The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 398

Jun Isaki is always the usual cold look, and nodded: "Well... I can teach you if I have time!"

"Oh, that really troubles you."

Alice, Erina, Scarlet Sand, and Tian Zuohui——


Alice, who was extremely dissatisfied with her mouth pouting, angrily put pieces of food into her mouth and chewed. She seemed to be using food to vent her dissatisfaction, regardless of the image of a lady.

"Why is Lian Tiansuo's classmate able to be the top ten, but the clever Miss Alice can't be the top ten?" Alice exclaimed.

When Tian Suohui heard this, a drop of sweat hung on her forehead, and she waved her hands to explain and comfort her: "Ah...well, that's all the credit of everyone. If we didn't work hard together, I wouldn't be the top ten."

"...Miss Alice, I think this is normal, after all, your student ID hasn't been taken back yet." Scarlett reminded weakly.

If there is no student ID, this indicates that it is still withdrawing from school. How can there be the top ten withdrawing status?This is not justified.

"Well, I don't care anyway, I am not happy in my heart." The eldest lady Alice also had a temper.

But Feisha quickly noticed Liu Xingyao, who was a little worried beside him.

"Xing Yaojun, what's the matter with you? You feel a little unhappy since just now?" Feisha whispered.

Liu Xingyao returned to his senses and smiled and said, "It's just thinking about something. Forget it, it's rare for so many people to gather together. Let's talk about these troublesome things. Then, let's have a drink together!"

Speaking of Liu Xingyao stood up and raised the glass high, the group cheered and drank the wine or drink in the glass.

The banquet lasted until the second half of the month. After a few hours of the banquet, those who had drunk were already a bit drunk, and their non-drinking faces also looked tired.Of course, except for individual abnormalities.

"Ah... again... come again, Senior Isshiki, do it!"

Daigo Aoki was already 8 minutes drunk, holding up a glass of wine and meeting Isshiki Hui.

Isshiki Hui just smiled faintly from the fox, and then drank a full glass of wine.When Daigo Aoki drank it, he fell to the ground like Sato Shoji, drunk and unconscious.

"How can one drink several people at the same time... This senior's alcohol volume is as unfathomable as his cooking!" Sakura Ryoko secretly stared at Isshihui.

Chapter 570 Transition

Hui Isshiki drank both Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato down, but after drinking so much wine, the old fox still squinted his eyes like a okay person.

Liu Xingyao Jianci couldn't help but shook his head, didn't he want to die after drinking with the old fox... No matter how much alcohol enters his body, it will already evaporate, and no matter how much he gets together, it will be fine.Moreover, this old fox secretly drinks beer as boiled water in the bedroom.

When the celebration banquet came here, many people were already tired directly lying on the table or falling asleep on the ground. Although it was winter, the heating inside the house would not feel cold.

At this time, Yi Sehui came to Liu Xingyao's side with a glass in his left hand and a bottle of beer in his right, and sat down next to him.

Isshiki filled Liu Xingyao with half a glass of wine and brought it to her.

"Congratulations on being the first seat, cheers!" Isshiki Hui said with a smile to 060 Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao smiled at the corner of his mouth and drank the wine in the glass without speaking.

"Xing Yaojun, drink less... today you also drank a lot." Feisha on the side whispered in Liu Xingyao's ear.

Liu Xingyao patted the back of Feisha’s hand with his right hand to signal her peace of mind, then looked at Isshihui and said, “According to Yuanyue’s rules, I should give you the first seat. I didn’t have a formal confrontation with you. It’s a little uncomfortable to sit in a seat."

"Really, but it doesn't need to be compared. I am not your opponent. I can't deal with that kind of cooking." Isshiki squinted and smiled.

Now that the news of the seat has been announced, Liu Xingyao does not want to talk about this topic.

"Although the United team won the halberd...but the hidden crisis has not been completely resolved. I am worried that they will come back." Liu Xingyao's face suddenly became deep.

In Liu Xingyao's mouth... the few people listening to him all knew who he was referring to.Erina couldn't help but turn his gaze to Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui.

"And your illness... In any case, you still need the power of the legendary kitchenware..." Liu Xingyao is not afraid that Tian Suohui, Feisha and Erina next to him will know, because with the coming of the solar eclipse, the legendary kitchenware has been revealed. Isshiki Hui secretly announced this Sooner or later.

Sure enough, when the three women heard Liu Xingyao's words, they all looked at each other and saw surprise and doubt in their eyes.

However, Erina and the three women were very smart, and did not interrupt the dialogue between Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui.

"Don't worry, my illness can be stabilized, but it is above the legendary kitchen utensils... We still have a battle!" Isshiki Hui squinted and smiled.

There is another battle... This battle Isshiki may refer to the battle between Ji Xing Liao and igo, or it may refer to...

"No matter what, I will not let the legendary kitchen utensils fall into the hands of those people." Liu Xingyao said with a firm expression.

After Yisehui pondered for a while, she said again: "Before this, I hope Xing Yaojun will do me a favor... I think only you can help them."

"They?" Liu Xingyao was startled, not quite understanding the meaning of Issehui's words.

Issehui took a sip of the remaining wine in the bottle and put her right hand on Liu Xingyao's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I'll find out tomorrow, and I will take a good rest today. Ah~ I'm so sleepy, I should go back. Go to sleep!"

After the old fox finished speaking, since he stretched his waist and went to sleep.At this time, Liu Xingyao discovered that there were people lying on the table and on the ground seven or eighty eight. Except for Tian Suohui, Erina, and Feisha who were still awake, everyone else was lying on the ground and sleeping. Up.


Liu Xingyao shook his head, "Go and cover them with those quilts. They can only sleep here tonight."

The next day comes...

When everyone woke up, it was noon the next day, and the whole group of people woke up with their heads swelling due to the excessive excitement last night.After eating some sobering dishes, it gradually recovered.

In the kitchen

"By the way... How much alcohol did this guy drunk yesterday? How many of us can't drink him together?" Daigo Aoki stared at him sitting diagonally while drinking porridge with a look of monsters. Isshiki Huidao.

Sato Shoji also had a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead, and whispered, "I think he drinks it bottle by bottle... Let alone there are more than 20 bottles."

"Sure enough, the squinting eyes are all monsters."

After Liu Xingyao drank two bowls of porridge, he was also ready to impress. At this time Isshiki stood up and followed his footsteps.

"I have something to tell you..." Isshiki said to Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao glanced at Yi Shihui, always thinking this guy was a bit strange.

Later, Liu Xingyao and Issehui went to an empty dormitory alone...Issehui told him what was in his heart.

It was Liu Xingyao who was surprised after hearing Yi Sehui's words and said: " mean, they are all poisoned now?"

Chapter 571 Poisoning

Isshiki Hui failed to come on the day of the ten best appointments because he went to Ji Zhiguo Ningning... He learned from Ji Zhiguo Ningning a secret that is no longer a secret... To be precise, it is extremely bad news. .

The former Shijie Si Yingshi and others were poisoned by Nakamura Thistle before confronting Liu Xingyao and others.This is a poison that will immediately bleed to death if the antidote is not taken within 5 days after taking it!

This poison is a medicine secretly developed by igo. It is mixed with hundreds of poisonous flowers and plants. It is tasteless and tasteless. There is no abnormality in eating it, but once the poisonous period is reached, the fairy cannot be cured.

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