The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 497

"Can't move? What does this mean?" Liu Xingyao asked with a smile.

"This...this..." Yulan wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

Gangbang immediately stood up and said: "Oh, is that the ship? Go and see it!"

Speaking of the steel bar, he trot for a while and came to a small boat. At this time, a half-sized boat was lying or sitting in a few weak and lacking boatmen.

"Hey, a few brothers hurry up and take us for a ride, we are in a hurry!" Gangbang Jie shouted to the boatmen on the boat.

However, after Gangbang finished speaking, one of the boatmen stood up from the boat angrily and said angrily: "Then I will ask you in turn...Why are the seven stars in the north gate bright? Why does the Yangtze River flow? Why does the sun rise? "

Gangbang was asked with a dazed expression by this series of inexplicable words.

"The question you asked is very strange...I don't know at all. I just want to be your ship now?" Gangbang replied.

"That...that's because Lord Bao, he...dead!" The boatman actually had tears after he said it.

When Gangbang Jie heard this, there were several black question marks on his head. Before he could say something, a boatman with a scar on his face grabbed his general's shoulder from behind him.

"Stop, the second child of the ship! Lord Bao, he can't come back again..." the boss of the ship Chuan Vigorously said to the second child of the ship.

"Boat...Boss of the boat!"

Because of the boat boss's words, the few boatmen on the boat directly started howling.

"Master Bao~Master Bao!"

At this time, Liu Xingyao, and the third and third daughters all came over.Seeing this situation in front of me is also a little daunting... what kind of situation is this?

"Master Bao...who is it?" Liu Xingyao asked Yulan beside him.

It was mentioned that there were tears on Magnolia's face... Then I started to talk about the story of Mr. Bao.

Master Bao is a fellow of Yulan and his boatmen, and he is also a boatman.They came to Chongqing from the deep mountains of Hongya, and the great benefactor who helped these boatmen in work or life is Bao Ye.

At the same time, it was also the Lord Bao who taught them to pull the boat. It can be said that these young people who came out of Dashan were brought out by Lord Bao, and they were all blessed by him today.

However, when a few of them were finally able to support themselves in Chongqing, Lord Bao passed away last week.From then on, this group of people was completely helpless, and their hearts were distraught, and then gritted their teeth and pulled the boat forward.But gradually they found that their strength was not enough... they couldn't pull the boat at all.

Boatmen are originally hard work. The ropes of the boat can make deep marks on the rocks on the shore, and because wearing a piece of cloth will become an obstacle to moving forward, the boatmen will move their bodies almost naked. Every muscle is pulling the boat.

"Because my brothers are so they can't get out of the boat!"

Yulan apologized to everyone in front of her and said, "Tomorrow everyone will go to other ships and I will say hello. Please give my brothers some time to put on the linen and filial piety."

However, even though Magnolia said so, she got the utter incomprehension of others, and she immediately yelled at her.

"Don't be kidding! What does that old man's death have to do with us, you are professionals, hurry up and sail for us!"

"And we have to rush to deliver the goods, let's set the ship!"

At this stalemate, the steel baton unraveled and waved the steel baton in his hand under Liu Xingyao's sign, and the resulting huge tornado blew all those who wanted to do something to the magnolia to the ground.

Tian Suohui and Erina took the opportunity to take the magnolia and head towards the other side.

"Go... go to the hut over there!"

Under the guidance of Magnolia, Liu Xingyao came to a small house and immediately saw some tableware and kitchen utensils after entering.

He was very knowledgeable and recognized at a glance what the kitchen utensils were in front of him. He said, "These are the props used to make Sichuan Dandan noodles?"

Magnolia nodded and explained to Liu Xingyao and the others, "Yes...Zhe, this is what we brought back to Master Bao. Master Bao often makes dandan noodles for us, and every time he pulls a boat, he eats his dandan noodles... This is the favorite of boatmen."

Liu Xingyao squatted down and looked at the kitchen utensils making Dandan noodles in front of him. He thought about something: "Is Yuheng Dandan noodles?"

