The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 517

Mila also took out a casing from under the cooking table, and saw that some ingredients such as lamb liver and mutton were placed in the clay pot. Isn't this also what is the lamb casserole?

"Wh...what? Master Mila also made a pot of mutton casserole? This...what the hell is going on?" Yang Shi and others were shocked and didn't know what was going on.

Without waiting for Mila to explain, Liu Xingyao smiled and said: "Hehe...I really underestimated you, the'Mirror' Mila didn't expect you to copy everything I did under the cooking table?"

Mila nodded and said, "Yes, even if there is a blind spot on the cooking table, it can't jump out of my eyes. Even if you have a small movement, I can copy it!~"

After hearing Mila's words, Mila's disciples couldn't help but laughed and said, "Ahhaha, didn't I just say it? Master Mila has the ability to replicate instantly, no matter what you do, you can't escape her magic. , So you die-heart!"

Liu Xingyao sneered: "Really?"

Xiang En obviously wiped the sweat from his forehead, and whispered: "Really... it made me worry for nothing. The original green pepper mutton shredded was just a test of the opponent's cooking. But in this case, it can replicate the opponent's. Cooking is worthy of being a Five Tiger Star. The ability to replicate others has reached such a superb state!"

"Hahaha, Master Mila's'mirror duplication technique' is invincible. Okay, Yang Shi, come and try the dishes of both parties right away. Use your'super tongue'!" Myra's disciple faced Yang Shidao.

When Liu Xingyao heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.Erina's "God Tongue", Li Ke's "God Tongue", and now Yang Shi's "Super Tongue", now there are only three people who have special abilities on the "tongue".

But the most powerful is the super touch, super vision, super hearing, and super smell possessed by each of the five tiger stars.

Yang Shi came to the cooking station with a smile and looked at the almost identical mutton on both sides of the assorted pot, and he secretly said: It’s the same as the situation just now... The shadowless noodles made by Gangbang just now are also the same as the current situation. same.It looks the same, but there must be a huge difference in taste, because Lord Mila is an expert in spices!

Speaking of Yang Shibian, he was the first to try the mutton casserole made by Mila.He picked up a spoon and put a lamb liver into his mouth first.Even after eating countless dishes, his face changed suddenly.

This delicious, this delicious...

While Yang Shi was surprised, with the enjoyment and comfort of ghost animals on his face, this delicacy gave him unprecedented excitement and feeling.

"Sour, sweet, spicy, bitter, and salty, lamb has a unique and rich and varied taste that makes people unable to speak this feeling. These flavors are fully mixed with various spices. After adding a slow boring The supreme delicacy formed, the taste of the dissolution of the tongue and body!"

After eating for a while, Yang Shi opened his eyes and looked at the clay pot in front of him, and found that the lamb liver and other ingredients were cut so perfectly with precise knives.

"It's really amazing. Although Liu Xingyao's knife skills are very incomprehensible, he has developed an unprecedented field for the essence of taste! But the more it is, Lord Mila can copy it perfectly... and continue to join. The coriander soup and its seasonings not only completely remove the lamb smell, but also its fragrance is beautifully highlighted!

At the same time, making full use of all the ingredients, he is also very aware that only the internal organs are the most nutritious part.The neck is smooth and chewy, and the brain and spinal cord melt in the mouth.The eyes, stomach, and intestines are extremely round and round, and with proper soup and seasonings, there is no reason why this dish is not good!Master Mila's dish is really perfect!"

After Yang Shi praised it, he put down the spoon in his hand and said loudly to Liu Xingyao: "I think the result of this cooking showdown is very obvious, and Liu Xingyao does not need to try your cooking at all!"

Liu Xingyao smiled faintly: "Really? But how can you know the result if you don't eat it? Right, Lord Mila?"

Mila nodded and said, "Yes, even if Yang Shi is delicious, you have to try his food fairly..."

Hearing Mila's words, Yang Shicai reluctantly came to Liu Xingyao's mutton assorted pot, and slowly put a mutton liver into his mouth. After eating, his pupils couldn't help but dilate. This time the deliciousness was intense. The level actually surpasses the mutton assorted pot made by Mila just now...

He quickly understood that the reason for the gap between the two was actually the spice!

Yang Shi couldn't believe that Liu Xingyao's mutton casserole was actually better than Mila in the combination of spices?

"This...this is impossible! For...why..." Yang Shi looked at the two mutton assorted pots that looked the same but had this obvious difference in taste.

Chapter 205 is even better

After Yang Shi ate Liu Xingyao's cooking, it was a long time since he could not return to his senses.Because he couldn't believe that Liu Xingyao's knowledge in spices is actually better than Mila!Although the two sides were the same mutton casserole, the difference in taste made him eat it all at once.

