The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 353

"Marui, what are you talking about. Believe it or not, I killed you!" Yoshino shouted at Marui. If it weren't for Itake Tsuki and Aoki Dago behind him, Marui would definitely be persecuted by Yoshino again.

Marui was also very frightened, but 173 stroked the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a few drops of sweat hanging on his forehead and said, "Ben... this is the way it is, I'm just saying it honestly! If it's not inevitable, what about igo? It is possible to initiate this alliance to eat the halberd. And according to the methods of the igo group...they will definitely play small moves in this alliance to eat the halberd!"

After listening to Marui's words, Yoshino calmed down a bit, and sat down and hummed, "Huh...I know, but I don't allow you to say such a frustrating thing..."

Although Yoshino did not finish speaking, they knew that if they lost this halberd, they would face the crisis of dropping out! Once they dropped out, the road to being a chef would become very difficult.

"But it's not that there is no chance to win... After all, they are five people, no matter how powerful Horio is, there is only one person! Two fists are hard to beat four hands, I don't believe that the wretched man from Horio has three heads and six arms! Huh... "Yoshino snorted coldly.

As a friend...Yoshino didn't want to watch the flesh charm lose, and kept cheering up like this.

Itake Jun also nodded, and slowly said: "Now I can only pray that they can win the eighth seat... If they can win, it will definitely be a huge encouragement to the next star Yaojun and their alliance. To that Everything becomes much easier..."

Chapter 495 is about to rise

The halberd food of the halberd fighting field is about to start, and the first round of the three lobster battles is still going on on the Jixingliao side.

As the captain of the red and white teams, Dojima Gin VS Seiichiro, Dojima Gin wins and the red team is temporarily ahead by one point!Then immediately start the remaining 4 groups of battle.

Liu Xingyao VS Isshiki Hui, Takumi VS Sozhen, Sakura Ryoko VS Erina, Tansuo Hui VS Hishisa.

At this time, everyone had put the black shade cloth on their eyes, and all four groups of eight people were ready.

[Close your eyes, it's dark...I can't see what the ingredients are going to do next.] Tian Suohui was worried in her heart.

[I... my opponent is actually Shijie’s Pheasant... No, but I won’t admit defeat either!] This is Ryoko Sakaki's thoughts at this time.

[Xingping, this guy dares to look down on me... I'll let him know how good I am!] Tacomi wants to prove himself.


Of course, it was not only Tian Suohui, Sakura Ryoko, and Tacomi who were thinking about it because of blindfolding, but also their opponents who thought about them.

Of course, in the four groups of duels, the most interesting ones are still Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui who are the most protagonists.

"It's really rare... I finally got the chance to have a cooking showdown with Isshiki Senior. If I remember correctly, it's only the second time with the gathering of new students at Ji Xingliao. I'm so excited..." Liu Xingyao wore a black blindfold to face the opposite Isshiki Huidao.

Even though there was a blindfold covering his eyes, Liu Xingyao was very sure that Isshihui must have the same fox smile on his face at this time.

"It seems that Mr. Xingyao wants to have a culinary showdown with me... I still remember the first time I ate Xingyao's cuisine. I still remember the name of that dish-made with fish steamed Dumplings!" Isshiki Hui Fox laughed.

"The same is true for me... Senior Isshihui, I am also looking forward to your cooking. What kind of lobster sashimi can you make that surprised me this time?" Liu Xingyao also smiled.


"The first round of the lobster battle for hegemony-start!!" Yi Xiunuo ordered the four members to start action.

Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui made one action almost at the same time: pick up the kitchen knife with their right hand, and hold the lobster on the chopping board with their left hand!

The next moment the two swung towards the lobster at almost the same speed, without worrying about cutting the lobster or injuring their own hands, as if they were not wearing a blindfold.However, looking at only the other three groups, although Takumi VS Chuangzhen did not have the same speed as Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui, they are also extremely fast.

But the slowest one should be Tansoko and Hisako; Sakura Ryoko and Erina formed a sharp contrast, because Erina, who had already practiced Shiyi, was obviously faster than Sakura.

Finally, after more than 10 minutes, the four groups of lobster sashimi have been completed.At the same time, the members of all groups conducted mutual tasting and evaluation.In the end, the results of the first round of the three lobsters are as follows:

Liu Xingyao VS Isshiki Hui (Liu Xingyaosheng), Tacmi VS Shuangzhen (Chuangzhensheng), Sakura Ryoko VS Erina (Erina victory), Tansuo Hui VS Hisako (Tansuo Ekatsu).

We will not mention what happened during the competition, but we can know very clearly that the competition must be very intense.

