The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 347

"Yesterday, I was trained in the posture of food righteousness, and this afternoon is the time to check the results of your practice yesterday."

With his left hand on his back, Yixunuo turned to his right and pointed to the lotus vegetable behind him, saying: "Cut the lotus vegetable into thin slices. I believe that as a distant student, you should have cut it yourself. Then I would like to ask you a lotus vegetable before. How long does it take to shred?"

Yoshino thought for a while and first replied: "Well, it will take 3 minutes!"

"My words should be completed in 2 minutes!" Chuang Zhendao.

"I'm almost 2 minutes or so..." Takumi also said.

Yixunuo smiled after listening, looked at Liu Xingyao and asked, "Junior Brother Xingyao, and Jr. Erina, how long does it take to cut one!?"

Erina didn't think much, closed her eyes and said coldly: "Half a minute!"

"What...what!? Half a minute!?"

After hearing what Erina said, except for Liu Xingyao, Yixunuo and Isshiki Hui, everyone else was surprised and speechless.

"Half a minute!? is this done!!" Everyone said they couldn't believe it.

"Junior Brother Xing Yao, what about you?"

"My words... 20 seconds!" Liu Xingyao said lightly.

"2...20 seconds!?"

Hearing Liu Xingyao's answer time, everyone was surprised that they couldn't even speak clearly.The speed of 20 seconds is more than 5 times the speed of Chuangzhen and Takumi.

"Also...that is the time when we cut a lotus dish. Can Xing Yaojun and Pheasant cut more than 5 lotus dishes?" Tacmi asked in surprise with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead.

In fact, 20 seconds is an effect that can be achieved only by relying on his own speed when Liu Xingyao does not use any food skills.If you want to use the seven-star instant cutting skills, it takes less than 5 seconds to cut a lotus dish!

"Haha, you don't have to be surprised by the speed of Junior Brother Xingyao and Junior Pheasant Sister, when you finish cutting a lotus dish, you will definitely gain something. Okay, let's start with Takumi and Chuangzhen! You now try to shred the lotus vegetables..." Yixunuo said.

Chuangzhen and Takmi nodded, went to the cutting board and picked up the kitchen knife.

"Are you ready?" Yixunuo picked up the stopwatch and said to the two.

Chuangzhen and Takmi nodded and said they are ready!


After Yixuno gave the order, the two picked up the kitchen knives one after another and began to wave them, and saw the kitchen knives in their hands as if they were transformed into a ghost.

A lotus vegetable was cut into strips by Chuangzhen and Takmi.Although the difference between the two is less than how much time it took, it took very little time for everyone watching.

"Both of them are so fast... It shouldn't take a minute, right?" Sakura Ryoko asked slightly in surprise.

Chuang Zhen looked at Yi Xiu Nuo curiously and asked, "Yi Xiu Senior, how much time did I spend?"

Chapter 486 Bad News

How long did it take me to take a leave of absence?"Chuang Zhen asked curiously.

Yixunuo looked at the stopwatch in his hand and said, "It took 39 seconds to create a reality, and Tacmi took 41 seconds."

After listening to Xiunuo's words, both Chuangzhen and Tacmi were stunned.They thought it took at least a minute or more, but now it only took 40 seconds to complete!?In the past, the two people used to cut a lotus vegetable for at least one and a half minutes. This time the speed has been doubled!!

Liangjiu Chuangzhen himself reacted and said: " is incredible...I was shocked myself! this also related to Shiyi's cultivation?"

Yixunuo nodded and smiled: "Through repeated thanks, I increased my concentration on the ingredients. It is not the first time that you have shredded vegetables like this lotus dish. The owner's rich experience and knowledge are combined... So you feel that you can handle the ingredients in the fastest way. At the same time, because you have mastered the most correct posture, you don't need to use extra movements when swinging the knife, so you have significantly improved compared to before! "

"Origin... So that's it! Is this the essence of 370 Shiyi?" Tacmi asked in surprise with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead.

