The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Eater Halberd Chapter 519

For a long time, Mila looked at Liu Xingyao and said, "Then... Then what should I do?"

"Liang Shanbo, I don't allow you to go back, where is hell to you. So..."

Liu Xingyao said that he stretched out his right hand against Mi, and said: "Follow me, I will return you to the warmest place, so that you will always be dark and damp..."

Hearing Liu Xingyao's words, Mila's expression was obviously moved, her big blue eyes flashing with excitement.

"I... can I really? Stay away from that place and find my own light?"

"Well, you can definitely find your own light, come on!"

Liu Xingyao raised his right hand and walked towards Mila.Looking at Liu Xingyao who was walking towards her, Mila couldn't help raising her right hand and stretched it towards him.

However, at this moment, a thing flew over from the side door, and the unbiased target came towards the middle of the two hands, which was forcibly separating the two!

With a "pop", a large wine bowl fell on the ground and was broken. It turned out that it was a wine bowl that was thrown over just now!

Liu Xingyao just followed the prestige, and saw a drunk man leaning on the door, looking at a huge wine jar on his shoulders. Who else is the next five tiger star prodigal son Yan?

Chapter 208 The Unpredictable Yan Xian

Another five tiger star unexpectedly appeared here again, which made Liu Xingyao unexpected.And it's the most unpredictable among the five tiger stars...

Even if he knew the original work Liu Xingyao, he didn't know much about Yan Xian.Like the other five tiger stars, he has super hearing ability, is good at cooking, frying and other cooking, and has the strongest existence among the five tiger stars by Asia.

No matter when and where, he always carries a huge wine tank behind his back. He is bold and likes to drink with others.And the stunt "super-sound cooking" stunt, can make one's own hearing can just listen to the cooking process to know whether the dish is delicious.

Entering the cloud, Longkai is the only person who is afraid...Five Tiger Star Prodigal Son Yan Xian...a mysterious and powerful man!!

Liu Xingyao did not expect that he would come here as soon as the battle with Mila ended, and it was still at the most "critical" time.

When Han Qing, Xiang En and others saw Yan Xian appearing here, their expressions changed.

"980 Five Tiger Stars, Yan...Sir Yan Xian!" Xiang En's expression changed drastically.

For the fear of the Five Tigers, Xiang En and others were fearful from the bottom of their hearts, and they were also hailed as "unpredictable" by Kaiyou.

If Liu Xingyao's jealous person Kaiyu is the first among the Five Tigers, then Yan Xian is the second person... even in some respects, it exceeds the worry and fear of Kaiyu.

But this kind of worry is only in my heart, and it turns into more vigilance, but it is not afraid of Yan Xian.Although Liu Xingyao also knew the plan of the dark cooking industry in Dunhuang, he still pretended to be surprised: "It is really surprising and incredible. There is a second five tigers..."

However, Yan Xian came to Liu Xingyao, Mila and others without saying a word.When he walked over, Rao Liu Xingyao couldn't help but increase his vigilance, staring at Yan Xian, who was a little flushed.

However, it was supposed to be a tense atmosphere, but Yan Xian burped a drink, but it was only the drink that burped Han Qing and Yang Shi and others in cold sweat.

Yan Xian turned his gaze to Mila's body, and said, "I didn't expect Mila, actually lost, and it is said that the kitchen utensils were robbed back again, so there is no point in continuing to carry them here. And... Zhu Qi also lost to the winner!"

When he heard this, Liu Xingyao wasn't surprised, but Yang Shi, Xiang En and others were astonished, and they froze for a few seconds.

Xiang En couldn't believe it, but in a blink of an eye, two five tiger stars were defeated?This... this makes them a little unacceptable!

Yan Xian stared at Liu Xingyao with his weird and unpredictable eyes, and said, ""The special pastry skills of the steel stick solution and your Liu Xingyao's prowess, I have carefully appreciated it just now, so I have completely grasped the tricks of Gangbang and yours..."

When he heard this, Liu Xingyao's expression changed slightly, and he figured out his strength?Then the next step is...

However, at this moment of tension, Yan Xian suddenly sat on the ground, then picked up his big wine jar and poured a bowl of wine in front of Liu Xingyao.

