The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 494

Liu Xingyao saw that Li Tian was so confident and couldn't bear to hit his self-confidence, so he could only smile and shook his head.

Subsequently, under the order of Governor He, the people of Yangquan Restaurant set up two temporary cooking tables in the spacious area at the gate. The basic ingredients and seasonings are all prepared, and the surrounding audience has also bought the melon seeds and waited. This cooking showdown with the theme of "venison" began.

Li Tian watched the crowd gather so much around him, and he wondered in his heart that he could give a severe lesson to Liu Xingyao in front of so many people!

He came to the front of the sika deer and said: "There is only one sika deer, so I will let you choose first, so as not to say that I, a superior chef, bully you, an unknown boy!"

Li Tian was obviously pretending to be forced.


As soon as they heard Li Tian's words, the audience all around laughed. Hearing this laughter, Li Tian thought he was laughing at Liu Xingyao because of his words.So he became even more proud, but he didn't know that it was himself who was laughing at others!

"Hahaha~ Patriarch Li is polite, rest assured that we have half the ingredients, I will not take advantage of you." Liu Xingyao said, coming to Master Shiquan and said: "Master Shiquan, you can only borrow your slaughter knife!"

"En... take it and use it as you like!" Master Shiquan turned around and gave Liu Xingyao the butcher knife from the kitchen of Yangquan Restaurant.

This is a machete whose width is larger than the palm of the hand, and the blade exudes cold light.So when they saw Liu Xingyao pull out such a large kitchen knife, the two Governor He’s guards immediately took out the weapons drawn from his waist and shouted: "Let down the weapons in your hands, what are you doing?"

These two shouted so loudly, the other soldiers all took out their weapons and looked at Liu Xingyao vigilantly.

But Governor He saw something, and immediately said to his men, "What are you doing? Get back quickly!"

"But my lord, he has such a dangerous weapon..."

"I tell you to retreat!" Governor He scolded.

"Yes Yes!"

Finally, Liu Xingyao came to the sika deer with a smile on his face, and then looked at Li Tiandao in the distance: "President Li, let's have half the ingredients!"

Speaking of ignoring Li Tian's surprised gaze, he lifted the sika deer with his left hand, and then said that the butcher knife swung it at the sika deer instantly.

With a "swish", only a knife sound was heard, and the original sika deer was directly divided into two.The two parts of the sika deer that had been divided into two fell to the ground, and the internal organs were clearly divided into two parts and presented in front of everyone.

Perfect symmetry, the internal organs, etc. are divided into two parts.

When he saw this scene, Li Tian was stunned, and Governor He had a smile on his face.

At this time, the surrounding audience also made amazing sounds.

"Wow...Look, it's so easy to split a sika deer into two with a slaughter knife, and even every bone is cut in half!"

"In this way, all the materials for the two will be exactly the same!"

"It really deserves to have defeated the chef and chef!"

When he heard these words, Li Tian's expression suddenly changed.

"Fight... defeated Jidi's special chef!?" Although Li Tian didn't know much about the outside world, he was very aware of the fact that Jidi became a special chef a few years ago.

Because he participated in every special chef assessment, it happened that year he followed the first one, but unfortunately he was ruthlessly eliminated in the second round of assessments, and the first one stood out as a special chef.

Regarding this matter, he still bears a grudge, thinking that he did not become a special chef because of his success.Then I found and tried it again, but the result was very obvious...

But what did he hear just now, this kid defeated Ji Di?

Chapter 164 Venison

"This...this kid defeated Ji Di?" Li Tian's face instantly changed to pig liver color.

I originally thought that Liu Xingyao was just a rookie, but Li Tian never expected that he was a super chef who had defeated Ji!Li Tian's intestines are all regretful now...

But he knew it was useless to say anything now, because the archways were all erected, and Governor He just walked and sat next to him... He regretted not doing it immediately?The Governor He may only spend his entire life in prison, so he bit his scalp after gritting his teeth, and now he can only pray for his extraordinary performance to defeat Liu Xingyao.

I have to say that Li Tian's thinking is very "active". Liu Xingyao defeated Ji Di. If he can defeat Liu Xing Yao in this cooking showdown, will he be able to prove that he is better than Di Di, the super chef?

