The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 509

"Although you smashed so many ceramics because you saved people, I can't explain it if you leave like this. So I want you to find the legendary ingredients and make a dish that satisfies me. Otherwise The officer will not let you leave here!" Master Qi said to Liu Xingyao and the others.

As Master Qi's words fell, the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty who had surrounded Liu Xingyao and others walked towards them a few steps to demonstrate.

"Oh, I said Master Qi, isn't this difficult for a strong man? This white-faced beauty Iwapan is so steep, is it possible to climb it!" Gangbang Jie was very embarrassed.

The special majesty of the official Qi also rose up suddenly, and said loudly: "I don't care so much, if you can't do it, just wait for your whole life to be spent in the prison of Ceramic Town! And someone has already climbed up. , Why can't you guys?"

"Cut~ I thought he was a sensible and upright official. After a long time, he was almost as virtuous as the old man named Hou Sanye just now, so arrogant and unreasonable!" Gangbang Jie whispered.

Liu Xingyao shook his head and smiled when he saw this. He thought it would be impossible not to visit the white-faced beauty Yan Pan... and listening to Master Qi's so sure tone, there may be rare ingredients on the top of the mountain.

As a chef, Liu Xingyao is full of curiosity about the unknown ingredients, so he also decided to take a look~ what happened!

Liu Xingyao arched his hands and said to Master Qi, "Master Qi, then we will go to this white-faced beauty Yanpan to find out, and find the ingredients there-bring you!"

"En..." Master Qi nodded slightly: "Dare to explore unknown ingredients and food. This is the spirit that we Chinese chefs should have, but in order to prevent you from escaping, half of you must stay!"

Liu Xingyao had already guessed that Master Qi would do this, and immediately made a decision: "Tiansuo, Feisha, Erina, and Master Jie, you all stay here, and I will go with the first chef!"

"Ah? Why let me stay... I also want to see this as the'legendary ingredient'!" Gang Gun Jie said with some dissatisfaction.

Going to the white-faced beauty Iwapan must be full of danger, but it is dangerous to take the three women, and the steel baton is naturally left to protect their safety. After all, only his "force value" is the highest among the six.

"You just wait here, and I will find the legendary ingredients back with Chef Ji Di!" Liu Xingyao smiled at the steel rod.

The steel baton solved the last helpless hands: "Okay, okay. Then I will stay."

Then Gangbang Jie confessed some things with the third girl and the little girl before leaving with Shidi.The two of them did not rush to the white-faced beauty Iwapan directly, but bought ropes and special hooks for climbing mountains and other props in the ceramic town.

After sufficient preparations, he then went to the white-faced beauty Iwapan.

When Liu Xingyao and Jidi came to the bottom of the white-faced beauty rock, they discovered that the height of 100 meters would not be unknown when they watched it up close, which is steeper than some people climbing in modern times.

Liu Xingyao fixed the rope firmly to his waist, and looked at the white-faced beauty Iwaban in front of him and said: "It seems that it is not easy to climb up, and is Chef No. 1 confident?"

Liu Xingyao deliberately said this to Ji Di, just to see the reaction of his paralyzed face.

And the first side also fixed the rope firmly to the waist, while saying: "Physical strength is the most basic ability to be a chef. If you can't conquer this mountain, let alone use cooking to benefit everyone in the world!"

"Oh oh oh~ It seems that Chef Ji Di is very imposing! Then let's get started..." Liu Xingyao started to climb upwards after he was ready.

Although this white-faced beauty Yan Pan looks really steep and unattainable, but after climbing it was not so difficult. It was only more than an hour before Liu Xingyao and Ji Di had reached the position of the mountainside.

Although a lot of energy was spent, it was fortunate that he was in a place where he could rest on the hillside.

"I said... Why is this place called'White-faced Beauty Iwapan'? And Chef Di..." Liu Xingyao asked Ji Di, who was also wiping sweat next to him, panting.

After he breathed out, he said: "Listen to the legend here, on the top of this mountain are beautiful women with white skin in long skirts, where they are guarded with'treasures', and this is the name of this mountain!"

"Well, what is the most attractive legend in this world!" Liu Xingyao said.

"En?" Ji Di was obviously suspicious of what Liu Xingyao said, because he thought what Liu Xingyao said was a bit strange.

Chapter 190 The Front View of the Treasure

Jidi was obviously taken aback when he heard Liu Xingyao's words, but he didn't think much about the subsequent two continued climbing towards the top of the white-faced beauty Yanpan Mountain.

