The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 518

At the moment when the result was announced, there was not much turbulence on Mila's face. Instead, her subordinates and others were stuck in place for a long time, unable to return to their senses and could not accept this fact.

"You won beautifully. Not only did you crack my stunt, but you surpassed me above the spice. It seems that you defeated the Asian Journal not accidentally. I lost this game!" Mila had to admit to Liu Xingyao Tao.

Mila’s disciples have been following Mila for many years, and she has always witnessed the ending of victory by crushing her opponent, but this time...

"No... Five Tiger Stars is an undefeated myth. It is impossible for Master Mila to lose! It must be Liu Xingyao what you did!" Mila's disciples seemed unwilling to accept this fact.

"Han Qing is enough!"

Mila yelled, and then turned to look at her disciple and said, "Han Qing, I lost this time. You will inherit the title of'Emperor of Spices' from now on!"

"Mi...Master Mila!"

After Mila spoke to her disciple, she turned around at 09 to see Liu Xingyao, and said: "You made two dishes on purpose. You must know my'copy'? I'm curious how you know ?"

"Is it necessary to tell? Of course Master Jie told me!" Liu Xingyao looked at the steel baton who was still lying on the ground unconscious.


Faced with a group of puzzled Mila and everyone in the dark cooking world, Liu Xingyao explained: "Almost no one can make the shadowless side of the steel stick solution, but you did it, and it was almost exactly the same, so it was natural. I just thought that you have such a unique skill. The reason why I made that plate of mutton and green pepper shredded pork was to see how strong your copying skills are, but it was really strong and it was copied..."

"Not only did you know this, so you also made double defenses, and made mutton assorted pot. You are sure I will not copy your spice production... That's how it is, all this is in your plan!" La sighed.

Liu Xingyao didn't speak, so he acquiesced.

And Mila didn't say much, pointing to a place in the corner and said: "The legendary kitchen utensils taken from the steel rod are placed in that place. I lost... Yang Shi, announce the final result!"

Yang Shi looked complicated, turned his head and said, "Yes... I'm sorry, Myla, I can't do it."

Yang Shi and others are very clear that once the result is announced, it means jumping from a height of 300 meters, and no one can escape death.

"What a terrible thing to take the lives of the dark cooking world and even the five tiger stars... I really can't do it!" Yang Shi couldn't bear to look straight and turned his head.

Mila was silent for a while, and then walked slowly to the end of the stone tower, which is the edge of the cliff. At this time, there was a 70-meter cliff at his feet.

Han Qing's face changed drastically: "Master Mila, you...what are you going to do!"

"This is the rule of the game, and the rule must be followed!" Mila finished speaking, and jumped directly without hesitation at all.

"No! Lord Mila!"

At the moment when Mila jumped down, time seemed to stop at this moment, because she recalled scenes.


Ah, the setting sun is such a warm sun, I was finally liberated from the icy five tiger star curse.

I am Mila, and everyone is afraid of me because I have the ability to copy others instantly. Over time, they call me "Mirror Mila".

But I have always been empty, my empty heart, my empty body, and even the breeze blowing me through.However, once the opponent's movements, nerves, and muscles are reflected in my blue pupils, my empty body will be immediately filled.

Then, I copied all the actions of the other party perfectly. Yes, I was like a living mirror, following the cooking of others in front of me and making a completely different dish. This is my copying technique.

This is possible because I used to be locked in a separate dark room, day after day and year after year.Every day is a life of special spice training. After a few months, my heart became empty and I became a "vessel" carved by artificial essence 057.Later, I was promoted to the "Cooking Standard" in the dark cooking world. After life and death front-line cooking duel, I was fainting many times.

And the trick I used was the spice inequality that I learned by the commander-in-chief of the dark cooking world, entering Yunlong Kaiyuling.

First copy the opponent’s cooking skills, and then use the spices to give the opponent a fatal blow. This simple and bold trick, I don’t know how many chefs in the dark cooking world are defeated by this trick, and finally they die like this. With the accumulation of experience in the competition, my skills have become more and more sophisticated, and I have become the five tiger star everyone is afraid of!

As long as I am in the sight air around me, it must be in a cold, tight freezing state.

But now it's all over, it's all over, and I've finished my mission.

Just when Mila thought she had already jumped down, she suddenly felt her hands being grasped by a pair of powerful and warm hands. He looked up and saw that this was not Liu Xingyao who else?

Chapter 207 Abandoning the Dark and Casting the Light

"Master Mila!"

"No, Lord Mila!"

Yang Shi, Han Qing and others had no time to react when they saw Mila jump down, and they wanted to run to reach out and grab her.But they only felt that it was dark in front of them. At the moment when Mila was about to jump down, Liu Xingyao stretched out his right hand and grabbed her...


Xiang En and others were taken aback for a moment, and the screen changed so quickly that they couldn't react.Only then did Mila feel her right hand being firmly grasped, and when she raised her head, she saw Liu Xingyao's cheek.

"You... why save me?"

With a smile on Liu Xingyao's face, he leaned on the edge of the cliff and looked down at Mila with a smile: "Have you forgotten before, has this bet for the cooking showdown?"

"Didn't the legendary cookware tell you where you are... and I want to end my own life, why are you stopping me?" Mila wondered, because the previous bet was about the legendary cookware and the lives of both parties.

"That's right... Since I have defeated you, your life should be under my control, so have you agreed to end your life without authorization?" Liu Bi looked at Mila with a smile.

Mila was taken aback, obviously surprised by Liu Xingyao's words.


Liu Xingyao yelled and pulled Mila up. Although she was already sweating profusely when she pulled it up, she finally saved Mila's life and failed to make her jump off.

At this time, Xiang En and Han Qing arrived in front of Mila and looked at her anxiously.Especially Mila's disciple Han Qing, already looking at her with tears in his eyes.

"Mi...Master Mila, please don't leave me anytime!" Han Qing said to Mila.

Mila's expression remained unchanged: "Han...Han Qing, I...I'm sorry."

After being silent for a while, Mila stood up from the ground and looked at Liu Xingyao and said, " you want to control my life?"

"Domination? That's almost what it means. So I want you not to end your life as easily as before. Without my permission, I can't let you die!" Liu Xingyao still smiled at the secret. Radao.

"is it?"

Mila turned around and said, "But now I have returned to Liangshanpo, and I will give you full life after I return!"

"Return to life? With Kaiyu? Hehe... I won't let you go back to Liangshanpo again, because you will definitely kill you if you fail to complete the mission. Kaiyu will definitely kill you, not just you... and everyone else around you!" Liu Xingyao glanced at Xiang En, Yang Shi and others.

Hearing the triumph, not only Yang Shi, Lai He, Han Qing and others shuddered, even Mila's expression changed.

Although Xiang En knew about Kaiyou's method of punishing people, she still gritted her teeth and stood up and said: " are nonsense, Kaiyou won't do that!"

" don't know the maliciousness of Kaiyu? Well, Mila, let me ask you, who turned you into this kind of puppet indistinguishable from cold weapons! You are locked in a cold room every day. Who gave it to me?" Liu Xingyao said that Mila's body was visibly trembling.

And Mila's disciple Han Qing was also stunned for a long time in the same place, she was also one of the few people who knew Mila's secret.

"Nothing to say, right? This time you fail and you will go again. Kayu will keep you in a cold cage even if you don't kill you. Mila, do you want to go back to that kind of place?" Liu Xingyao said. The words left Mila speechless.

Yang Shi, Xiang En, Lai He and others also didn't know what to say.

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