Yes, if that's the case, maybe my Li family will be famous throughout China for this, isn't it also Guangzong Yaozhu?Li Tian secretly said in his heart-.

The more I thought about it, the more excited Li Tian became. He took half of the venison and began to slowly cut it.

However, this is only his naive thought, or that he will really comfort himself.This may be called self-paralysis...

But the reality is always cruel, and how could Liu Xingyao give him a chance in this kind of cooking confrontation with important conditions.So Liu Xingyao also started to act!

The gazes of Governor He and most of the audience around him were on Liu Xingyao. This time he changed to a kitchen knife that was a few sizes smaller than the butcher knife and cut the venison in front of him without hesitation. .

The dazzling knife work is still fast, dividing the meat of all parts of the venison body.

After Liu Xingyao separated the various parts of the venison body, Li Tian over there cut a small part of the venison and took out the part of the meat he wanted.The difference between the two knife skills can already be seen from the part of collecting materials!

"Huh..." Governor He snorted while looking at Li Tian, ​​because Li Tian wasted other parts of meat in order to take out the part of meat he wanted.

But Liu Xingyao is different. He uses that part of the meat when he cuts the meat he wants. Even if he waits for a while, he can continue to use the meat that is not used up, so that no venison will be wasted. meat.

Although Governor He is such a big official, he can't understand people who waste food.But he knew it was a cooking competition, and he didn't say much.However, Li Tian's "impression score" in his mind has been greatly reduced.

"Patriarch Li, then I will do it first!" Liu Xingyao smiled at Li Tian who seemed to be still fetching venison behind him.

Li Tian turned around with a few drops of sweat hanging on his forehead, and saw that you were sitting on a piece of deer spine in Liu Xingyao's hand.

"But... Damn, the speed is so fast, my superior chef's knife skills are not half the speed of this kid!?" Li Tian couldn't believe it in his heart.

However, Liu Xingyao ignored Li Tian's surprise. He picked up the tenderloin and began to process it. He removed the tenderloin one by one, and cut the meat on it with a superb and quick knife.

The venison was quickly cut into strips, each with a width of about 2 to 3 cm.Rub the surface of the cut venison with a salt and pepper brush, but occasionally not put it on the stove and slowly heat it with a warm fire.

In this way, cut the fat and tendons into chunks, spread them flat in a frying pan, and put the venison on top with heating.This exquisite cooking technique is surprising to the first class people. The reason is very simple. It is because this cooking technique comes from modern cooking techniques.

Soon Liu Xingyao cooked the delicacy of venison.When the auxiliary ingredients such as mashed garlic are put together with venison, the delicacy of venison has begun to spread.

"This is the first time I have seen such a cooking technique...Even if it is so far away, the scent of venison can enter my nose!" Governor He couldn't help but stand up from the sitting chair and said: "Ming... I haven't eaten it yet. Just seeing the fragrance of the ingredients is almost swallowed by... the fragrance of the ingredients!"

Even Ji Di couldn't help it, and praised: "It can completely inspire the delicacy of venison in such a short period of time. This kind of cooking technique is truly unprecedented!"

"Oh oh oh~" Master Shiquan smiled while touching his gray beard, and said, "Well, this is the first time I heard you praise another person so much."

And Di Buyu continued to focus on Liu Xingyao.

However, compared to Liu Xingyao's clean and neat handling, Li Tian looks a bit inferior here.However, the strength of the superior chef is not generally comparable, and he still has decades of experience as a chef. Soon Li Tian also displayed the cooking ability that matched the superior chef.

Tenderloin is usually divided into large tenderloin and small tenderloin. Tenderloin is the lean meat connected to the large ribs, covered with tendons on the outside. The tenderloin is usually eaten after the large ribs are removed, which is suitable for cooking.Tenderloin is a muscle on the inner side of the spine, which is relatively small and tender, suitable for soup.

Liu Xingyao chose large tenderloin meat. On the contrary, Li Tian chose small tenderloin. He saw that his tenderloin was cut into three thicker pieces, and he also chose to fry the venison first. Cooking.

"Boy, this time I want to gamble on the glory of being a superior chef!" Li Tian was ready to fight back in his heart.

Chapter 165 The Unsurpassable Field

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