The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 520

"Beijing Lu family seems to be the family of one of your friends~ Now that Lu family has been swallowed almost, if you rush over now, maybe you can still collect their bodies for them~" Yan Xian's voice echoed in Liu Xingyao and others. People's ears.

After hearing this in his heart, Liu Xingyao's face suddenly changed!

Beijing giant Lu family... isn’t that Yao Niang’s family?Worse, the dark cooking world actually started on her family?not good!


After that, Liu Xingyao brought the heavily injured steel baton to Deakura, Han Qing and Ji Di, Erina, Tian Suohui, and Feisha.

Both parties learned about the previous situation, and met another five tiger star Zhu Qi in the market. After experiencing a fierce cooking showdown, they defeated Zhu Qi and got a legend about kitchen utensils. The clue is that a legendary kitchen utensil is located somewhere in Shanghai called the "Magic City", but I don't know where it is.

Although Gangbang’s injury was serious, fortunately, a well-known doctor was found in the local area for treatment, and the injury finally stabilized.

Of course, the first class was surprised at first when Mila abandoned the secret to join the chef team, but also a little worried.But under Liu Xingyao's repeated insistence, they didn't continue to say anything, but they were more or less wary of her.

All of these are understandable... and Liu Xingyao will also get the news from Yan Xian about the Lu family's attack by the dark cooking world and tell it to Tian Suohui and others.After listening, they were also very worried about Yao Niang's safety.

However, the steel baton in front of him was unresolved and suffered a lot of injuries. It would be wrong to leave for Beijing immediately.After the final discussion and decision, Liu Xingyao was ready to split into two groups and start his action.

Liu Xingyao took Erina, Mila, and Han Qing to Beijing first. After Di, Tian Suohui, Erina, Scarlett, and other steel rods got better, they went directly to Shanghai to find other legendary kitchen utensils.

There must be a time difference between the actions of the two sides, so once one side is completed, they will rush to the other side to support.This separate operation is quite risky, and this is a strategy to start acting as a last resort.Therefore, Liu Xingyao is also very cautious. Of course, he is more worried about the safety of the three women such as Erina, so they are allowed to stay in Dunhuang temporarily, and then only Mila and Han Qing, who have only "joined", follow him directly to Beijing... …

Chapter 210 The Ruins

Beijing has always been regarded by feng shui scholars as an ideal capital where "the mountains and rivers must be energetic".The western mountain in the west is the Taihang Mountains; the Jundu Mountain in the north is the Yanshan Mountains, both of which belong to the Kunlun Mountains.The two mountain ranges converge at the southern entrance of Beijing (the southern entrance is an important place for military strategists) to form a semi-circular Dashan Bay extending to the southeast of Sunda, surrounded by the Beijing Plain.

The terrain slopes slightly from northwest to southeast.Rivers such as Sanggan River and Yanghe River converge here to form Yongding River.In terms of the geographical pattern, "Liaojie to the east, Taihang to the west, Shuomo to the north, military capital to the back, and Central Plains to the south." A strategy conducive to development and control.

The terrain is so good, so it is quite natural to build the capital here during the Qing Dynasty.The markets around Qipan Street, Lantern Market, Chenghuangmiao City, Inner City and Chongwenmen in Zhengyangmen of Beijing are prosperous.

Especially the Chessboard Street in front of Daming Gate, where "department stores gather", due to the fact that "the government department is on the opposite side of the street", "the world's migrant workers are here, gathered in Sri Lanka, shoulder-shaking, and the sun is noisy" scene.

The Lantern Market is in the east of Wangfu Street in Donghuamen, west of Chongwen Street, and two miles away from each other. There are two halves in the north and south, and all kinds of jewels are used to catch daily-use fines, and all of them are equipped. High-rise buildings, the city will stop on the eighth day of the first lunar month until the eighteenth."On the opening day of the market, "the goods are separated by the team, people are not cared about, the car can not spin, the city overflows the city, and the river flows by the side" is also very lively!

These are all prosperous scenes of Beijing City, among which Lu Jia is one of Beijing's big wealthy families, which is an open area on the outskirts of Beijing city, dozens of kilometers away.The Lv family has been mainly engaged in business for generations. In business, all kinds of people in mainland China came and went, and the area accumulated wealth in the area and now has the Lu family.

The wealthy Lu family built the mansion outside Beijing. Because of the continuous growth of the Lu family, many buildings were built near him. Some people built houses next to it in order to "smear light".Seeing this, Lu Jiaxian not only did not reject it, but instead provided financial subsidies to help them build houses.

Whether it was the generosity of the Lu family's head, or deliberately pretending to be "fake benevolence", because of the Lu family, the "Lu family village" was formed here.

It is said to be Lujia Village, but it is much more prosperous than other villages. The reason is that it surrounds the rich family Lujia.

"Beijing Lujia" seems to have become the endorsement of wealthy businessmen, but this once rich village has now become a mess.


When Liu Xingyao took Mila and Han Qing to Lujia Village, a few dozen kilometers away from Beijing, it was already half a month later.

"This...this is Lujia Village? did it become like this? Last...the last time I came here, it was very prosperous!"

Rao Han Qing, who had been in the dark cooking world, saw the mess in front of him, but was still in the same place for a long time and couldn't return to his senses.A few years ago, Han Qing visited Beijing once in order to complete his mission in the dark cooking world, and passed by Lujia Village, known as the Xanadu Village.