With tears in her eyes, Magnolia said, “The dandan noodles made by Master Bao has a very unbelievable taste. My brothers have to eat a lot of his dandan noodles every time. From blood vessels to muscles, I feel happy Dandan noodles... ...And they have never eaten this kind of Dandan noodles since Bao passed away, so they have become thinner like they are now..."

"So as long as you can make the Dandan noodles that Master Bao made during his lifetime, right?" Liu Xingyao smiled.

Magnolia was obviously taken aback, but she was a little unsure or could not believe that Liu Xingyao could make it and said: "You... can you really make the Dandan noodles that Lord Bao made before his death?"

"Haha~ Let's just talk about it, this is a super chef from Guangzhou!" Gangbang Jie spoke out of his identity.

Chapter 170 Dan Dan Noodle

The origin of dandan noodles is said to be from porters carrying dandan noodles on the street, hence the name.The most famous Dandan noodles is Chen Baobao's Dandan noodles. It was founded in 1841 by a hawker named Chen Baobao in Zigong and then introduced to Chengdu.

It was named because it was originally carrying a burden to sell along the street.For the dandan noodles in the alleys, use a copper pot with two compartments, one for cooking the noodles and one for stewing the hooves.

"Dadan" means "biandan" in the dialect of Chengdu.As a native of Sichuan, Liu Xingyao is familiar with this Dandan noodles.

Therefore, when Magnolia said she was going to make dandan noodles in front of her, she couldn't help but smile.The three daughters of Feisha, Erina, and Tian Suohui also knew that Liu Xingyao's "hometown" was in Sichuan, China, and knew that he would definitely make the Dandan noodles they had eaten.

"Hey, this is the super chef and the No. 1 chef in Guangzhou, this is the genius chef who defeated the No. 1 chef again..." Gangbang quickly spoke out.

Erina glanced at Gangbang Jie with a mentally retarded look, and said, "Master Jie, you have too many words!"

However, fortunately, I knew that Gangbang Jie was such a guy who didn't speak through his mind, and didn't even think about it.

"You... are the special chefs and their partners!" Magnolia was also obviously taken aback, and then to Liu Xingyao and Ji Di asked, "Such as... if you can really rent out the burdens that Bao Bao did during his lifetime. The taste of the noodles is great! If you need any help, just tell me..."

After thinking for a while, Liu Xingyao said to Yulan, "Sister Yulan, then you can help us buy some ingredients and come back!"

"Okay...Okay, I'll go right away, you guys wait a moment." After Yulan finished speaking, she cautiously left the hut to buy vegetables.

After Yulan left, Gangbang Jie touched her chin and pointed at Liu Xingyao, and said, "But how do we reproduce the Dandan noodles called Lord Bao? We haven't eaten..."

Feisha also came to Liu Xingyao and said in doubt: "Yes, what are we going to do Xing Yaojun?"

Liu Xingyao squeezed Feisha's little hand, then came to the thing Yulan had brought back from Lord Bao, and said, "We can use this!"

I saw that Liu Xingyao held a bowl in his hand.

Ji Di, Gangbang Jie and others all looked at Liu Xingyao with doubts.

"This there anything special?" Tian Suohui blinked.

"As long as you use the kitchenware and character to reproduce the taste..." Liu Xingyao closed his eyes and put the bowl in his hand in front of his nose and sniffed carefully.

Seeing this, Erina immediately understood the meaning of what Liu Xingyao said just now... Senior brother has a recognized sense of smell, although these kitchen utensils have been washed, as long as they only see it, they can smell it for a long time.

Ji Di and Gang Gun Jie also seemed to see what Liu Xingyao was going to do, and they all looked at him with some incredible eyes.

"Isn't it... You can smell this?" Gangbang Jie asked in surprise in his heart.

After a while, Liu Xingyao said, " can understand the taste, spiciness, and seasonings from the aroma of the bowl. From the usage of the dandan noodles, you know that it is authentic dandan noodles. From the perspective of gaining strength, this burden of noodles has taken a lot of pains..."

"Then do you know how to do it?" Gangbang explained

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