The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Food Chapter 493

Liu Xingyao's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and he secretly said that Governor He is not easy.

"Okay, go ahead and let me hear what this is like..." Governor He put his hands on the chair and closed his eyes.

Liu Xingyao began to explain: "My lord, in fact, things are only like this..."

Later, Liu Xingyao told Governor He truthfully the causes and consequences of the whole incident.

"Oh... the original path is like this. You have long been privately set for life, and then dispersed because of an accident, and finally rescued by the Li family! Because you are trapped in the Li family, you have to choose to go to the Li family and rescue this A little girl named Feisha, right?" Governor He looked at Liu Xingyao and Feisha.

Liu Xingyao arched his hands and nodded, "Yes, Governor He, this is how things happened."

"Nonsense, brat, dare you say that you didn't take any action against my Li family?" Li Tian said with a flushed face, pointing at Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao turned his head and glanced at Li Tian coldly, and said, "Do you think I will stand still and let you catch me when you want to catch me? Do you think I'm as stupid as you?"

"You..." Li Tiantian's face was pale again, and he gritted his teeth and said: "But...but it's a fact that you hurt people. Don't deny that!"

"What then? Is it guilty that I am just defending? Ha ha..." Liu Xingyao smiled coldly.

After some thoughts, Governor He was a little embarrassed: "Although you are a legitimate defense, but Li Tian saved your friend beforehand, but Li Tian trapped others in Li's house by way of house arrest, so saving people is also The things that should be... it's really hard to do!"

Hearing this, Li Tian suddenly thought of something wrong, with a gloomy smile on his face, and said to Governor He again: "My lord...Since you are so embarrassed, let us solve it in our own way."

"What way?" Governor He frowned slightly.

"Since this kid and I are both chefs, let's use cooking to decide the outcome!" Li Tian said with a deep smile.

127 Li Tian thinks he is really smart...because Liu Xingyao has been boasting about how delicious and delicious the food he cooks when he ate last night, so he is quite sure that this is a rookie in cooking... If food is the answer, the governor of Guangzhou, the capital of gourmet food, will definitely accept it!

If it is cooking to solve this problem, Li Tian is confident that he is not an opponent of a rookie chef?

When Li Tian thought of this, he smiled triumphantly in his heart, completely looking like a villain.However, when Li Tian said this, it was Liu Xingyao and Yangquan Restaurant who laughed.

"Haha... it's really too much to use cooking to solve it!" Liu Xingyao smiled weirdly and said to Governor He: "Governor He, I agree with Patriarch Li's proposal."

When Governor He heard both of them say this, he nodded happily and said, "It just so happens that I am also hungry. I will be the notary and judge of this cooking showdown!"


Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two

Li Tian thought he was clever and proposed to use cooking with Liu Xingyao to solve this matter.Liu Xingyao readily accepted that it would be better to be able to solve it with cooking.

Governor He saw that they both nodded in agreement, and also served as the judge and notary of this cooking competition.

"The kid surnamed Liu, if I win you in this cooking showdown, I want you to kowtow to me in front of everyone here, and she will go back with me!" Li Tian said, pointing at Feisha Tao.

Not only Liu Xingyao, but even Feisha, Erina, and Tian Suohui had different smiles on their faces. As for why they laughed, they all knew very well... When Li Tian proposed to use cooking to solve the problem, he announced His failure.

Not only Feisha and others, who are familiar with Liu Xingyao, have seen the result, but also the Yangquan Restaurant and the diners outside.

"Isn't it... A superior chef is actually going to confront someone who has defeated the super chef, the first chef? Is this person sick?"

"Shhh, keep it quiet! That person is the Li family in Guangzhou City. I think he didn't know about the battle of swordsmen in front of God a few days ago, so he made this request stupidly.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this... Isn't there a good show to watch this way?"

Several diners outside the gate of Yangquan Restaurant were talking about it like this. They all laughed at who Li Tian would look for to try cooking. He went to find a freak who defeated the super chef in a showdown. Are you not lighting a lantern to find shit in your cottage?

However, Li Tian didn't know at all. At this time, he had already identified Liu Xingyao as a rookie, and he was secretly happy with the decision he made.

