The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 352

Dojima Team: Dojima Gin, Takumi, Tian Suohui, Sakura Ryoko, Liu Xingyao (red team)

Seiichiro Team: Seiichiro, Chuangzhen, Hisasha, Erina, Isshiki Hui (White Team)

Without a word, Liu Xingyao took his chopsticks and came to Seiichiro's lobster sashimi. Although it was not the first time he had eaten his dishes, he was somewhat expectant.

"How does the sashimi taste blindfolded and made in a limited time!?"

With this curiosity, everyone put a piece of lobster sashimi made by Seiichiro or Dojima Gin into their mouths--

When Liu Xingyao ate it, his pupils couldn't help but dilate and looked surprised: What...what a smell!?No... isn't it?The sauce is so refreshing...this is a special sauce mixed with lemon juice and wine vinegar.The sourness of lemon spreads gradually in the mouth, bringing out the unique taste of lobster slices... the overflowing juicy mouth makes people intoxicated!!

Obviously, under blindfolded eyes... not only did the rose-shaped lobster sashimi be carved out, but it was also made with lemon juice and other seasonings to create such a fresh taste of lobster slices.In a short period of time, we must not only think about the method of sashimi...but also use it in practice. The speed...and the skill of the knife are amazing!

From this dish, Liu Xingyao felt the horror from the power of Shura.

After tasting Seiichiro's lobster sashimi, Liu Xingyao turned his attention to the sashimi made by Dojima Gin: "So how does Chef Dojima taste?"

In appearance, Seiichiro's dishes are better than Dojima Gin's dishes... and the taste is so refreshing and delicious... If the taste can't surpass Seiichiro's dishes, then the results of the comparison between the two are very obvious.

"Then come and eat..."

Liu Xingyao said that he put a piece of lobster sashimi made from Dojima silver into his mouth and ate it. After taking a few bites, he was surprised...

"The taste of the absolutely fresh lobster is great. This delicious taste continues to spread after the entrance... It is similar to the taste of Seiichiro-senpai... The taste is almost the same, then..."

Just when Liu Xingyao thought that the lobster sashimi of the two people were almost the same in taste, suddenly a delicious spread spread in his mouth.What happened to the deliciousness that suddenly rose from behind!?

Seiichiro's lobster spines are delicious...but they won't leave a fragrance in your mouth!This lingering fragrance not only lingers in the mouth, but also drives the second deliciousness of lobster again!The delicacy of lobster repeatedly bumps in the mouth...

This smell is very familiar, it seems to have a similar feeling!

Not only Liu Xingyao ate the faint fragrance, but soon Erina and Hisasha also ate the wonderfulness of Dojima Gin's cuisine.

Liu Xingyao turned his gaze to the cooking table that Dojima Gin had cooked, and suddenly he discovered the source of the fragrance!

"It turned out to be this... vanilla butter?" Liu Xingyao said with a smile.

Vanilla butter... This ingredient is one of the spices Liu Xingyao used in the autumn trials. At first, Dojima Gin and others were surprised by this for a long time!

Dojima Gin then smiled and looked at Liu Xingyao: "That's right, it's vanilla butter! When I ate the sea dragon pot you made in the autumn trials, I was attracted by the deliciousness of this spice, so this sudden inspiration Put him in it, but it's better than I expected...Look at how surprised you are eating!"

[Vanilla Butter]: Cut the butter that has melted at room temperature, combine it with herbs, spices, garlic, etc. in a certain proportion, roll it into a stick with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator for one night to complete the frozen spice... …

"No...Is it? You can spare the extra time to heat and melt the vanilla butter and put it in the lobster sashimi while blindfolded!?" A drop of sweat hung on her forehead, and she hardly saw Dojima Gin. To do this.

Whether it was Dojima Gin or Seiichiro, they thought so well under such harsh conditions.Blindfolded is not only necessary to complete the platter, but also to consider the shape and the deliciousness of the shrimp chips, which may not be completed even with the eyes open.

Seiichiro also picked up his chopsticks and tasted Dojima Gin's lobster sashimi. After eating it, he looked slightly surprised and said, "Oh... you really deserve it. You can think of this trick! Vanilla butter enhances seafood. Delicious and wonderful seasoning, and you put the butter in the shelled lobster before you start... The reason why you chose the lobster shell as a garnish is because you put the vanilla butter in the lobster shell in advance... "

Liu Xingyao nodded after looking at Dojima Silver’s cooking counter and understood all of this, saying: “Chef Dojima immediately chose to put the vanilla butter in the knight after removing the lobster from the shell, and then put the shrimp. Put the shell on the stove and bake it with the lowest fire... so that the vanilla 2.8 butter melts in the shrimp shell, and finally put the melted vanilla butter on top of the lobster sashimi..."

