The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Eater Halberd Chapter 510

Chapter 191: Unexpected Harvest

"The squash mushroom is known as a more precious ingredient than gold, so it is not too much to call it a treasure!"

Liu Xingyao held a dried mulberry mushroom in his hand and continued to explain, "Like this dry food that can only be eaten after being soaked in water, it tastes no taste. What we want to enjoy is the chewing and taste, so The most important cooking process is to use the broth to make it taste better, so it is the easiest to cook the broth of ramen!"

After hearing this, Master Qi nodded and said with a smile: "It turns out can find this scalloped mushroom known as a'treasure'! Hahaha, after living in Ceramic Town for so many years, I am finally late to Baimian Beauty Rock Iwaki has been hailed as a legendary ingredient. Not bad, you guys made me very satisfied!"

After the Gangbang listened, 09 breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Master Qi, you are also satisfied with your food, can you let us go now?"

"Haha, Qi Xiangtian always speaks for words, you can leave at any time, but since you are famous chefs, you should be interested in that thing..." Master Qi suddenly said mysteriously.

"That thing?" Liu Xingyao looked at Master Qi suspiciously.

Master Qi laughed mysteriously before he said: "The legendary kitchen utensils, you must have heard of it?"

Hearing the news about the legendary kitchen utensils, and the first and Gangbang Jie and others all exclaimed.

"Difficult... Do you know the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils?" Liu Xingyao asked overjoyed.

Master Qi stood up, nodded, and smiled: "Yes, I only heard about the legendary kitchen utensils in recent years. Last year, I also got a drawing about the hidden legendary kitchen utensils. , It was given to me by a wealthy businessman..."

Everyone in Liu Xingyao was overjoyed. They didn't expect that passing by this ceramic town inadvertently would encounter someone with legendary kitchenware drawings.

However, according to the basic routine, Master Qi will certainly not hand over the valuable legendary kitchenware drawings to Liu Xingyao so easily, and he must do something for him before agreeing.

Therefore, thinking of this, Liu Xingyao directly said: "Master Qi, you can tell me directly, how can we give us the drawings of the legendary kitchen utensils, as long as we can do it, it is our duty!"

"Hahaha~" Master Qi couldn't help laughing after listening to Liu Xingyao's words, and said: "I like someone like you who goes straight! My requirement is very simple. You six chefs here, I want you to be none of you Make a dish that satisfies my tongue."

"Ah? Do all six have to do it?" Gangbang Jie asked a little surprised.

Master Qi nodded, turned around and looked out the window with his hands on his shoulders, and said: "Yes, I know the importance of kitchen utensils. If you hand him over to someone with an improper mind or a superficial skill, he will be cast. Great mistake. So I want to examine you further from the dishes you cook!"

Hearing Master Qi's request, on the contrary, Liu Xingyao couldn't help laughing... Among the six of them, who would have weak cooking skills?The weakest relatives are Tian Suohui and Feisha!

But after experiencing so many things, the strength of the two is no longer comparable to what they could before. Although the taste of Master Qi is tricky, it is not difficult to make a dish that satisfies him.

The next day, morning

Six dishes of different styles were placed in front of Master Qi.

The medicinal cuisine that Hisako specializes in, the Tujia cuisine of Tian Suohui, and the noble and beautiful Western cuisine of Erina.

The pasta of Gangbang West, the cooking essence of the first chef, and the stew made by Liu Xingyao as the finishing touch.

After eating, Master Qi was very satisfied and gave the drawings of the legendary kitchen utensils to Liu Xingyao and others...

Then, Liu Xingyao, who was holding the legendary kitchenware drawing, headed directly towards the location indicated on the map.

This time the location indicated by the legendary kitchen utensils is actually...Dunhuang!

270 Dunhuang, belonging to Jiuquan, Gansu, is located at the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor, at the intersection of Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang.

It has been a node city on the Silk Road since ancient times, and is famous for its "Dunhuang Grottoes" and "Dunhuang Murals".

However, the climate in Dunhuang is very unfriendly. It is a typical warm temperate arid climate, with dry climate, low rainfall, large evaporation, large temperature difference between day and night, and long sunshine hours.Some places are like deserts, especially at this time in the Qing Dynasty. If you get lost in Dunhuang, it is as terrible as getting lost in the desert.

Many caravans were knocked down by the bad weather on the way to Dunhuang, so there must be strong stamina to go to Dunhuang, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by the bad weather halfway...

Liu Xingyao traveled all over China and all parts of the world when he was in his first life. He also has some understanding of Dunhuang, so it is necessary to make sufficient preparations on the way here.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two

Just when Liu Xingyao and others got another piece of legendary kitchenware drawings, the news that they were about to go to Dunhuang was also known to the eyes and ears of the dark cooking circles, and they passed the news to the chief of the dark cooking circles far away in Liangshanpo-Kaiyou.