At that time, the village was in a state of abundance. The people in the village lived a prosperous life, but now...

The village looked lifeless at a glance, without a trace of anger.The originally spacious fields were filled with graves.Crows hovered constantly over the village, and the crows' "quack quack quack" cried, indicating that people died here not long ago...

Liu Xingyao's keen sense of smell unfolded, and he could still smell the disgusting corpse in the air, which was several times unpleasant than the smell of the white-faced beauty on the rock...

Mila's expression also flashed with surprise, and she was also shocked by the miserable scene before her.

"Also... is it still late?"

Liu Xingyao clenched his fists and ran into the village regardless of the stench, followed by Mila and Han Qing.After searching in the village for a while, he found the Lu family mansion.

This is a luxurious mansion covering an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters. However, the luxury of the old days has long ceased to exist, and some are lifeless... It is still not seen by anyone, and the yard is still piled up with graves.

"Dark cooking world, Yan Xian!"

Liu Xingyao's angry forehead bulged with blue veins, not only because the Lu family became like this, but because the people in this village died.

Han Qing hugged his arms, and his body trembled slightly and said, "This...this is why I fear Yan Xian...Although I get drunk on weekdays,...but... People. Often use one enemy ten to crush the opponent!"

" won't kill so many people! They are all innocent!" Liu Xingyao shouted angrily 0.6.

"Into the cloud Longkai is the only one to fear, the prodigal son Yan Xian..." Mila murmured.

At this moment, Liu Xingyao suddenly saw that there was another person in the corner, and it was a gray-haired old lady.

"There are still living people!"

Liu Xingyao hurried over and came to the old lady.The old lady knelt down in front of the grave with tears in her face, her slightly drooping eyes kept running with tears, the corners of her eyes were full of wrinkles, showing the signs of time, and her slender face was covered with age spots.

Such an elderly lady should have spent her old age at home, but at this time she could only kneel at the grave and cry helplessly.

Chapter 22 Bad News

Liu Xingyao, Mila and Han Qing came to the white-haired, wrinkled old man, watching her kneeling before the grave and crying, Liu Xingyao's heart was infinitely sad and angry!

Resisting the anger in his heart, Liu Xingyao came to the old man and said, "Sorry, old man, please tell me what happened here?"

Although Liu Xingyao had guessed that the mastermind of everything here was the work of the five tiger star prodigal son Yan Xian, he still wanted to confirm and confirm it.Moreover, the most important thing is that he needs to find out if there are any survivors in the Lu family, because the old man kneeled in the Lu family compound, indicating that she should be a person living here.

The tears on the old man’s face continued to fall, looking up at the hazy sky, and slowly said: " know... the grave in front of me is the grave of my son and daughter-in-law. He...they originally belonged to the Lu family. Jia Ding and 09 maid...Although...In spite of this, our family lived happily. But...I didn't expect such a demon to appear in China's four thousand years of history!"

When she heard this, Han Qing's body trembling became more and more obvious. If she wanted to, she would rather not listen to the next words...

"This village is called Lujiacun, and it was really established more than 50 years ago. Because the house of the wealthy Lu family was built here, we are fortunate enough to survive here... The Lu family has a blessing to everyone in our village, and everyone is very grateful to Lord Donkey. With Miss Lu. The village also lives in peace and contentment, and we are all very happy...

But...but until the demon appeared...everything...everything changed.About a month and a half ago, a drunk drunk man brought a group of people in black robes to the mansion, and they controlled the Lu family with strange cooking.Master Lu's face became thinner in less than half a month, and finally announced in front of the villagers that all of Lu's property would be transferred to that demon...

After annexing the Lu family, the demon refused to give up. He also ordered his men to lock everyone in our village in a nearby dungeon. They took away all the babies in the village in order to nurture them into My subordinates have become chef Lin in the dark cooking world, and we adults are not spared.

He pulled one of our villagers out of the dungeon every day, and then forced us to drink the weird soup made by him and his accomplices, and there was something in it that I didn’t know might be poison, or something else.The drunk demon recorded the symptoms of people who drank it. All of them were the victims of Kaiyou's human experiment before they died. He was a demon, a person more terrifying than a demon.He is the people of our village just for his experiment, and these tombs are the people of the whole village... Only I survived!"

When he heard this, Liu Xingyao was stunned.He didn't expect that a step that should have occurred in the village near Liangshanpo many years later happened here in advance, and the target was Yao Niang's family.It can be said that this incident was entirely because of him...

If Yao Niang hadn’t met Liu Xingyao in the first place, her family would not have been targeted by people in the dark cooking world. If they hadn’t been targeted at the current Lu family and Lu’s village, they would not have been so miserable...

Of course, guilt is only for a moment, it is more of anger at the actions of the dark cooking world and others!Even if you don't meet Liu Xingyao, maybe someday the dark cooking world will come to Lu's family for many years.

So in the final analysis, it is because of the dark cooking world. Through this incident, he is very clear that if the dark cooking world is not eliminated, the world will be difficult to clean!

Liu Xingyao couldn't help clenching his fists even more at the thought, and the determination to get rid of everyone in the dark cooking world became unshakable and imminent.

The white-haired old man continued, and her dry eyes seemed to have run out of tears at this time: "However, my life is not many, because no one can survive after drinking his soup... "

After speaking, the old man finally vomited a mouthful of blood, and his pale cheeks became paler and weaker.

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