Because the vanilla butter is put into the shrimp shell for baking, there is no need to pay attention to it. When the vanilla butter is completely melted in the shrimp shell, Dojima Gin has also completed most of the lobster sashimi. The vanilla butter in the shrimp shell is mixed with other seasonings to form the delicious taste.

Dojima Gin takes the limited time to the maximum and accomplishes several things at the same time... This fully reflects the experience and hesitation of a chef.

At this time, Seiichiro put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and smiled: "You are still the same as you were back then (in high school). You always like to do different things at the same time."

Chapter 494: The Magical Use of Time

Dojima Gin can be described as using everything on the body of the lobster, using the shrimp shell as a container to melt the herb butter, and finally placing the melted herb butter on a platter.This not only saves time to the utmost extent, while posing the lobster sashimi shape, it also perfectly blends the melted vanilla butter with the sashimi.

"Haha... you still like that time, always like to maximize the limited time, clever use of ingredients without a place, and still blindfolded. As expected, it is you, silver..." Seiichiro noodles Looking at Dojima Gin's smile with a smile.

By saying this, Seiichiro was acknowledging that Dojima Gin was better than he did here.So here comes the problem... The first round of the Lobster Three Strikes for hegemony saw three key points:

First, speed.In terms of speed, both Dojima Gin and Seiichiro finished at the same time.

Second, the appearance is beautiful.In this regard, Seiichiro 30 is even better.

Third, taste.The taste is the most important of the three elements. It is obvious that Dojima Gin's lobster sashimi with vanilla butter tastes better.

Of course, it's not that Seiichiro wouldn't put the herb butter in the lobster sashimi like Dojima Gin did, but he didn't expect to use time and ingredients cleverly like Dojima Gin did.Therefore, in this battle, Seiichiro lost to Dojima Gin's ingenious intentions, which can also be said to be a habit.

It’s because Dojima Gin has been so used to it since he was a young student... I don’t like wasting ingredients and will use every part of the ingredients.

Seeing this, Huino stood up and announced: "Then I will announce the result of this competition...The winning team is the red team Dojima. So Dojima takes the lead!"

When the result was announced, Dojima Gin's face was rarely mentally retarded, and he came to Seiichiro and smiled: "Hey... Seiichiro, you lose, you lose~~~ Come first before drinking at night Five bottles! This time you must be drunk!"

Seiichiro looked powerless like a defeated soldier.

"Have you heard, I won! You fellow, don't be so casual in the future. You should listen to me more!" Dojima Gin began to teach Seiichiro like a big brother.

"I'm so bored with Silver, isn't it just a fluke to win once? I will definitely win it next time!" Seiichiro retorted impatiently.

"What is a fluke, you guys are not as skilled as people, okay!?"

The two began to quarrel like children again. Yixunuo directly counted countless people who were almost 40 years old. He came to the crowd and said: "Well, you also watched the two seniors' test, more or less There should be some gains. So then we will start the first round of the Lobster Contest according to the previous grouping!"

The first round of the melee is about to begin...

At the same time, Shiji battlefield.Time AM9: 15 minutes

Before 10 o'clock, the audience in the halberd arena was crowded.Nothing else, because today there is about to start a joint halberd here, and the participating side is the newly appointed tenth best eighth seat Horio.

"Hey, have you heard? Today is not an ordinary halberd, but a large coalition halberd!"

The students in the audience for months and months were whispering to each other, discussing the upcoming jiji.

"I've heard it a long time ago. This is the first time for the Food Halberd Alliance this year? It seems to be a battle between a few more powerful first-year players and the eighth seat." Another student said.

"How many first-year students are there?"

Another student took out the Totsuki Shimbun and looked at it, "Well... there are five people, Ryo Kurokiba, Isami, Ikumi Mito, Miyoko Hojo, and Alice Pheasant!"

"Hey...These are the best first-year students who have achieved outstanding results in the autumn trials. Are the five of them going with Horio alone?"

From the words of these few students, it is not difficult to tell that several of them are high school or third year students.

"Although it's 1V5... but the strength of the ten bests is unfathomable, not to mention that Horio has defeated me for a long time. This alliance halberd... must be very fierce!"

The words of these people happened to be heard by Yoshino, Aoki and the others who were sitting not far away from them and came to cheer for the flesh and the others.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to this team's halberd...huh, but that's okay! If the team's halberd Mito can win this time, they must frustrate the hateful thistle and the spirit of the igo bastards!" Dago Aoki clenched his fists and said cruelly.

"Although it is so, it is correct to say that... but will it really be so easy to win? How do I think their chances of winning are very slim!" Marui said slowly, staring into the distance.

When Marui had just finished saying these words, he felt a murderous aura coming towards him.

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