"Hehe...interesting, it smells like a halberd. Well, if I win, you can no longer pester me and Feisha!" Liu Xingyao faced Li Tiandao.

Li Tian had already believed in his heart that he could win, so he didn't think much about it and agreed to say: "It's settled, Governor He, please testify for both of us!"

Governor He nodded and said: "Yes, I will be your guarantor. Then, let me think about how you compare..."

So Governor He thought about it... Governor He is a person who has eaten most of Chinese cuisine and has eaten all kinds of famous dishes, so he naturally has higher requirements for cooking, and ordinary food can't satisfy his appetite.

He was too tired of ordinary dishes and couldn't get his appetite, so after thinking about it, he thought: "Just do that..."

Speaking, Governor He told a guard next to him: "Go, bring the ingredients I bought this morning."

"Ah...sir, that thing was specially given by Lord Bao, do you want to... hold it in such a place?" the guard asked a little surprised.

"I ask you to get it, where is so much nonsense!" Governor He stared.


The guard ran out of the room without a moment. After a while, only two guards put a very rare ingredient into the hall.

"It's actually venison? And it's still a whole deer!" Feisha was the first to be surprised.

Liu Xingyao's expression also flashed a hint of surprise, because this thing reminded him of the scene of cooking with venison in his previous life.At that time everyone in Jixingliao was still there, but now...

But after only a moment of sadness, he recovered.Liu Xingyao is never the kind of person who sticks to previous memories, he will focus a lot of his eyes on his eyes.

VenisonHigh-grade game, tender meat, delicious taste, more lean meat, less connective tissue, can be used to cook a variety of dishes.Because it is rich in protein, fat, inorganic salt, sugar and a certain amount of vitamins, it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the body.

Therefore, even the ancient genius doctor Hua Tuo once said: "Those who have a stroke with a wrong mouth should use raw venison and pepper to paste, and it will be removed immediately."

"Venison is sweet, warm, and non-toxic. Tonic and win, nourish vitality, strengthen the five internal organs, nourish blood and promote capacity." It can be seen that venison is dual-purpose for medicine and food, Chinese herbal medicine is compatible, and it is used in various ways.

Therefore, the venison Feisha, a medicinal food expert, couldn't be more familiar.

"Venison is mild in nature, it has the effects of invigorating the spleen and qi, warming the kidneys and strengthening yang. And this whole deer is also the best sika deer among the deer. Compared with other venison, it has the effect of kidney qi for all meats. First of all, for newlyweds and elderly people whose kidneys are declining, eating venison is a good tonic food... and it's not just that!" Feisha habitually started talking to herself like this.

These words were all heard by Governor He. He glanced at Feisha with my admiring eyes and said: "Little girl did not expect you to know so much about venison... Yes, it is precisely because venison has a lot of nourishment. In effect, I was asking my friend to get one for me. And this deer was only caught in the morning, so it is very fresh!

Therefore, I want you two to make a delicious dish for me with this venison!"

Chapter 163 "Unknowing" Li Tian

Governor He pointed to a fresh and complete sika deer that was caught in the morning on the ground and said, "Hmm, so I ask you to cook a dish with this deer! There is no limit to the cuisine, it can be Cantonese or it can be. Other dishes, even other dishes I haven't seen before. Do you two understand?"


"Understood, hehe...I promise to make a dish that satisfies Governor He!" Li Tian smiled confidently. He thought the result of the game was already very obvious and there was no suspense at all.

However, Li Tian's proud look caused some diners outside the Yangquan Wine Hall to laugh.What are you proud of...A superior chef, acting in front of a chef who has defeated the super chef?

Brother, your face may be swollen after a while~~

Many people feel distressed for Li Tian's mental retardation, but Li Tian is still complacent at this time.

It stands to reason that Li has been in his forties for 860 days, so there should be no such "2".But he actually didn't notice the strange gazes of the people around him... Then think about it, this may have something to do with the place where the Li family has been isolated from the world for generations.Let these people in their forties have no brains at all.Otherwise, it won't, let Liu Xingyao rescue Feisha from Li's house so easily.

The entire focus of the Li family is on the super chef, and he has put too much things down for this goal.

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