The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 324

"If we lose, I will stop operating [Xingping Restaurant]!" Seiichiro said.

Hearing this, Chuangzhen's eyes widened in the army of the Food Research Association, with an incredible color.

Seiichiro continued: "Abandon the skills and ideas that you should have as a business man... Become a chef who can embody the dishes you seek... Help you develop the [salvation] of gourmet... Become an allegiance [true] The running dog of gourmet..."


When Naginaki thistle heard this, his body was trembling slightly, and his face was full of cold joy.

Seeing this, Mansamu finally opened his mouth and said, "Then let me propose the location of the decisive battle... That island of food is also the place where we have been assessed-the island of the star wind. Then there is the date of eating the halberd and How about the rules and so on before adding final conclusions in the future?"

"Well... it doesn't matter anymore!"

Naginari thistle seemed to have recovered and looked at Seiichiro and said, "Saiba-senpai...I'm very happy. Although I was so desperate for you to open a restaurant to serve civilians, today is a good day...It's really a good day. day."

"I said please don't speak with an expression that you have already won."

Liu Xingyao also stood up, and the aura on his body was rising, making the people around and Ji tremble.

"I use my reputation as a chef here to swear that I will win this halberd team victory. Xingping restaurant will not be closed for good. The winner must be us, no victory or death!!" Liu Xingyao finished His body erupted like a volcano.

"So...I'm looking forward to the day of the duel, then see you on the island of Starwind!" Naginaki Thistle said that he left the playground surrounded by a group of igo, leaving Liu Xingyao and everyone from the research group in place.

At this time Erina, Scarlett, Takumi and others also rushed over.

Both Erina and Hisasha came to Liu Xingyao and Seiichiro out of breath.

"Food... Alliance Food Halberd. I heard on the radio that the Alliance Halberd Food was going on. This...what the hell is going on?" Tacmi asked hurriedly when he came up.

Liu Xingyao didn't want to explain too much, closed his eyes and said, "Anyway, you know that there will be a team's halberd next..."

Chuang Zhen's face was also mentally retarded, and he came to Seiichiro and pointed at him: "Dad, you are so easy to bet Xingping Restaurant and yourself. It's so rash!!"


At this time, Seiichiro's face also showed a mentally retarded color, and he saw his eyes peering at Liu Xingyao, Erina, and Chuang Zhen.

"Hurry up and make a special!" Seiichiro said shockingly.

"Special... special?"

Yi Xiu Nuo smiled and said: "Yes, if you don't do special training, you may be wiped out, because your opponent will be from the top ten seats of igo. With your current strength, Ji's hand eats the halberd and can only fall to the end of the entire army."

The 453rd chapter gathers together

"Special...special training?" Takumi, Erina, Chuang Zhen, and others all looked dumbfounded after hearing what Xiunuo said.

Seiichiro also continued: "You guys are really straightforward. You actually declared war on Thistle. Although you are commendable for your courage, the enemy's strength is of real value. With your strength so far, it will definitely be full. Annihilated!"


Mansamu also added: "Of course, except for Xing Yaojun and Erina, there are some strengths, but it's just this evil~ It is impossible for you two to deal with igo all~ After all, this time is a teamwork! In order to fight. For the world and igo, you must accumulate your strength to prepare for the battle. From tomorrow on, you will follow me, Seiichiro, and Ikyu in practice. We will teach you all of our skills."


No one expected that things would turn out to be like this in the end, but this finally prevented Naginaki thistle from abolishing the major research associations for the time being.Soon this matter was spread, and now no one in Yuan Yue didn't know the existence of this matter.

At night, Jixingliao

When Mansamu and Seiichiro returned to Jixingliao and looked at Jixingliao, which had completely changed, they were also taken aback.The current Jixingliao has not only been renovated on the original basis, but also expanded the No. 2 Jiuxingliao building and other buildings, just like a separate and prosperous country.

"Oh, so many buildings have been expanded, I almost didn't recognize it!" Seiichiro stood outside Jixingliao and looked up.

