the sheep!"

After talking about it, Horio cut off a lamb liver, and then turned his gaze to dozens of spices in front of him.The skinny fingers traversed the various cooking bottles, and put them into the small bowl little by little.After a few minutes, Horio's spice blend for the lamb liver was completed!

"Ah... By the way, whether it's a trial cooking or a tasting dish, I will do it all by myself, and you can all go out. Then the spices for the other parts of the sheep are next."

Horio cut another large piece of lamb leg, and then made the mixed spices in just a few minutes according to the characteristics of the lamb leg ingredients!

Seeing this, even the spice experts at igo were stunned!

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