The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 346

"Congratulations everyone!" Yixunuo appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

"Yixiu senior (senior brother)!" everyone shouted.

Yixunuo came to the crowd 30 and looked at the very good morning rose that sprouted in front of him, nodded and said: "I thought you had to wait until tomorrow morning for this morning rose to sprout. I didn't expect it to be completed so soon. , It is really gratifying! This is your unity, let the Good Morning Rose germinate in advance!"

Caused by unity?Upon hearing this, Liu Xingyao asked with some doubts: "Brother Yixiu, what does the good morning rose blossom have to do with our unity? Could it be that this good morning rose..."

"You guessed it right. The gratitude of one person is limited, and if it is the result of all of you who are grateful together [Thanks! Can’t be ignored. In fact, you and Junior Sister Erina can make it so quickly The budding and flowering of the Good Morning Rose is inseparable from the gratitude of the friends around you. Even if I am alone, it will take at least half a day for a Good Morning Rose to bloom..." Yixunuo said slowly.

After listening to the words of Xiunuo, everyone suddenly realized... It turns out that everyone is grateful together and there is a "bonus"?

Yixunuo smiled and said, "In fact, to put it bluntly, this is what you usually call the strength of unity... It's just that this way of unity is expressed through thanking together. You did a great job, and today's performance makes I am very satisfied. So that's it, everyone now wash up and take a good rest!"

"Too... great, I can finally rest!" Yoshino cheered first.

But before everyone was happy, Yixunuo juggled out a bottle of green "drink" and said, "Ah, that's right. Before going to rest, drinking another cup of nutrient juice that I made will help. The quality of sleep in the next place."

When everyone saw the nutrient juice in Yixunuo's hand, their faces suddenly turned green.This thing... Still drinking?

In the end, everyone was forced to drink a cup of nutritious juice made by Xiunuo.After dying, everyone began to wash and sleep one after another.


About ten minutes later, there will be a huge bath room for No. 2 Pole Star Liao (female bathhouse)

At this time in the huge bath, five girls are sitting together in the steaming bath, wiping their bodies with bath towels.After a day of sweating, it is naturally necessary to take a hot bath before going to bed.

Although the bathhouse is big, girls like to bathe the chest and the lower part of the body in water, or expose half of the chest outside.Of course, there are only five girls watching each other in such an alluring scene. If you want other male compatriots to watch it, they will spit blood.

"Hey~hey~ It's really worrying. Although I finally let the early roses bloom just now, can I master it..." Yoshino said as he wiped his body with hot water.

Next to Yoshino, there are Tansokoe and Sakura Ryoko on the left and right, and on the opposite side are Hisago and Erina.

"Yoshino, are you still worried?" Tian Suohui asked while looking at Yoshino.

Yoshino nodded, rather annoyed: "Well...what do you think? Regarding this practice...Although Xing Yaojun said it makes sense. But I'm afraid I can't master it!"

In fact, Yoshino is not the only one who has this worry, although he hasn't said it...Sakura Ryoko and Hisako are not in their hearts, even Erina has a trace of worry.

After a pause, Tian Suohui said, "I...I am very happy!"


Tian Suohui's words stunned the other four girls!

"I...I know that what I do is very simple and very hard, and I understand that in the end I may not learn anything. But even so, I feel that I can learn and do the same things with everyone, and I am really happy. ." Tian Suohui finished speaking and showed a pure smile to everyone.

Seeing Tian Suohui's smile like this, the hearts of the four girls seemed to be melted by something, and at the same time they woke up.

Yeah... As long as good friends can be together, what can be happier than this?

The next day came soon.This is the second day that everyone in Jixingliao has eaten justice!

AP6: 30 points

Before dawn, everyone in Jixingliao had finished their breakfast and was ready.Start a new day of Shiyi practice!

"This morning is still the same as yesterday. Physical 663 training-the goal is the top of the back mountain. This time the time limit is one hour." Yixunuo announced to everyone.

It is worth mentioning that today in the team of the Shiyi Cultivation Brigade, another "new" member has joined-Isshiki Hui!

"I... I said Isshiki senior, it's already winter. Are you still wearing a loincloth, don't you really feel cold?" Yoshino's mouth twitched, watching him wear a loincloth, Isshiki was sweating on his head. .

