The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 314

" could it be possible that after seeing the material, in just a few minutes...combined an original blend of spices!?"

"This... what a terrible guy this is!"


After the memory, go back to the scene

After hearing the comments made by Nagiri Senzaemon and Yuyange on Horio's dishes, many people in the audience began to talk.

"In other words... Did that guy named Horio lose the halberd?"

"Oh, but it's really a wonderful food halberd!"

The Naginaki thistle at the judge seat finally spoke slowly at this time: "Is it too early to conclude so early? Come on, try dipping it in the sauce!"

Then everyone turned their attention to the small dish of dipping sauce that was not used.

Liu Xingyao closed his eyes, and his super-olfactory sense instantly unfolded.

"This dipping sauce... is actually a broth boiled with pork bones, and there is also the aroma of juniper fruit. The luxuriously embellished sauce. What if it is combined with the delicate and very tasty lamb liver and other internal organs?" Liu Xingyao secretly Tao.

Nagiri Senzaemon and Yuyange finally used chopsticks to pick up a piece of lamb innards, and put them in their mouths together with jajiya.

When Nagiri Senzaemon ate the lamb liver dipped in sauce, the clothes on his body had already torn apart at some point.

"Ah...appeared! Appeared! The clothes are ripped apart!!"

"No, won't it? It didn't appear just now, but after being dipped in sauce?"

The audience was surprised again!

Nageri Senzaemon looked at a small dish of dipping sauce in unbelievable way, and secretly said: What a terrifying delicacy... It's like a delicious continuous crit!When the lamb liver is matched with this dipping sauce, the degree of completion of this dish is so high!?

The excitement and mellowness of juniper fruit and mixed spices!Spicy and sweet, all these flavors complement the lamb liver.I am afraid that in the brain of this young man named Horio, the perfect golden ratio of sheep liver can be used in seconds!The overall balance has also emerged three-dimensionally.The terrible sense of smell for the spices, and the means of copying...Nagiri Senzaemon had to admit this in his heart.

If you want to compare it... it's like an opponent who is proud of the finish of the iron and copper walls... this dish is like an invincible castle!This boy's dishes have surpassed to catch up, even surpassed the level of the top ten.

Yuyange's inner thoughts were similar to those of Nagiri Senzaemon...Although he was surprised in his heart, there was no wave in his heart.

The tasting phase is over, and then finally enters the final judgment phase.At this time, two cards were placed in the left and right hands of the three judges, and the names of Horio and Kuga Teruki were written on the cards.On the left is Horio, on the right, but Teruki's name...

"Then enter the final judging session, please let the commander-in-chief of Nakiri Senzaemon, Mr. Nakiri Thistle, and Mr. Yuyange each cast their precious votes to reveal the result of this halberd!" Kawashima Rei took The microphone loudly.

Finally ushered in the review stage, but everyone who understood the matter had already seen the result of this halberd.

"The same two mutton casserole dishes, then whose cooking is more delicious!?"

After Kawashima Rei finished speaking, the first person who held up the sign was Naginaki Thistle. He did not hesitate to choose Horio's dishes.

After a sigh, Nagiri Senzaemon also raised the sign, which also had the name of Horio sign written on it.

Directly 2:1, this is the last time that Xiyangjiang's vote does not have to vote for this halberd. The outcome has been announced!

Suddenly, the entire venue exploded. Many people would have never imagined this result!

"This...this, that guy actually won!? Ten Jie, was defeated so easily!?"

Rei Kawashima also recovered after a moment of stun, then picked up the microphone and announced loudly: "Then I announce the result of this halberd-the winner of this halberd is the challenger Horio from three years in high school. , His 363 will become the new eighth seat!"

When the result was announced, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds... Yuanyue was about to plunge into darkness!

"Haha...hahaha!" Naginari thistle turned out to leave the venue after a big laugh.

After eating the halberd, many people in the auditorium also retreated.And a group of reporters from Totsuki Shimbun surrounded Horio.

"Horio took the first step, you won this halberd victory, what do you think and what do you think!?"

"You can actually make a mixed spice and conquer the taste buds of the judges in a few minutes. Are you trained in advance or played on the spot!?"

"Excuse me..."

However, Horio just lazily responded to all the reporters' words: "I'm so sleepy~ I'll talk about it another day!"


"Hey? Where is Xing Yaojun? Where did he go..."

When everyone in Jixingliao turned around, they realized that Liu Xingyao had left their seats at some point.

At this time, Liu Xingyao quietly came to the entrance where the contestants left!Long in the distance, I Zhao Ji is walking slowly towards this side.

For a long time, even if Teruki lost the game, she didn't look sad.

"Long my senior..."

Chapter 440 The New Commander

"Long my senior..."

After a long time, Zhao Ji finally came to Liu Xingyao.But for a long time, Zhaoji turned a blind eye to Liu Xingyao and was about to walk directly by him.

Liu Xingyao spoke again but stopped him and said: "I have been a senior, I have a question to ask you."

After a long time, Zhaoji finally stopped and turned around and glanced at Liu Xingyao faintly, and said, "Why...Did you come to see me making a joke?"

Hearing Jiu Wo Zhaoji's words, it is not difficult for Liu Xingyao to hear that he still seems to be jealous for the last school festival.

" doesn't mean that at all. The halberd just now...your opponent Horio's special ability, you should have seen it too!? [Copy] and absolute mastery of spices...actually, when you use the majestic blue dragon After the cut was passed by [copy], you have already discovered it?" Liu Xingyao looked at Jiu Wo Zhaoji and said.

For a long time, Teruki seemed to be in a bad mood because of losing Shiji. It was a little bit different from before, or it was... because of other things.

"What the hell are you trying to say!?" Long time I said Ji coldly.

Liu Xingyao did not whisper around the corner, and a sharp expression flashed in his eyes: "Why don't you use all your strength... Why deliberately hide your special abilities? What is it that prompted you to leave room to lose the game!"

Maybe other people didn't know it well or said they didn't see it, but Liu Xingyao saw it clearly in the game just now.Kuga Teruki discovered Horio's [Copy] as early as the first time. He has the time and ability to change the next cooking to prevent Horio from making more copies.

But for a while, Teruki didn't do that, pretending that he didn't know anything, and played the final game.

"What are you talking about...I don't understand at all!" After a long time, Teruki continued to move forward.

Liu Xingyao really didn't understand why Jiu Wo Zhaoji would do this. In this halberd, he did not exert his strength as a top ten.

"Let igo get the control of Yuanyue Academy, is it good for you?" Liu Xingyao couldn't help sighing after speaking.

After a long time, when I heard this, Teruki stopped again and turned back, with a complex expression on his face: "Do you think I won this halberd, can I stop the igo group? At that time, sacrifice It’s not just me alone, but there are more people in Yuanyue. Well, what you should think about now is how to protect your keys from being taken away is the main thing!"

For a long time, the words of Zhao Ji made Liu Xingyao startled, and it seemed that he had understood something in a moment.

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