"Come on! Drink a bar!!" Yan Xian showed a row of white teeth, staring at Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but shook his head secretly. As expected, Yan is a man of such a character... Capricious and unpredictable.

Liu Xingyao naturally didn't drink this bowl of wine, but Yan Xian picked up the big wine jar and drank it "grumblingly".

After Yan Xian took a full sip, he stopped drinking in his hand and looked at the side with a vigilant Liu Xingyao said: "Hey, I am not Kaiyu! I won't be poisoned! What's more! I don't want to fight with you yet! Since you defeated Myra, I will not attack you today."

"Yan... Lord Yan Xian..." Xiang Enyu wanted to say something, but was frightened back by Yan Xian's most drunk appearance.

Yan Xian touched his chin and smiled again: "However, I have obtained the rest of the kitchen utensils. It can be said that this time is a windfall!"

Now Jialou Luodao, Yonglingdao, Greedy Wolf Pot, and the spiritual storehouse in Dunhuang are equivalent to being obtained by Liu Xingyao's people, so this means that the remaining four kitchen utensils were first obtained by people in the dark cooking world. Up?

"But Yan Xian, don't be proud, I will take the legendary kitchen utensils from you sooner or later!" After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, Yan Xian drank the bowl of wine in front of him.

Seeing this, Yan Xian couldn't help laughing, and said: "Hahaha, you are really straight-hearted what to say. But no matter how good you are, you are not my opponent. Then, things in Dunhuang are like this, but...but...but The next time I meet you, it will be your death date, you will remember it with me!"

Yan Xian stood up slowly, but after walking a few steps, he turned his eyes to Mila, and said, "Mila...I think your current appearance is useless even if you return to Liangshanpo, so you stay. Stay here, stay with this kid...because next time I can solve you together!"


Chapter 209 Split Action

"The absolutely invincible'Five Tiger Stars' don't allow any failure!"

Yan Xian stared at Mila, with a cold expression: "So Mila, you have no qualifications to return to the dark cooking world after you have failed. You are different from the other five tiger stars..."

Because Yan Xian knew that once Mila's "copying technique" was cracked or won, it was almost impossible to perform it perfectly again.

Mila's expression was slightly deep, her head down was extremely sad, she didn't say anything but didn't know what she was thinking.

"Yang Shi, Lai He, Xiang En, what are you still rubbing with? Come meet Liang Shanbo with me. If you fail this mission, you will be counted as your share. After you go back, you will be waiting for you from Asia Magazine's Iron Fist!" He took the lead in the tavern and left.

Yang Shi, Xiang En, and Lai He still followed after slightly froze.

Han Qing looked at Yan Xian who was leaving, and then at Mila beside him, appearing a little at a loss.

"Mi...Master Mila, what shall we...change?" Han Qing asked Mila.

However, Mila shook her head and motioned to her that she didn't know.

Looking at the bewildered Mila, Liu Xingyao said softly: "Mila, in fact, you don't need to struggle. It is not a good thing for you to leave the dark cooking world. After all, you are not a cold-blooded animal or a cold-blooded vessel used by others, so Create a new future with me!"

"I... can I really?" Mila raised her head, her big blue eyes staring at Liu Xingyao flickering.

Liu Xingyao nodded, his expression was very firm and said: "That is natural, if you are determined, you will be able to do it. Our chef team, you are also welcome to join!"

Although Mila didn't speak, the smile on her face was regarded as acquiescence to Liu Xingyao's words.

When Han Qing saw Mila's smile from his heart, he finally came back to his senses after a long pause.In the end, she could only sigh in her heart. In fact, no matter what Mila made, she, as a disciple, would unconditionally support her.

When I came back, I could only find Yan Xian's back when I stood on the stone tower and looked out.At this time, Yan Xian's words rang in everyone's ears.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you one thing..."

Now Yan Xian is a few hundred meters away from Liu Xingyao and the others. Can such a distance be passed?

Seeing this, Han Qing immediately exclaimed: "This...this is the unique'super-sound cooking' of the five tiger star Yan Xian. It can pass what you want to say to other people's ears within one kilometer..."

Liu Xingyao frowned and continued to listen to what Yan Xian wanted to convey.

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