The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd-Chapter 323

"Star...Xing Yao Ju."

Chapter 451 Declaration of War

Location 2, Erinai and Scarlett's side (Pole Star Liao)


Erina looked at Liu Xingyao who appeared in front of the TV with horror... This was not because Liu Xingyao appeared on the TV and was frightened, but was afraid of his actions and what he said just now.

Erina, who has been afraid of Nagari thistle since she was a child, thinks that those who antagonize Nagari thistle will not end well... It is precisely because of this that Erina is terrified of Nagari thistle. It's no longer the fear of a daughter of the father, but the fear of the unknown.

Like Erina, Hishizawa had been afraid of Naginari thistle since she was a child. Of course, she was not as scared as Erina.

Whether it was Hisasha or Erina, although they knew that Liu Xingyao was discussing things from the beginning, they didn't expect that the "big event" in their mouths was actually publicly resisting Naginata thistle.

Location 3, within the Nagiri Mansion

Although Nagiri Senzaemon retreated from the position of Totsuki's commander in chief, and the burden on his body was relieved a lot, he was always paying attention to the situation of Totsuki in 010. At this time, he was also watching Nagaki thistle. Live speech.

"Sure enough, what Mansamu said is right... He is the only one who can save Totsuki!" Nagiri Senzaemon looked at Liu Xingyao, who was battling with Nagiri Thistle in front of the TV, and said to himself.


Looking back, I came to the scene of the Naginaki thistle speech

Liu Xingyao's remarks have already driven most of the rhythm of the scene and Yuanyue. As long as the people on the side of Naginaki Thistle hear that he wants to abolish the research society, they will object.

Imagine that the research that Yuanyue has continued and existed since the establishment of the school will be abolished, let alone say that this is unreasonable.Most of the sudden reforms that have come are unacceptable.

Naginaki Thistle no longer had the kind smile on his face, ignoring Liu Xingyao in front of him, and slowly raised his right finger to the people in front of him and said: "We want to create such a world of unhelpful competition. There is no need to drop out of school! There is no need to distinguish. , And there is no necessary competition. You are free in this world, you are not abandoned children at all... You are my important force in building the future of the first month. Together with me, take this country’s cuisine forward. I I'm all done today...a final reminder, if someone tries to resist the content approved by the Ten Jie Council, they will immediately be punished by dropping out!"

Naginaki thistle finished the sentence, and a pair of cold eyes fell on Liu Xingyao.

"Haha... drop out of school!?"

Liu Xingyao raised his hands without fear and still said loudly: "What about dropping out? All research clubs have been abolished. If you stay in Yuanyue, you can only learn the useless copy dishes that are thrown away. Is it meaningful in Yuanyue? Ten Jie’s cooking skills and recipes are good, but what is the use of cooking that is not his own? A chef can’t even create a cooking, only borrowing from others to imitate it. Is such a person a chef? ?"

What is a chef?It is a profession that is mainly cooking, and a person whose main content is cooking dishes is a sacred profession that creates and initiates cuisine to satisfy and happy customers.Losing creation is equal to losing soul. An empty chef can only be a puppet at the mercy of others.Naginari thistle abolished all research associations and created new ruling institutions to achieve this goal... In fact, he knew better than anyone the importance of creating as a chef.

"Liu Xingyao... I appreciate that you are a creative talent, so I won't pursue your fallacy just now. Okay, this is the end of today's meeting..."

He hadn't waited for Naginata thistle to finish saying Naginata thistle interrupted him again.

"Your Excellency, since the matter has reached this point, you can only use the dishes to decide the victory or defeat. You have always stood on your own ground and said some high-sounding words, but since I have not been judged to withdraw from school, then it proves you What you said is not correct, right? So no matter what you say, I will not agree with you to abolish the research society. If you have to do so, then use the most traditional halberd that you approve to decide. Win or lose!" After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, he raised his right hand and pointed at the Naginaki thistle with great momentum.

Today's photographer is also a member of Liu Xingyao's Food Research Association. The secret arrangement plays a very important role here. Every time Liu Xingyao wants to speak, he "cooperatively" turns the camera around.This made Najichi thistle puzzled several times... but he found it in the end.

"Your army over there, with our army, block the seats in the world... Let's have a full-scale duel." Liu Xingyao once again challenged the chief boss of Nagaki Thistle and Igo.

At this point, everyone on the playground was surprised and speechless. It should be said that he did not expect Liu Xingyao to launch a declaration of war so directly!