After spending about two more hours, Liu Xingyao and Ji Di finally climbed to the top of the white-faced beauty Yan Pan.But when I got to the top of the mountain, I found that there was nothing here, and at the same time a stench came out.

Liu Xingyao has an extraordinary sense of smell. He only felt nauseous when he smelled these smells, and hurriedly held his breath.

"So unpleasant...what kind of smell? It smells even worse than the smell of decayed corpses!"

Liu Xingyao frowned and looked around, and said, "Furthermore, I didn't see the beauty in the white dress or any treasure. Isn't there anything in this place?"

"Is the legend false?" Ji Di frowned slightly.

But Liu Xingyao's eyes quickly fell on the mushroom beside the rock in the distance.He seemed to have discovered something, and quickly came to the mushroom, picked one, and looked at it.

Then he couldn't help but laughed and said: "That's it, now I finally know what'white skinned beauty in a long skirt' refers to..."

Seeing Liu Xingyao's mushrooms, he also found something, and said: "So, it is because of this that the food on the top of the mountain will emit such a stench?"

"Unexpectedly, this smelly mushroom is really a legendary'treasure'!" Liu Xingyao smiled.

Later, Liu Xingyao and Jidi picked many of these foul-smelling mushrooms and went down the mountain. When they came down from the white-faced beauty Yanpan, it was almost dusk.


In the evening, Taozhen County Yali

"Oh? You have found the'treasure'!" Master Qi looked at Liu Xingyao in front of him with excitement, and said, "Quickly, take it up to the officer and take a look!"

Liu Xingyao gestured to Feisha, and then a bowl of steaming ramen was delivered to Master Qi.

"It... is actually a bowl of ramen? Well... it's so rich. Is this legendary precious ingredient in the ramen?" Master Qi still asked with such excitement.

Liu Xingyao hugged both hands and said: "Yes, the treasure you need is in this bowl of ramen, please taste it!"

"Okay! I just happen to be a little hungry!" Without a word, Master Qi picked up the chopsticks and took the lead to suck the noodles into his mouth. The moment he ate, his pupils couldn't help but dilate.

Oh~ the noodles are so chewy and the soup is very rich.The side dishes are kelp and delicious abalone, and one bite of noodles and one bite of soup makes people unable to stop.

Then there is another scent that people don’t know is...

With such doubts, Master Qi searched Mianwanli again, and finally he saw a white ingredient that was like cotton.

"Oh, this is?"

Master Qi ate the ingredients similar to cotton with curiosity. The moment he ate it, his expression changed again!

"This... this scent! It tastes thin and soft, it's almost like the taste of cotton. This is indeed a precious and super high-grade ingredient. Isn't it... Is this the legendary ingredient on the white-faced beauty Iwaban?" Qi The lord was shocked.

Liu Xingyao took out the mushrooms picked from the white-faced beauty Yanpan, and put them in front of Master Qi: "You are right, this is the deliciousness of'Lemon Mushroom'!"

"It... it's actually a mulberry!" Master Qi was also shocked...

Liu Xingyao continued to explain, saying: "Yes, it is called a treasure because its price is one-tenth of the weight of gold. It is produced in Sichuan, and Guizhou is an extremely rare super high-grade mushroom. His alias It's the'bamboo silk in the long skirt', and the outer heart is really the same as the beauty in the white-skinned long skirt. Its charm is unforgettable after a glance!"

Gangbang also stepped forward and said, "Actually, I was shocked when the two of them brought back this ingredient, because this thing is really stinky!"

"Yes, because the natural scorpion oyster mushroom does have the smell of wild cat stool, but after drying, the smell disappears, and on the contrary, it becomes a mysterious straw mushroom that emits an incomparable fragrance! Unknowingly Even if people climb to the top of the mountain, they will only hold their noses and endure the stench, and will never notice the'treasures' in front of them, so I think this is the reason why the treasures such as mulberry mushrooms were not discovered in 4.9!" Liu Xingyao explained After a while.

After Liu Xingyao explained this, Mr. Qi had already drank a large bowl of noodles and the soup, which shows that the ramen made with this oyster mushroom is very suitable for his appetite.

"It's really delicious. This is the first time I have eaten ramen made with mulberry mushrooms. It makes me unable to stop eating!" Mr. Qi said with satisfaction, patted his full stomach.

After relaxing for a while, Master Qi stared at Liu Xingyao and said, "But it's not easy for you to discover this kind of food that is difficult for other people to find and make it into such a delicious dish!"

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