The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 496

At first he thought that Liu Xingyao was a rookie and didn't put him in the eyes at all, so he didn't hesitate to propose a cooking showdown.In front of Governor He proposed a cooking showdown, he thought that Liu Xingyao had no choice at all... Once he accepted him as a superior chef, wouldn't he be able to easily defeat this kind of cooking rookie!

At that time, Li Tian was still thinking that he was so smart that he would actually think of this way.But... the final result was to shoot himself in the foot. He had nothing to do with Liu Xingyao's strength, which turned out to be at the level of a super chef. In this venison showdown, he lost miserably.

Li Tian is not reconciled, not reconciled... His hatred of Liu Xingyao has increased to a higher level. He secretly vowed in his heart that he will come back to seek revenge on Liu Xingyao. He even blames Liu Xingyao for not having a special chef in the Li family for several generations. Body.

But after some irritation and anger, Li Tian calmed down... He knew very well that Liu Xingyao was far above him, so it is not easy to get revenge!He is not his opponent in cooking, and there is no way to use force.

Liu Xingyao's strength and weird speed can easily knock all of his Li family down.

Just when Li Tian became angry, but was helpless with Liu Xingyao, a group of people in black robes met him.

"Want to seek revenge from Liu Xingyao? The dark cooking world will give you a chance!" The headed black-robed man said to Li Tian.

That's right, Li Tian and Liu Xingyao's hatred of people in the dark cooking world has long known that they have now found Li Tian's mansion to solicit him.Generally speaking, people in the dark cooking world are very "cold" people, and they don't even care about senior chefs like Li Tian.

However, the reason why the dark cooking world came to Li Tian was because he saw his hatred for Liu Xingyao, that incomparable resentment.What they wanted to use was the resentment in Li Tian's heart to get rid of Liu Xingyao who was in his eyes.

Although they also understand that the "parallel import goods" like Li Tian may not be Liu Xingyao's opponent even after undergoing devil training in the dark cooking world, they do not expect such a person to snatch the legendary kitchen utensils from Liu Xingyao.What they need is a chess piece like Li Tian...

To put it plainly, Li Tian is cannon fodder.The chess piece used by the dark cooking world!

Li Tian was originally a man with an unhealthy mind. This can be seen from the fact that Feisha was imprisoned and wanted to use him. The people in the dark cooking world didn't have much tongue to attract him.So far, Li Tian joined the dark cooking world, and it was precisely on a road of no return, a road that completely pushed his Li family into the fire pit.


At the moment when Li Tian joined the dark cooking world, Liu Xingyao, Ji Di, Feisha, Erina, Tian Suohui, and the six people who had just arrived in Guangzhou to solve the problem, formed the "Looking for Legends of Kitchenware Chef Group". A difficult journey to find legendary kitchen utensils all over the country.

At this time, the group had already left the territory of Guangzhou and was heading towards Chengdu, Sichuan.

The place where the legendary kitchen utensils indicated by the drawings of the legendary kitchen utensils obtained from Chen Kong and Yuli's two brothers was in Chengdu, Sichuan, so the purpose of the group's trip was this.

Along the way, Gangbang Jie asked about everything that happened after he left, and his expression was rare and serious after listening.

"Unexpectedly, you have already fought against the five tiger stars in the dark cooking world? The people in the dark cooking world are extremely terrifying..."

After that, Gangbang laughed again, and said, "But you are still amazing, you are not even the Five Tiger Stars. And..."

Gangbang Jie's eyes fell on the three women beside Liu Xingyao, and smiled: "And you also found your confidante... It's so good. By the way, Yao Niang, when did she tell you when she left? Confluence?"

Liu Xingyao shook his head to indicate that he was not clear, and when he mentioned Yao Niang, his expression was sad.Maybe it will be difficult to meet...

"But then again, Chef Jidi is also with us. This journey will definitely be full of excitement!" Gangbang smiled while holding his steel stick.

Since he started in Guangzhou City, he rarely speaks. Everyone knows that his personality is like this. It may also be because he is afraid that no one will take care of her daughter after leaving.But in order to find the legendary kitchen utensils, not to fall into the hands of the dark cooking world, and temporarily let go of Dudu, which he regards as more important than his own life.


In China’s Yangtze River and Jialing River, you can see clearness everywhere, and when the shoals are moving against the current, the Endor boatman is pulling the boat forward with manpower.In order to resist the cold of winter and the humidity of summer, this place has the strongest spicy flavor in Sichuan cuisine-Chongqing!

