The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 399

Igo poisoned Si Yingshi and the others while silently... The purpose was to completely control them, and only if thistle wins in the Alliance Food Halberd will give them the antidote~.

However, they lost the Alliance Food Halberd, and Ji did not give them the antidote.Now there is only one last day left before the poison is taken!

"It's no's no wonder that he walked so simply at the time, he still kept such a hand." Liu Xingyao said with a low expression.

The previous doubts have also been figured out... No wonder Nakamura Thistle walked so simply at the time, wanting to use the lives of Si Yingshi and others to threaten the queen in exchange for the key to the legendary kitchen utensils?

"This despicable villain!" Liu Xingyao slammed his right hand on the table and cursed angrily.

Afterwards, Liu Xingyao calmed down quickly, looking at Isshihui in front of him, and asked, "Isshiki senior, can you not solve their poison?"

"I also let the elders see the sunset... but there is no way. What thistle eats for them is a kind of highly poison called Haihuaye, which is a mixture of one hundred kinds of poisonous flowers and grasses. There are tens of millions of poisonous flowers and plants in the world, so there are different ways to make Baihuaye, and the antidote is naturally different if the materials used are different. So if there is no way to know what they used to take the Baihuaye Hundreds of flowers and plants are made, so don't even want to know how to detoxify them, and... it takes at least half a month to make the Baihuaye detoxification..." Isshiki said helplessly, shaking her head.

This is the first time Liu Xingyao saw an old fox with such an expression. No wonder he drank so much wine last night. Is this part of the reason?

Except for the two black-robed men and Horio who were originally igo personnel, who may have been given the antidote to Baihuaye, the rest are still in a poisoned state.Sieishi, Kobayashi Gentiana, Akakubo Tao, Saito Soaki, Kizhiguo Ningning, five people, if they don't get the antidote within today, they will undoubtedly die.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning can be said to have grown up with Isshihui's childhood sweetheart. Even the fox, who is smiling at all times, is definitely not in a better mood.

After Liu Xingyao pondered for a while, he shook his head reluctantly and said: "Senior Ishiki, you have nothing to do with organizations like neo, how could I have a way. And as you said, even if you know the formula they used for poisoning, Time is too late."

And just now, Liu Xingyao also asked the God of Kitchen system in his mind whether he could find the antidote for Baihuaye. The system also said that if there is no corresponding formula, there is no way to make an antidote.

"No... if it's you, I think there is still a glimmer of hope. At least we can give it a try!" Isshiki did not want to give up.

Liu Xingyao nodded and said, "If I can help, I won't refuse. But what should I do?"

"Time is running out. I have notified all of them to meet where Ji Zhiguo lives. It's up to you to succeed. Use your...special ability!" Isshiki Hui said in a serious tone.

Liu Xingyao's mind flashed and realized something.

In order not to worry other people, Isshiki Hui and Liu Xingyao quietly left Jixingliao.

In less than ten minutes, Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui arrived at Ji Zhiguo's Ningning's residence. After entering the house, they found Ji Zhiguo Ningning's Akakubo Tao and Kobayashi Gentiana holding a bear doll waiting inside.There is only the last day left until the poisonous attack of Baihuaye, so the faces of the three of them are not very good-looking.

After entering, Isshiki asked a little anxiously: "Where are the senior directors and Saito? I have invited Xingyao-kun..."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning still shook his head as coldly as before and said, "Mr. Si has already been treated in the UK, so is Mr. Saito..."

When Isshihui heard this, his face suddenly angrily said: "This...isn't this nonsense? That kind of poison can't be completely eliminated even if the blood and bone marrow of the whole body are replaced!"

"Sita said that instead of waiting for death here, it's better to just..." Xiaolin Gentian didn't finish but looked at Liu Xingyao with a cat smile.

It's just that compared with the usual cat smile of Kobayashi Gentiana, her face is a little paler, which is a sign that the poison has begun to slowly begin to attack.

Chapter 572 The Secret of Liu Xingyao

Liu Xingyao felt sad when he saw Xiaolin's Gentian in front of him become so haggard.

"Long... Gentian-senpai, how are you... how are you?" Liu Xingyao walked a thousand steps to Xiaolin Gendan and asked worriedly.

Kobayashi Gentiana can still laugh even at this time, watching Liu Xingyao and teasing him: "Oh~ Seeing you so worried about me, I have no regrets!"