After that, the other people in Jixingliao also practiced shredding lotus vegetables. Everyone found that the speed was significantly higher than before. Now Jixingliao has more confidence in the following Shiyi practice.What's worth mentioning is that the old fox, Isshiki Hui, spent only 30 seconds shredding a lotus vegetable, which was almost 10 seconds faster than Chuang Zhen and the others.

Maybe other people didn't see it, but Liu Xingyao did....This old fox hasn't exhausted all his strength yet, and in the process of shredding, his face is completely relaxed and comfortable.

"Okay... amazing! I didn't expect that we have become so amazing. If this is to learn all Shiyi, how amazing it should be!" Even Yoshino, who had no confidence in himself before, suddenly gained a lot of confidence at this moment. .

Regardless of whether or not, the results of Jixingliao’s whole-member Shiyi practice appeared, which is a great thing for everyone.

The windows on the 2nd floor of Jixingliao

"It deserves to be called Yixunuo, who is known as the first person of Shiyi, this group of children has made such a huge progress in just over a day. Sure enough, Shiyi is a good thing..." Man Samu right hand side Standing at the window with a glass of beer, looking at the excitement of Ji Xing Liao people in the distance.

But it was at this time that Igo had already begun to act.

At this time, inside the Villa

Sieishi sitting in front of his desk sent a document to Horio, who was lazy in front of him, and said, "Well...I'm up to you about this matter. Horio-kun..."

Horio touched his head, and said with a lazy tone and an embarrassed expression: "Why... why am I? Wouldn't it be okay to let my predecessors do it? I'm very busy..."

Next to Si Yingshi, Xiaolong Lindan couldn't help but break through him directly, saying, "Are you busy sleeping?"

" do you know!?" Horio said with a mentally retarded expression.

With a few embarrassing black lines on Si Yingshi’s forehead, he explained: "Then...what, because Horio-san, you have only been in Ten Jie not long, so this is the most appropriate thing for you. Otherwise, Ten Jie others will inevitably. Gossiping, this is a business that must travel to join Shijie, and it is also what Master Ji means."

"Ah...Is that so? That's no way!"

Although Horio wanted to refuse, he would have to go if it was thistle. He picked up the list on the table and looked at it, "Is it to get rid of these people? Mito Yumei, Aldini Issa Mi, Miyoko Hojo, Ryo Kurokiba, and Alice Pheasant... There are so many people, it's really troublesome to come one by one, so let's solve these people together!"

Hearing Horio's words, even Kobayashi Gentiana and Shieishi couldn't help but startled!

"You... don't you want to... join the team with everyone on this list?" Xiaolin Longdan said with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Ah...Yes, it's too tiring to solve them one by one. Call these people together and solve them together! Just block my top ten..." Horio finished lazily and walked out of the office.


In the Pole Star at night

After eating the night, everyone in Jixingliao did not rest, and continued to take out the morning rose that had sprouted yesterday and began to thank for making it bloom.

Until 11 o'clock in the evening, Chuang Zhen and Takmi had the morning roses of Tian Suohui in bloom.This made the three people very happy, and at the same time stimulated the enthusiasm of others!

But at this moment, a bad news reached everyone's ears!

"Hey, you guys come in, something has happened!" Mrs. Wen Xu shouted from the window on the second floor to the people who were still meditating in the courtyard.

Liu Xingyao and the others were taken aback. It is reasonable to say that Mrs. Wen Xu would not be disturbed during Shiyi training... But now, there is only one possibility, that is, something very special or important has really happened.

"Go back to the hall, Mrs. Wen Xu should have something important to tell us!" Liu Xingyao stood up and said to the people.

Liu Xingyao frowned slightly, because he had a bad feeling in his heart!

When she arrived in the hall, Mrs. Wen Xu was already waiting, and there were Yixunuo, Dojima Gin, Seiichiro and others beside her!

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