In this way, the final score of the first round of the Lobster Trial is 3 (red): 2 (white). The red team led by Dojima silver temporarily leads the white team led by Seiichiro.

"It's really an uncomfortable result... I said Chuangzhen, you guys are not at all upbeat!" After the first test result came out, Seiichiro pointed to Chuangzhen and the others like a mentally retarded person.

Hearing his words, everyone's foreheads were dripping sweat... It seems that he is the least qualified to say this.

"Father, you are so embarrassed to say us~ It was your first loss to Chef Dojima that caused our morale to plummet and then lose!" Chuang Zhen retorted at Seiichiro with a mentally retarded expression.

At this time, Dojima Gin was beside Seiichiro, with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead and said, "Seiichiro, don't yell, there will be two rounds of competition next, I will give you a chance to revenge!"

"Silver, don't be proud! I will definitely overtake you! Okay, let's come to the second round of hegemony right away!" Seiichiro couldn't wait to say to Yixunuo.

Ever since... the second round of the Lobster Battle for Hegemony will begin soon... but at the same time, the Alliance of the Halberd Fighting Field is about to enter the battle!

More than fighting... more than eating halberd!Where there is food, there will be flowers of halberd...

The upcoming final battle, and Liu Xingyao's fourth magical skill-super vision.When the four major skills are assembled on one person, how will they change?

Rising soon!!

Chapter 496 Awakening

With the end of the three lobster hegemony of Ji Xingliao and others, the halberd of the alliance in the halberd battlefield also came to an end.I don't know if it was igo deliberately, or if it was God's will, the theme of the coalition halberd was actually lobster.

Almost at the end of the three lobster hegemony in Pole Xingliao...The alliance of the halberd battlefield also ended.But Liu Xingyao was not surprised by the result...

Kurokiba Ryo, Alice, Mito Yumei, Hojo Miyoko, and Isami lost to Horio in the eighth seat in the joint team. They were dropped out on the same day.The people in Pole Star Liao who heard the bad news were sad for a long time...especially Takumi and Erina were obviously greatly affected!

However, because they had prepared mentally before, they also knew that this is not the time to worry about this... so they adjusted their mentality and continued to enter the final diet training.Because they know...If the next alliance can't win, it can't be handled as simple as dropping out...Everyone is carrying the entire Yuanyue future!

It is worth mentioning that the team that won the three lobster hegemony that day was the Dojima team, which is Liu Xingyao's team.However, the losing team was punished by Xunuo. Each member drank a lot of [punishment tea].

[Punishment tea] A special tea made by Huo Nuo, which tastes extremely unpleasant. Drinking it will dry your mouth 713 and your tongue will have an unpleasant taste that will linger for a long time.Although it is awful, Yixunuo has tea made with very rare ingredients, so it can restore physical strength after active exercise, beautify, and treat constipation.

Shiyi's practice is extremely hard, and so many things have happened this week.But no matter what, everyone has ushered in the last day of Shiyi practice. Tomorrow will be face-to-face negotiations with Nakamura and other igo and others on the rules of the alliance on the island of Starwind. The bargaining chip for victory or defeat, etc. problem.

At night, inside the huge restaurant of No. 2 Pole Star Tower

At this time, the lights are brightly lit in the huge restaurant, and a variety of delicious dishes are placed on the huge rectangular table.At the same time, all members of Jixingliao gathered here.

"Okay... everyone is here. The main purpose of the dinner today is to celebrate everyone's persistence in this week's food righteous training... This week everyone did a good job, so I am also very satisfied! So tonight everyone Enjoy a good meal, then sleep beautifully, and embark on the journey tomorrow!" Yixunuo stood up and announced to the people in Jixingliao.

After speaking, cheers came from everyone below.Then everyone toasted the drinks or drinks together!Before the marching banquet, everyone cheered...just to relax the body and mind and adjust to a good state to meet the next battle!

Although there are a few people at this banquet showing sadness from time to time, in general, everyone at this party is very happy tonight.

The same is true for Liu Xingyao... There is nothing happier and happier to sit at a table with your best friend and enjoy the most delicious cuisine.

The banquet lasted until late at night... The boys were a little drunk, and the girls with crimson and red faces returned from the No. 2 Pole Star Liao Building to No. 1 Building, ready to go to bed and rest.

"Good night, everyone, tomorrow, I will go to the Xilin Snow Mountain, located in the northwest of Yuanyue, to meet with the enemy. Get up and prepare and set off." Yixunuo said to everyone.


Then everyone went back to the room to rest-but turned the camera to Liu Xingyao's room 301.Although the lights in the room were already turned off, Liu Xingyao was entrenched in the bed at this time, closing his eyes and communicating with the God of Cookery system in his body.

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Host: Liu Xingyao

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