The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 563

The secret passage entrance was closed again, and no one seemed to have appeared just now.

After entering the underground secret passage, Liu Xingyao had to sigh once again the ingenious skill of the construction of secret passages in the dark cooking world. There are too many things to consider when constructing such a sealed place several meters underground.

However, they were able to build secret roads of various sizes, such as these, across the country. I have to say that the descendants of these Liangshan heroes are really powerful, whether in cooking or in other attainments.

After walking for 10 minutes, Liu Xingyao and others came to a very wide place.

The surrounding stone walls were lit with torches, illuminating the dark underground chamber as if it were daytime.

After walking a few steps, you can see Yanxian sitting on the stone seat, and the people in the dark cooking world standing neatly on both sides of Yanxian sitting down. It is preliminary estimated that these are quite capable chefs.

The sacred scholar stepped forward, knelt on the ground and said to Yanxian: "Master Yanxian, people have already been brought."

At this time, Yanxian was lying on his side on the stone bench drinking wine. He turned his head back and forth below when he heard this. Through the light of the torch, he could still see his somewhat drunk face.

"Ah, here it is? First... I will serve a good wine first. Hey, it's hard to justify not drinking when I am here!" Yanxian stood up, speaking surprisingly.

Chapter 284 Dark Showdown

Yan Xian stood up and said something amazing, and he directly invited Liu Xingyao and others to drink together.

However, Liu Xingyao and others stared at Yan Xian with a deep look.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not the guy Kay, and I don't know how to put poison in the wine, so please accompany me to drink a bowl!" Yan Xian picked up the wine bowl in his right hand and said to Liu Xingyao again.

Liu Xingyao pondered for a moment, and then looked at Yan Xian who was sitting here and said: "Yan Xian, I don't know if you have such a personality, or pretend to be polite with me. Just drink alcohol. I'm not in the mood to talk to you about these insignificant things. "

"That's right, let Mila and Han Qing go quickly!" Gangbang Jie also shouted.

When Yanxian heard this, his face was disappointed, and he muttered: "It's really ruthless. There is no time for a bowl of wine, nothing more."

With a few mouthfuls of "gulugulu", Yan first drank a bowl of wine.

After drinking, Yan first put the bowl in his hand aside, and sat down and said: "Okay, let's talk about business, hiccup~ What, you want to save Mila and Han Qing, right? Yes, use Let’s replace the four legendary kitchen utensils. Mrs. Luo told you about this before, right?"

"Do you think we are stupid or you are stupid? Legend has it that how could we give you the kitchen utensils first, unless you let them go first!" Gang Gunjie once again said loudly to Yanxian.

Yan Xian lay on the stone seat like a little scorpion, scratched his ears with his little finger, and said: "I said the steel baton solution, your voice is too loud, and my ears are too noisy like Yakan. You want Knowing that now your feet are my territory, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with us!"

Liu Xingyao sneered, not at all afraid of Yanxian's words.

"Yanxian, we have the courage of your lair, do you think we will be afraid of you? Don't let Mila and Yanxian, you don't want to get legendary kitchen utensils in your dark cooking world in this life. I have hidden them in you forever. The place to be." Liu Xingyao said coldly.

"Ah... you actually hid the legendary kitchen utensils? That's really troublesome. You don't want to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils, and we don't want to let people out without seeing the kitchen utensils. I really embarrassed me..." Yan first touched his head and made a very embarrassed look.

Liu Xingyao knew that Yanxian was pretending, and as expected, Yanxian stood up again after a while.

"Hey, Liu Xingyao just do this!"

Yan Xian pointed to Liu Xing's group of people and said: "I count, you have 1, 2, 3... It looks like there are seven. Oh, no, if you count the traitor Xianen, there are eight people in total? Then come one. Let’s play a'dark showdown', and it's a group's'dark showdown'!

"'Darkness duel'!" Xiang En's face suddenly turned pale when he heard this.

Liu Xingyao frowned and said, "'Dark duel'? What does this mean."

"Ah, I forgot that you are not a member of the dark cooking world, and you don't know about this. Then who, sacred hand writer, come and explain to them, let's explain the'dark showdown' in the dark cooking world to resolve disputes!" Yanxian will explain The work was handed over to the sacred scholar.