"Sister Gentian, you are still joking at this time... But then again, why did you help igo in the first place. You can't not know what kind of organization they are." Liu Xingyao asked a little puzzled.

Momo Akakubo spoke slowly and said: "It is because I know this organization very well that I have to help them. The strength of this organization is beyond our imagination. At first we thought it would be fine if we won you, but we didn't expect things to happen. To this extent... and your strength seems to have exceeded their expectations."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning also slowly said: "I wanted to refuse at first... But before I refused, my family called and said that this alliance must eat halberd."

"Then... Then, do anyone in your family know about your situation now?" Liu Xingyao asked again.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning shook his head, and said, "Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't tell anyone who is about to die."

Hearing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't laugh or cry, how could he be so calm in the face of life and death?

"Okay, I'll ask you some things later, now I'll help you detoxify." Liu Xingyao's eyes were drawn across Ji Zhiguo Ningning, Akakubo Tao, and Kobayashi Gentiana.

Regarding the poisoning on their own body... the three of them knew very well that even the most advanced medical methods could not do anything about it, but Liu Xingyao said so.

Maybe it was because I saw through the three people's inner thoughts and Liu Xingyao said: "Is it possible to try and let's talk...but I think it shouldn't be difficult to find out the formula you poisoned with my ability."


The three nodded, they still longed to survive before death.

After that, Liu Xingyao asked three people's blood to put them in a bowl, and then locked himself in a room to find a way to crack...Although Liu Xingyao possessed four magical skills to find out the formula of the poisonous weeds used in the Hundred Flower Liquid. too slow.Most of the day may be too late...

"System, how many points do I have so far?" Liu Xingyao began to communicate with the system in his mind.

The system quickly replied, saying: "Answer the host, the current host has 145,600 points."

Liu Xingyao was startled and didn't expect to see his points for so long, he had already saved more than 100,000.So many points to detoxify should not be a problem...

"System, immediately help me look at the recipe for the three bowls of blood poisoning in front of me, and then make the antidote based on the recipe." Liu Xingyao immediately ordered.

"Okay, please wait for the host."

In about 5 seconds, the system voice came again: "After the inspection, the poisoning formula of the No. 1 Blood Bowl is poppy, egg tree, seven color pansy, unicorn flower... It takes 52,000 points to make antidote pills."

It actually costs 52,000 points... These points can be used to redeem ingredients.But Liu Xingyao didn't hesitate to exchange it in the face of life. Soon three purple-red pills, thumb-sized pills were already on the table...

Although the antidote had been obtained, Liu Xingyao deliberately stayed in the room for an extra hour in order to prevent Isshiki and the others from being suspicious, and wrote down the formula for the poisoning of three people.This group of Nakamura Thistle is really insidious, and the poisons that these three poisoned are different.

"Okay, here is the formula for the poisoning of the three of you...I will take these formulas to buy some medicinal materials outside. You can wait for me here." After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, he walked towards the inside and outside of the house.

Issehui followed closely and got into the car with Liu Xingyao.

"The speed is faster than imagined... as expected, you still have a way." Old Isshihui Fox smiled while sitting in the co-pilot.

Liu Xingyao knew what the old fox said, and knew that he should have discovered some of his secrets and went straight to Yuanyue without breaking it.

Outside Yuanyue, Liu Xingyao symbolically bought some medicinal materials for detoxification and then returned to the car.

After buying a large amount of precious medicinal materials, the two rushed to meet again in the villa where Ji Zhiguo Ningning and others were.When they returned to the house, they found that the three of them had already cooked food and were waiting.

There are delicious dishes on the table, including Kizhiguo Ning Ning’s best wasabi noodles, Akakubo peaches’ dessert dishes, and Kobayashi gentian’s hot dishes.

"Oh, I'm back, let's cook together." Ji Zhiguo Ningning put the prepared dry noodles on the table and said to Liu Xingyao and Isshiki.

Can still cook at this time... These three people deserve to be the top ten.

The 573rd chapter detoxification medicated rice cake

When Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Hui returned here again, they didn't expect that the three of them had already cooked the food and waited for them. Seeing the steaming on the table before making the new cooking, Liu Xingyao was touched by something.

"Or it's great to be able to cook what you want." Liu Xingyao muttered to himself.

Xiaolin Gentian, who was still pale, looked at Liu Xingyao and Isshihui who were still standing, and couldn't help but said, "What are you doing in a daze? Come over and eat something first."

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