Naginaki thistle let out a long sigh, staring at Liu Xingyao and said, "You really surprised me to the extreme... Liu Xingyao! You bought the photographer next to me from the very beginning, and then in front of the whole school. I've interrupted me and said so much...Can't you just tell me not to abolish the seminar?"

The moment when the photographer of this food research institute was seen by the cold eyes of Naginaki thistle, the whole person seemed to fall into the ice cave.Fortunately, Naginaki thistle just glanced at him and didn't continue to try pressure at him, and turned his attention to Liu Xingyao.

"The dishes are the winner? I'm completely angry and can't think of the benefit of this matchup for me? Can you stop talking boring things? The things I just told you are already finalized. Any of you I can't change it anymore," Naginaki thistle said, then turned and left.

Seeing that Nakiri thistle was going to ignore him and leave like this, when Liu Xingyao was about to continue his next plan... Suddenly a familiar voice came from the crowd behind Liu Xingyao.

"Hey, are you still ruthless? Nakamura, are you still so after so many years?"

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but look back when he heard this voice, and saw that the people who came were actually Caiha Seiichiro and Mansam, behind them there was a Xiunuo who had disappeared since the school festival!

"This... what are these three?"

Most people in the first year of high school knew Mansam because Mansamo had appeared in the co-stay training, while Ichihiro and Seiba Seiichiro were hardly recognized.

But when Naginari Thistle saw Seiichiro appear, his original indifferent face was extremely surprised!

Chapter 452 Food Halberd Alliance

When Tiansuo Hui, Yoshino, and Erina in front of the TV saw Seiichiro appear, they were all shocked!

"Ah... Master Caibo!? And Chef Mansamu!?" Erina stared at the crowd who appeared on the TV for a while.

Scarlett stood up and said, ", let's go to see the scene, Master Erina. The situation is more complicated than imagined."

A drop of sweat hung on Erina's forehead, and after a while ~ nodded and stood up.

Not only Erina, Hisasha and others, but also Aldini brothers, Mito Yumei, etc., who felt that the situation had been seriously escalated, were all rushing towards the big playground where they were speaking.

At this time, the scene is here.

The Nakiri Thistle, who was going to leave directly ignoring Liu Xingyao, stopped because of the appearance of Seiichiro Caiba, Mansamu, and Ikino.

When Chuang Zhen saw Seiichiro appear, he was stunned, and then he shouted: "Old... Dad! Didn't you go abroad? Why did you appear here?"

"Chuang Zhen will talk about this later."

Seiichiro patted Chuangzhen's shoulder and then slowly stepped forward and came to the front of Naginari Thistle: "We are a little sorry for breaking in halfway, Nakamura, I have something to say to you." Naginari Thistle did not speak, a pair Seiichiro staring at him didn't know what he was thinking.

"Nakamura...I don't think Xingyao's suggestion is not worth mentioning, right? So why not let us have a [that]..." Seiichiro said.

The people present, including Liu Xingyao, were all confused when they heard this.What does Seiichiro mean by "that"?

However, Seiichiro quickly relieved everyone of their doubts: "It's a team battle...Two groups of chefs with a belief. They only saw each other's captains, the traditional disguised halberd of Tomotsu-[Union team halberd]! "

The so-called coalition halberd is not a solo fight between the students to deal with the struggle, but a disguised halberd to solve the analysis only seen by the group.The students were divided into two camps, in any combination, for a duel. The students who got the common people advanced to the next duel, and then repeatedly won until the last side was judged to be the victor.In other words, all the people who have to continue to defeat one camp are defeated. This is the Alliance Food Halberd (also known as the Alliance Eat Halberd).

"The halberd...Team battle!?"

After hearing this, everyone seemed to have thought of something. Isn't this the same as the halberd of the group PK?

Liu Xingyao was also stunned for a while, but soon he guessed in his heart: But...what does the predecessor Cai Bo want as a bet?The conditions that can make thistle heart...

"Caiba-senpai, it seems that you don't understand the current situation at all? Listen, since I took the position of Senzaemon-sama as the commander in chief, my plan has been half completed. What I am doing now It's just a part of my plan. Even if I accept this duel, it won't do me any good." Naginari thistle raised a hand, obviously he still disagrees with the team eating halberd.

"Is it true?"


Saiba Seiichiro's aura spread slightly at this moment, and his face became gloomy.

"If we lose here, the price will be [becoming a soldier of yours] Is this bet worthless to you in time?" Seiichiro said in a low voice.

After hearing these words, Naginaki thistle finally changed his expression: "What do you mean by this...?"

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