Man Samu also looked around for a while and turned around to look at Liu Xingyao and said, "Boy, you should have paid for this, right? It seems that you have made a lot of money by cooperating with cub company?"

"Why, aren't you happy after the expansion of Ji Xing Liao? Now this is the last piece of pure land in Yuanyue. Let's go, let's talk about it first." Liu Xingyao took the lead into the house.

In this way, the group returned to the Jixingliao, and found that Dojima Gin was also sitting inside. After inquiring, they found out that Dojima Gin and Seiichiro had returned from abroad together.

Afterwards, everyone in Jixingliao sat together and discussed today's affairs.However, Dojima Gin, Mansamu, Ikino and Seiichiro all agreed that relying on everyone's current strength with igo to fight the halberd team is completely to die, so they will start training tomorrow morning.

After some discussion, it was decided that on the first day, everyone in Jixingliao and Yixunuo could practice Shiyi. After all, the essence of Shiyi includes everything. As long as you learn Shiyi, you will be able to learn other people's skills with less effort.

"So, tomorrow you will follow Yixiu to start the practice of food righteousness." Man Samu pointed to Yixiu on the side.

"Follow this... to practice Shiyi?"

Most people in Ji Xing Liao didn't know Yi Xiu Nuo, so they showed such a daunting expression.

At this time, Liu Xingyao explained: "Forgot to introduce to you, this is the teacher Yixunuo of Shilin Temple. Yixiu Senior is the first seat in the 76th period, and is also known as [Far Moon Practitioner] who has mastered [Shi Yi ] Legendary chef."

After hearing this, everyone in Jixingliao was all surprised: "Again...Is it the first seat again? And the master of Shilin Temple?"

"Could it be that Xingyao-kun and Erina-sama are practicing food righteousness with this one-night senior at Shilin Temple?" Feisha thought of some surprise.

Erina nodded and said, "Well...Thanks to him taking care of me and brother at Shilin Temple, otherwise we would not learn the profound meaning of Shiyi."

"Junior Sister is serious. It is my honor to guide you in your practice. This time I am here to assist you in the meaning of Zhen Shifan, but this time the enemy is very strong, so the Shiyi practice will be more demanding. You have to be prepared." Yixiu Nuo said to everyone in Jixingliao.

Liu Xingyao thought for a while, and then said, "Where is Chef Man Samu, the Island of Star Wind?"

"Oh... That's the exam location for your second year to advance to the third year. It's the same as Rebun Island where you will go this semester. Where is the best place for team eating without any obstacles. And the ingredients are also very abundant." Mu briefly explained.

"Sufficient ingredients?" Liu Xingyao frowned slightly.

"Let’s not talk about it, no matter where you eat the halberd, it’s the same... Compared to this, the most important thing is the personnel who will eat the halberd. Are you all present here? Or do you think there are other people who are not in Pole Star? Lao?" Man Sam asked looking at Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao lowered his head to ponder for a while and then looked at Isshiki Hui, who had never spoken aside, and said, "Isshiki senior...Neo, please, if you can let Mekishima Fusuke and Xiyangxi join us in our overall strength. Will be greatly improved."

"Well... there should be no problem." Old Isshihui Fox smiled.

"Oh, has neo also cooperated with you? No wonder your kid has so much courage to start a war with neo." Man Samu thought that Liu Xingyao had the support of neo, so he declared war with igo so directly.

Of course there is this reason, but Liu Xingyao himself knows the real purpose of declaring war with igo.Just to guard the way of the chef in your heart... guard Yuanyue, guard the hall that chefs yearn for.

After chatting in the hall for a long time, everyone dispersed. Seiichiro and others will spend in Jixingliao tonight and even the next few days.


It was late at night, but the lights were still on in several rooms in Jixingliao.

In the real room

Xingping and his son have not seen each other for a long time, so they naturally have a lot to say after so many things have happened.0.1

"I really didn't expect that you would come back suddenly, and you also used the Xingping restaurant as a bet." Chuang Zhen said, looking at Seiichiro who was drinking with his head down.

Seiichiro took a sip of beer and nodded: "Yes!"

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