The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 325

"Really, I suddenly stopped business for several years, and then suddenly took it out as a bet. Did you dispose of the Xingping restaurant too casually?" Chuang Zhen said in a bad mood.

After listening to Chuangzhen's words, Seiichiro was stunned for a while, then pressed Chuangzhen's head with his right hand and kneaded it, "You don't have any confidence... It's really shameful. I didn't expect my son to be such a worthless man. people!"

"What...what? It's so noisy, you will win! Of course you will win, don't touch my head!" Chuang Zhen hurriedly said with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

The 454th chapter pioneers (1)

"What! It's so noisy, you will definitely win~ Isn't it just the Alliance Eater?" Chuang Zhen said, avoiding Seiichiro's "Magic Hand".

Seiichiro picked up the wine on the table and took another sip, and said in a low tone, "Sorry... the only way to stop Nakamura is to do this."

"...Originally, you all came from Ji Xingliao, but why... Senior Nakamura did this? Abolish the research society and then change Tomotsu? I don't think I understand at all, what is Dad like? Chef." After Chuangzhen finished speaking, he dared not look directly at Seiichiro, and deliberately turned his gaze aside.

Seiichiro couldn't help being stunned for a while when he heard Chuan Chuangzhen's words and his current expression.Then Seiichiro showed a little smile on his face, closed his eyes and slowly said, "Sit down, create true... I will tell you the story of our time."

At the same time, in Liu Xingyao’s room

"Really? The negotiations with Thistle...have it ended smoothly?" Dojima Gin seemed to have expected such a result and said calmly.

Sitting on the opposite side of Dojima Silver 30 were Liu Xingyao, Hisasha, Erina, and Tian Suohui.

"Chef Dojima, did you know that Mr. Seiichiro came to Totsuki?" Tian Suohui asked curiously.

Dojima Gin's hands were attached to his chest, still closing his eyes and said, "I asked Seiichiro and the others to come forward...for this, I secretly made plans with Senzaemon-sama secretly...because Mansam and I knew it. If Seiichiro comes forward... Thistle will definitely agree to this duel. It is undeniable that Xingyao, we have used you a little bit, and we have not had time to tell you that we also want to stop Igo and Thistle..."

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao didn't care at all. He drank the beer in the glass in front of him and said, "Don't say that, Chef Dojima, aren't we trying to drive igo out of Yuanyue? I understand it and want to It's not because you showed up with Chef Mansamu and Seniichiro Seiichiro, I really don't know how to deal with the next thing."

Of course, this is Liu Xingyao’s modest statement. If Ji turned around and ignored him, he still had a last resort, but compared to what is right here, this can only be regarded as the next strategy, but it is also helpless. Method.Of course, the situation has become like this now, and this so-called next strategy is gone.

"But compared to this, I still want to know what happened to you and Ji back then...According to Mr. Seiichiro, Mr. Seiichiro told me before that it was because Ji, you guys failed to graduate. Why?" Liu Xingyao asked.

After listening to Liu Xingyao's words, Dojima Gin pulled out a photo from the inside and sides of his clothes and placed it in front of Liu Xingyao and the other four.

"This is a photo of everyone in their school days..."

Liu Xingyao, Erina, Hisako, and Tian Suohui all leaned in front of the photo and looked at it carefully. At that time, Dojima Gin, Nakamura Thistle, Seiichiro, and Mansam were all so young and handsome.

When Erina looked at this picture of thistle, he couldn't help but startled: "That... my father was so young at that time!!"

Dojima Gin opened his eyes and reminisced so much: "I was a high school student with Seiichiro at the time, and Thistle was a high school student. Looking back on it now is like yesterday. The protagonist of our time... There is no doubt Makoto Ichiro."

"The protagonist...?" Erina was a little surprised.

And Scarlett and Erina also felt a little surprised and said, "Speaking of the protagonist... isn't the number one in that era, isn't it the chef of Dojima? Are you the culmination of that era?"

"You all misunderstood... The halberd and halberd between me and Seiichiro, a total of 121 battles... I lost 101 games!" Dojima Gin said something that even Liu Xingyao felt surprised.

"Caibo... Seiichiro?" Liu Xingyao's gaze also became profound.

"The strongest chef among our 69th students... is Seiichiro Saiba!" Dojima Gin said himself.

Scene memories, screen switching (return to 69 when Seiichiro Ha and Dojima Gin were both in the second year of high school)

The location is still Jixingliao

"Hey, silver!!"

"What, Seiichiro, are you really noisy?" Dojima Gin, who was working, turned around and said with some dissatisfaction as Seiichiro watched the violent push open the door.

Seiichiro was very excited at Dojima Gin: "The Chinese Research Association and the Kaiseki Cuisine Research Association have only seen a karma battle of halberds. Let’s also join forces last time. This way, we will come to the territory of the Polaris It's expanded again~~"

"Are you fighting again?"

Dojima Silver, who was only a second-year high, turned around and said, "It must have blown up a high-sounding reason, right now."

"Hey, don't say bad things about other people, everything I do is for the Jixingliao dormitory!" Seiichiro, who is also only a sophomore in high school, said with a white breath on his head.

"Forget it... I don't hate duels either! Then, let's go and see." Dojima Gin said finally.

Seiichiro grinned immediately: "I knew you would say that."


Warlike and offline!The leisurely and peaceful atmosphere around was involuntarily infected.Everyone, including me, was infected with Seiichiro's energy every day—Dojima Ginho 750 recalled.

"Okay, guys are going out! Hey, Xi sees you, right?"

"Hey...oh, I don't want to go!"

"Oh, don't say that, come together~~"

Seiichiro called Shiomi Jun "friendly" and turned around and went to Nakamura Thistle's bedroom not far away and shouted: "Nakamura, come on too, you are going out~"


Nakamura Thistle in the first year of high school is so immature that he admires Seiichiro.

"Go now, Senior Caibo!"


Xingping and his son

"Every day there is chaos everywhere, and everyone has worked hard to improve their cooking skills. Every day is very happy, but I... after halfway through the third grade, I left Yuanyue by myself. I dropped out in the middle!" Seiichiro said to Chuangzhen.

After hearing this, Chuang Zhen was surprised: "Why!?"


Come back to Liu Xingyao again

Dojima Gin looked at the photo in hand with emotion: "It was when the person who took this photo...At this time, the cooking world we saw... and Seiichiro's cooking world have gradually started to part ways. "

The past is the beginning of all this now!

The 455th chapter pioneers (2)

The story that was gradually uncovered made Liu Xingyao have to be surprised by the past... At that time, things happened long ago.Today all this is not accidental, but from a complicated dispute!

"Wait... please wait, Chef Dojima!"

Heisaku was puzzled and asked, "Is Seiichiro-sama the strongest chef of that era? But...but I remember Seiichiro was the second one, right?"

Dojima Gin still had his hands attached to his chest, and slowly said, "As everyone knows...the seats of the top ten are ranked based on academic performance, Shiji performance and contribution to Tomotsu... Although cooking stands out from the crowd, but..."

Dojima Gin said there are a few black lines on his forehead, almost gritted his teeth and hated iron and steel: "But that guy has a bad conduct... He often slackens late for class. After being ranked among the top ten, he is still piled up by work. Cooking some vulgar dishes or the like is simply weird."


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