Liu Xingyao and his party returned to Chongqing again after a journey of several days and 10 days.

Chapter 168 The City of Beauty

The small town of Chongqing is still bustling and lively, with pedestrians coming and going, and an extraordinary bazaar.This is the first time for Feisha and Erina to come to Chongqing, Sichuan, and they find it very interesting for the local people nearby.

To experience the local culture of a certain place, the most direct way is to order a table of signature dishes at a famous local restaurant.At this time, Liu Xingyao took the three daughters to a restaurant in a small town in Chongqing.

Directly ordered a table of Chongqing specialties, and a table full of dishes only available in Sichuan made people look at their appetite greatly.The restaurant was filled with the characteristic smell of pepper.

Bean curd rice, Maoxuewang, and spicy chicken are now on the table with special Sichuan dishes.Erina and the three daughters of Hishisako Wadasuke were sweating profusely, but the more they were, the more they could not stop.

"This...this is the spicy and spicy feature of Chinese Sichuan cuisine. It's so spicy, but it makes people unable to stop!" Erina's tongue is extremely sensitive. At this time, her face is flushed with hotness, but she looks a little bit different. lovely.

Feisha also blushed, with a joyful face while eating and drinking water.

"Hahaha~ Although spicy, this is the characteristic of Sichuan cuisine." Liu Xingyao smiled and put a red oil dumpling into his mouth to eat.

Gangbang Jie also admired Sichuan cuisine while drinking a small wine: "In Chinese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine is the richest one. It is known as a hundred dishes. The most famous one is fish fragrance, Spicy, spicy, tangerine peel, pepper, strange, sour and hot flavors... If you come to Sichuan, these dishes must be eaten!"

It seems that Jidi didn't speak much at the high-cold dinner table. When he saw that everyone was eating almost the same, he said: "If you don't go to the port soon, you won't be able to catch the boat. I wasted too much time here, let's go."

Everyone knew that this was Jidi's character, so they didn't say much, and after paying the money, they headed for the dock in Chongqing.You can still see the pedestrians coming and going all the way, but compared with other cities such as Guangzhou and Fujian, Chongqing seems to have a slightly different population.

This is "slightly different" but it is Gangbang Jie's favorite place, because Chongqing is also called the hometown of beauty...

Why does Chongqing have beautiful women?The reason that many people immediately think of is the saying "One side feeds one side."But this statement is not entirely correct, because they are not all natural beauty. If the important reason is to be said, it is because of Chongqing’s docks.

Chongqing’s dock is an important factor in the history and immigration background of "beauties like clouds".Since the Qin, Wei and Jin periods, Chongqing has experienced 9 immigrations in history.According to modern genetic theory, the greater the genetic difference between parents, the smarter and more beautiful the offspring.

Of course, some people say that it has something to do with terrain and climate, but these are not issues that Liu Xingyao and others need to investigate.

"Hey...hehe, there are so many beauties in this city. Although I've heard of them before, there are so many beauties..." Gangbang Jie almost looked back at Chongqing, which is so beautiful, passing by. beauty.

Feisha, who had only met Gangbang Jie for a few days, completely regarded him as a pervert... Oh, no, Gangbang Jie was originally a full horny person, and he didn't do much stupid things to pick up girls.

"You can't stay here more, you must rush to Chengdu as soon as possible, and you can't sloppy looking for legendary kitchenware." Ji Di said coldly.

"Really... and Chef No. 1 is really incomprehensible~"


At noon, at the port of Chongqing

"Wh... why can't you start?"

At this time, a large group of people stood on the pier and couldn't understand what the situation was.

A typical Chongqing beauty stood in front of Liu Xingyao and others at this time, her expression apologetic: "Hug...I'm sorry everyone, because except for a few things, I can't open the window. Can you go to other places by boat?"

Hearing this, before Liu Xingyao and the others could say anything, the other people carrying large bags and small bags all yelled.

"Don't be too troublesome, what the hell is going on!?"

"Aren't all the boats on the Jialing River going upstream? They won't come back all day!"

"What should we do if we can't make the delivery? Magnolia, would you give us an explanation?"

Gangbang Jie never looked away from the girl named Magnolia's boatman. He knew that it was his turn to pretend to be forced, so he stood up and asked a gentle gentleman, "Miss Magnolia. , Why can't we sail, can you explain why?"

"This..." After hesitating for a while, Magnolia said, "This is because of my six boatmen, and my brothers can't move!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xingyao was slightly startled.

"Can't move?"


Chapter 169 The Wharf

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