Liangshanbo, located in Liangshan County, southwestern Shandong Province, consists of the four main peaks of Liangshan, Qinglong Mountain, Phoenix Mountain, Guishan Mountain and seven branches including Hutou Peak, Snow Mountain Peak, Hao Mountain Peak and Xiaohuang Mountain, covering an area of ​​3.5 square kilometers.

From the Five Dynasties to the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the surging Yellow River had three big ruptures. The billowing water poured down to the foot of Liangshan Mountain and joined the ancient giant Yeze, forming an endless water pool, known as the "Eight Hundred Mile Liangshanbo".

More than 800 years have passed. Due to the flooding and diversion of the Yellow River many times, the "eight hundred miles of Liangshan Po" sediments and the lakes around Liangshan have become cultivated land.

Today, Liangshan Shuibo, known as eight hundred miles back then, has dried up at its original site.The pool of water and reeds in the sky have long disappeared.Dongping Lake became the only remaining water area in Liangshanpo.

This big water pool seems to be a manifestation of Liangshanbo’s prosperity and decline. Although the dark cooking world is not as strong as it was in the past, it still has strength that cannot be underestimated. The five tiger stars headed by the dark cooking world are all powerful and commanding. The dark cooking world for many years.

The headquarters of the dark cuisine world, Liangshanpo-Wuhudong

"Into the Cloud Dragon" Kaiyou sat in the upper seat, with his right hand on his head, with a faint smile on his face, looked at the bustling people standing below, and said: "Looking at the wolf pot, Yongling knife, Jialou Luodao, With the addition of the legendary kitchen utensils in Dunhuang next, they got a total of four, right?"

A man with a height of eight feet, wearing a gold armor and a flame moiré painted on his face stood up.This person is not the head of the leopard who has had a duel with Liu Xingyao. "Who else is in Asia!"

"Well, the next legendary kitchen utensil is in Dunhuang, and now Liu Xingyao and his party are rushing towards here." Yakan said with little change in expression on his face.

Li Ke, the "shrine" is still standing beside Yakan, she stood silently beside Yakan without saying a word.

"It's almost done. If you let them continue to get the remaining legendary kitchen utensils, it will be very troublesome. This time, they have to catch them all on their way to Dunhuang!" Kaiyou said with a smile, as if Say something that is no big deal.

The chief of the dark cooking world has decided to take action against Liu Xingyao and his party. This time the person who will be sent is...

Yakan heard this and closed his eyes and said: "I should have said...I will not be against them, so you should let me do other things."

"I know, the place you are going to this time is Shanghai." Kaiyou stood up and stroked the feather fan on his right hand with a smile.

"Shanghai?" Yakan opened his eyes and wondered, "What are you going to do in that place?"

"This time we were lucky, and we immediately discovered the whereabouts of two other legendary kitchen utensils, one is Shanghai, which is called the "Magic Capital", and the other is in Jiuhua Mountain!" Kaiyudao.

Jiuhua Mountain, also known as Lingyang Mountain, is located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, and is known as the "first mountain in the Southeast".It is one of the three major mountain systems in southern Anhui. The main body is a strong faulted uplift zone composed of granite rock mass.Except for some sedimentary rocks, the marginal areas are mostly fold fault blocks composed of granodiorite slightly uplifted.

Not to mention the majestic and steep, but ordinary people can't conquer this place!

"I'm going to Shanghai, who will go to Jiuhuashan's kitchen utensils?" Kayyou couldn't help asking more.

Suddenly at this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the entrance of the cave, and at the same time the sound of burping with alcohol, Kaiyou frowned slightly: "He's back..."


Several people in the cave took a look at the direction of the footsteps, and a drunk man dragging a large wine tank to drink appeared in front of everyone. The man dragged a large wine tank with his right hand and a vessel similar to a large cauldron in his left hand. .


The man burped, put the wine jar on the ground, threw the big cauldron utensils in front of Kaiyou and the others, and said, "This is the legendary kitchenware you want?"

Li Ke looked at the utensils in front of him, looked at it for a while, and exclaimed: " is the legendary kitchenware magic copper saint! Lord Kaiyou, this is the legendary kitchenware!"

Only then did Kaiyou set his sights on the drunken man, and said lightly: "The prodigal son Yanxian, work efficiency is really fast! This trip to Jiuhua Mountain, you have worked hard. However, there are more important things left to you. Do it."

When Yanxian heard this, he suddenly "ah", and then complained a little: "I...I just came back now, and...where do you want me to go? Aqiu..."

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