In fact, it wasn't just Yoshino who felt speechless, even Liu Xingyao, who knew Isshiki's special body, had facial muscles twitching slightly.

"Senior Isshiki... you should put on a little bit of clothes, because... it will look really cold!" Liu Xingyao looked at Isshihui's crotch, swaying in the morning breeze, and preached.

Isshihui still had a fox smile on her face, as if she didn't care about everyone's shy eyes for him, and said, "This is good~~ I won't wear clothes and pants. This is the vigor that young people should have. It’s the vitality of youth, if I can, I don’t even want to wear a loincloth!"

Hearing Issehui's words, everyone's chrysanthemums and flowers are tight, and they don't wear anything?Forget it... I'll just shut up.Everyone could not imagine the scene when Isshihui was naked and running.That's... so nasty!

Chapter 485 Progress

In this way, Isshiki Hui, who only wore a loincloth, participated in the cultivation of the Shiyi army.There is more wisdom, and Liu Xingyao always feels something is wrong... Because during the morning jog, there is always an almost naked guy in front of you showing his little PP and shaking.

It was almost the same as yesterday. The people who ran to the top of the mountain panting were still forced to drink a nutrient juice made by Xiunuo, but under the advice of everyone, today's nutrient juice is not as bad as yesterday.At least you can drink like this without pinching your nose...

Isshiki is worthy of being Ji Xingliao's biggest bizarre flower. After drinking a super ugly nutritious juice from Xiu Nuo, she took the initiative to add a glass.In this regard, Xiunuo was also slightly ashamed, "selling" so many nutritional juices, this is the first time to add.

After drinking this nutritious juice, everyone sat at the top of the mountain for a short rest, at this time Issehui was sitting next to Liu Xingyao.

Looking at the fox who was wearing a loincloth and squinting and laughing, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but a drop of sweat hung on the back of his head.

"But having said that, why is Senior Isshi suddenly free today? Didn't you see you leave early and return late yesterday?" Liu Xingyao asked.

Isshiki habitually smiled and said: "The matter is finished. I had to be out for a day. After hearing that you were practicing food righteousness, I came back non-stop. Everyone in Jixingliao is here. Work hard, as a member of Ji Xingliao, I can't be without me!"

"Do you work?"

Liu Xingyao's expression sank slightly, and he whispered to Isshihui: "Isshiki senior, how are you doing with Neo?"

Liu Xingyao has always planned to unite Neo's power against igo, and asked Isshiki to contact Neo as much as possible last time.I just wanted to ask, but I didn't have a chance.Now I finally have a chance, so I can't wait to know how things are going!

Isshiki also lowered her voice and replied, "Telled our leader what you meant... They also know the current situation, so they have temporarily agreed."

"Temporarily agree!?"

Liu Xingyao was startled slightly, and said, "What does this mean, do you agree to an alliance or disagree with it?"

"Basically agree, but Xing Yaojun, you should know what neo and my ultimate goal is..."

Although Isshiki didn't finish speaking, Liu Xingyao naturally understood what he meant.Because everyone's purpose is to get the kitchen utensils sealed in the legend of Yuanyue.Once the legendary kitchen utensils are in hand, even allied allies may stab you back at any time!

"Haha...Is it? I don't care about the other people in Neo, I'm just curious that if you get the legendary kitchen utensils at that time, you will cure the root of your disease~ Will you return to Jixingliao in the end!" Liu Xing Yaoyi Looking at Isshihui Dao with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Isshihui still had a fox smile on her face, and stood up to change the subject and said: "In fact, compared to this, I think everyone is really happy to cultivate their hearts together!"

happy?If I still have this feeling with us, then I will be relieved.Liu Xingyao nodded secretly.


After finishing the physical morning jog, the group returned to Jixing Liao for posture training.The morning and a half was the same as the first day, but in the afternoon there seemed to be new changes in the training.

Time Pm1:00

After the group had lunch, they concentrated on the afternoon practice of [Shiyi] in the courtyard.

At this time, a basket of lotus vegetables was placed on the wooden boards in the courtyard of Jixingliao.Seeing this scene, everyone looked confused, not knowing what medicine was sold in this gourd.

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