"This... how is this possible!" Yang Shi did not believe in evil and compared the two sides again, and found that the contrast became stronger and stronger.

Seeing that Yang Shi looked strange, and couldn't make a decision for a long time, Mila's disciples laughed at what they thought it was, and said, "Hahaha, look at this kind of obvious thing, right? Master Mila's. The'spice inequality' is invincible at all. Yang Shih will announce the result of this cooking competition!"

Yang Shi looked up for a long time, pretending that he didn't know anything, and said, "Okay, I announce that the winner of this cooking showdown is Master Mila..."

However, before everyone in the dark cooking world became happy, Liu Bi interrupted their Yang Shi and said, "Wait a minute!"

"What? Do you have any last words?" Xiang En said.

"Yang Shi, as a chef, you actually cheated your tongue?" Liu Xingyao stared at Yang Shi with a sneer.

Yang Shi was obviously a little guilty, and said: "You...what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

"haha, really?"

Liu Xingyao was too lazy to talk to a guy who deceived his tongue. To Xiang En, who was already a little afraid of him, said: "Xiang En, you come and taste the dishes I made with Mila."

"Why me? Wait...wait, didn't Yang Shi have eaten it? There is no need to try it, right? You have lost Liu Xingyao!" Xiang En shouted at Liu Xingyao.

Mila seemed to have discovered something from Liu Xingyao's words and Yang Shi's somewhat unnatural expression.

"Xiang En, it doesn't matter if you eat it once..." Mila said to Xiang En.

Xiang En reluctantly came to the cooking station and ate the mutton assorted pot made by Liu Xingyao and Mila...

She ate the mutton assorted pot made by Mila first, and then Liu Bi's side.But when Liu Xingyao made it at the end, his eyes widened was totally incredible!

"This...this smell, how is this possible!" Xiang En couldn't help but cried out like this.

Mila's disciples and Lai He discovered something wrong.

"What's wrong, Xiang En? Is there anything wrong with these two dishes?" Lai He asked hurriedly.

"Does this still need to be said? Of course it is the most delicious of Master Mila!" Mila's disciple still said.

Xiang En couldn't help taking two steps back, with an unbelievable expression in his expression: "No...impossible, the taste of the mutton casserole on both sides is comparable, but...but why is the fragrance and taste of this spice, why is Liu Xingyao? It’s stronger!"

After Xiang En had finished speaking, his disciple, who was convinced that Mila was invincible, changed a lot, as did Lai He.But Yang Shi's face showed unwillingness!

At this moment, even Mila's face is with an incredible color...

Liu Xingyao just stood up and explained in a cold voice: "Meila, I admit that you are truly seamless in the ability to'copy'. No matter what stunt I perform, you can copy it. At the same time, you think that the'spice inequality' is Invincible existence, I think no one can surpass you! So when you saw me start to make spices, you gave up the idea of ​​copying me, and started doing it yourself, because you think I can’t surpass my knowledge in spices You, but..."

Liu Xingyao threw the spice-mixed bottle he had just prepared towards Mila, and Mila caught the bottle firmly!

"If my smell is correct, the mixed spices you use in the mutton pot are 36 types, while my mixed spices are...49 kinds!" Liu Xingyao said the difference in the taste of the mutton on both sides... …

Mila opened the mixed spices made by Liu Xingyao and dipped a little finger in her mouth to taste. After tasting it, she was also surprised, and then relieved.

"You're right, your spices are indeed better than what I did. It seems that I lost this cooking showdown!" Mila smiled, as if talking about something big.

Mila's disciples and Xiang En, Lai He, Yang Shi and others were speechless when they heard Mila directly admit it.For a while, they couldn't accept the sudden result, and at the same time they couldn't believe that Liu Xingyao Ju... actually made a blend of spices that surpassed Myra!

Finally, Mila closed her eyes and slowly said: "Xiang En, you come to announce the results of the 0.2 game, you must judge correctly!"

Xiang En's expression was extremely complicated, with a painful look on her face, it was obvious that she was unwilling to accept this fact.If the results are announced, according to the prior agreement, Mila must...


"Xiang En!" Mila's voice became cold, and finally Xiang En gritted her teeth and raised her right hand to announce: "Dunhuang-style cooking showdown, the second room lamb competition in the kitchen tower, the winner is - Liu Xingyao!"

This result announced that Liu Xingyao also breathed a sigh of relief, and the relatives of Mila's disciples and others also seemed to have lost their souls and stood there.

Chapter 206 The Injury of Mila

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