After the sacred scholar came to Liu Xingyao and the others, he squinted his hands and explained: "The so-called'dark showdown' is the abbreviation of'dark cooking showdown'. It is a dish formulated to resolve disputes within our dark cooking world. The rules are no different from ordinary cooking duels, but the only difference is..."

Speaking of this, the sage scholar deliberately paused, pointed to the purple-black liquid in the transparent glass bottle that had been placed in the distance, and said: "Those who lose in the dark duel must take the poison!"

Although everyone had prepared their hearts, they were shocked after hearing this...

Liu Xingyao's expression sank and said: "So, you have prepared for such a duel a long time ago, waiting for us?"

Yan Xian, who was sitting here, still looked drunk, and said, "Yeah~ So do you dare to accept? If you can defeat us in a multiplayer "dark showdown", not only will you go to Mila and Han Qing and keep the legend. The kitchen utensils, even our lives can be taken away. Isn’t this something you have always wanted to do?"

Defeating Yanxian, or even putting him to death, is indeed what Liu Xingyao wants to do, and it is also for revenge for the undead of the more than 100 people in Lujia Village.But if once agreed, it means that Erina, Scarlett and others must also participate.

And once you lose in the "dark duel", 1.5 must drink the poisonous poison.

But if you not only agree...

"However, I hope that thing can be useful. has to be useful. The'system' will depend on you for our lives this time..."

After thinking about it in his heart, Liu Xingyao said to Yanxian: "Yanxian, I promise you this'dark showdown', this time... let's make a break!"

"I think so too. If you don't get rid of you, he can't sleep well, or he will make his face in front of me all day. It's really not a good taste." Yanxian stood up as he said, and put down the big in his hand. Wine jar.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 285 Dark Showdown Continued

Yanxian stood up, his aura changed dramatically. Just now, his drunken cheeks showed a powerful aura. This is the powerful aura of being the leader of the five tiger stars and the dark cooking world.

However, the momentum disappeared after a while. Yanxian regained his drunken appearance, and said to Liu Xingyao and others: "En...Then the'Dark Showdown' will begin here in ten minutes, so I will give you some time to prepare. Oh, By the way, if you have any last words, you'd better write them down first, because even if you drink a drop of that poison, you will die on the spot!"

Saying that Yan first entered a room behind the stone seat, the two Chaolin chefs on both sides of him also followed in, leaving the sage scholar and other chef Lin to monitor Liu Xingyao and others.

"Hehe, just take advantage of this time to talk to each other's last words, and I will bother you..." The sage scholar also showed a gloomy color at this moment, and said to Liu Xingyao and others.

He is not afraid that Liu Xingyao and others will run away. Whether outside the secret road or at the entrance, there are people in the dark cooking world guarding him. He also knows that Liu Xingyao and his party can come here, afraid that they have no plan to go out alive. Come to save Mila and Han Qing.

In this spacious basement hall, only Liu Xingyao and his party were left.

Seeing that time is running out, Liu Xingyao stopped being verbose and took out the realization, so he exchanged a few capsules from the system and said to everyone: "Now I can't explain to you too much, remember that you guys were at the beginning of the'dark showdown'. Just eat this thing."

Everyone took the red capsule that Liu Xingyao handed over. Among them, the three goddesses Erina, Scarlett, and Tian Suohui were all surprised.

Because he knew that something like a capsule could not be made with the current level of technology in this era, he said that it must be something that is only modern, but why does Liu Xingyao have it?

At the same time, what exactly is this capsule used for?

Seeing everyone's doubts, Liu Xingyao said, "I know you have a lot to ask, but now is not the time to explain this. In short, eat this to make sure you are safe!"

"Oh, just eat it? It's too easy." Gangbang explained and ate the capsule.

Liu Xingyao became black, and said after being out of anger: "Let me explain, master, can't you understand what I just said? It's not for you to eat now..."

"Ah...Why didn't you say it earlier? I thought I was going to eat it now, but your snack is really unpalatable, a bit bitter, what is it made of?" Gangbang said with his mouth.

Liu Xingyao held his forehead: "Forget it, you will be less able to take medicine now, but it won't affect the whole thing."

"Medicinal properties?" Everyone was puzzled.

However, at this moment, there was enough footsteps. Although they didn't know what the pill was for, everyone subconsciously held this thing in their hands.

It’s not Yanxian and who else is there?

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