The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 564

"Everyone, if you guys are talking and laughing, do you think you are almost ready? Then start the exciting'dark showdown' right away!" Chef Chaolin behind Jae Yanxian stood up and said.

"10 minutes is so fast? Is there a problem with your time here?" Gangbang laughed.

Yanxian froze for a moment, it was hard to tell that it was pretending to be like that, and said: "Huh? It's not ten minutes? I've had several bowls of wine!"

"Yanxian, I don't want to be verbose with you either. Let's start right away. On your site, use your usual solution, and then defeat you all. This is also to avenge the people who killed you in Lujiacun!" Liu Xingyao To Yanxian once again swore.

"Revenge? There are so many people who want me to take revenge. There is no shortage of you. So let's start right away, but before this starts, I must remind you that this time is not a one-person cooking showdown, but A multi-person cooking showdown!"

After Yanxian finished speaking, he winked 933 at the chef Chaolin beside him.Chef Chaolin understood, and then came to a stone wall on the right and touched a mechanism.

The mechanism was touched, and this time there was a huge roar. Everyone in Liu Xingyao felt that their feet were shaking, some of them were unstable, and something was coming out of the ground.

The roar became louder and louder, and then I saw a full 6 cooking stations rise from the ground, and in the middle of the six cooking stations, there was a small stone table, but I didn’t know what it was used for. use.

The 6 cooking stations are surrounded by a circle. It is obvious that this is the cooking station for this "dark showdown". At the same time, there are also food warehouses with various ingredients around the stone wall.

The sage scholar put a few bottles of highly poisonous venom on the small stone table in the middle of the six cooking stations, and said: "In this way, the battlefield is already prepared. Then who will you send to fight this first battle?"


Chapter 286 The First Battle

"In the first battle of the'Dark Showdown', the two sides will send three cooks who can cook for the showdown. Then who are you going to line up in the first round?" Sheng Shou Shusheng squinted at Liu Xingyao and the others.

Scarlet's expression sank slightly, and said, "Is this a 3V3 matchup? This is similar to Yuanyue's "Allied Food Halberd".

"League Food Halberd, what are you talking about in Xinhu?" Yao Niang beside him asked.

"Ah...nothing, nothing. I was just thinking, in this 3V3 duel, who is better in the first battle?" Scarlett changed the subject.

When Yao Niang and Xiang En heard this, their faces also appeared worried.

"Don't think about it, this time they are at least at the level above Chef Lin. Even if they are not Chef Super Lin, they are afraid they are the elite of Chef Lin..." Xiang En looked very serious.

Hearing this, the Gangbang Jie directly stood up and said: "So, I have to go to the first battle, right? After all, we are the big men who want to start the battle!"

"Are you looking down on our girls? Master Jie!"

Erina did not stand up for fear at all, and said: "Look at us female chefs, but we will suffer a lot."

Gangbang smiled awkwardly: "I didn't mean that, if it was you... then it's another matter."

On the surface, she said this, but Gangbang Jie was muttering in her heart that this grandma was the one who could defeat Chef Lin casually, and was a freak-level existence just like Xiaozi Liu.

The sage scholar looked at while Urina and Gangbang Jie squinted their eyes, nodded and said, "Oh, are you two going to play in the first round? Not bad, courage is commendable, but three people are needed. There is one……"

"Me." And the first nonsense stood up.

As a result, the three players in Liu Xingyao's team have been determined, namely, Gangbang Solution, Erina, and the first.

Shengshou Shushengdian nodded again: "The special pastry chef of Shanxi Province, the special chef of Guangzhou Province, and the little girl who defeated Chef Lin's "Jin Maohu" Roco. Then, we will send three One of the people is the nameless man, and then there are two people here..."

Following the direction pointed by the sacred scholar, I saw two men in black robes gradually walking towards this side, because they were dressed in a unified dark cooking world, covering their heads and only exposing their eyes outside. Pure face.

But when they came to everyone, the two took off the black robes from their heads, and then their "true faces" appeared in front of everyone.

One of them was Luo Tai, the "Jin Leopard" who "delivered letters" to Liu Xingyao and others in the small town of Huangshan.The other is wearing a monk's clothes. He is tall and has a bald head. The most conspicuous one is the large rosary hanging on his neck.

When Xiang En saw these two people, his expression changed slightly and said, "Are the three people in the first battle the three who have the upper ranks of Chef Lin?"

"Sister Xiang En, do you know all of these three? What are their strengths?" Tian Suohui asked in a low voice.

Xiang En nodded, his gaze first fell on the man with a wicked look and a large string of rosary beads around his neck, and said: "That man is named'Flower Monk' Ruda, one of the Lin chefs in the dark cooking world. No one can match, especially when it comes to'cold dishes', no one can match. As for'Jinbaozi' Luotai, like his brother Roco, he is very good at soup cooking, but Luotai is stronger , Because he is not only good at soup cooking...

Finally, Han Yu, the "Sheng Shou Shusheng", is more terrifying than the other two. This person is the "Super Lin Chef" second only to the Five Tigers. He has no fixed field of expertise, as long as he is not good at Chinese cuisine. , And there are rumors that his right hand is not afraid of high temperature, and at the same time, he only needs to touch the food lightly, and he can immediately know the internal temperature and freshness of the food..."

"This... these three are so amazing!" Tian Suohui couldn't help exclaiming.

Not only Tian Suohui's face changed, even Feisha and Liu Xingyao, who played in the first game, frowned.

"It's really hard to deal with, but it's not totally impossible. At least I believe the three of them are fine." Liu Xingyao convinced.

"Master Erina, come on, you must win." Scarlett prayed in his heart.

At this time, the two parties who participated in the first battle of the "Dark Showdown" came to a specially-made cooking table surrounded by a circle.

"Before the duel, I'd like to wait for the judges for the tasting. If we let people from the dark cooking world serve as the judges, you will definitely be unwilling, so the judges will draw one from each of the two. The saint hand scholar smiled at the people.

Feisha suddenly felt something was wrong after hearing it, and said, "Wait, isn't the number of judges even in this way? It's easy to get one vote for one vote. Is it possible to continue after a tie? It's endless."

(To be continued...)

Chapter 287 3v3

"The number of judges has always been an even number, so there is no way to judge, right?" Scarlett felt wrong.

The sage scholar smiled again and said, "So the three judges are the most appropriate. As for the last one, you can rest assured that someone will come to taste it later, and... it's still your old acquaintances!"

"Old...old acquaintance? it?" Liu Xingyao sensed who the sage scholar said was.

"However, this perfect match must require a qualified referee (host). Xiang En, you used to do this in the dark cooking world, so let you come this time." The sage scholar said to Xiang En. .

Although Xiang En was a little uncomfortable with the feeling of being blamed, she had no reason to refuse or courage, and in some respects, it might be a good thing for Liu Xingyao.

Xiang En sorted out his thoughts, and then 670 came to the middle position and announced: "Well, the multiplayer'dark showdown' that decides life and death is about to begin. First, determine the rules of the'dark showdown' or some precautions. , The first and second games are a 3-player duel, and the winning chef can rematch and join the subsequent duel. Similarly, repeat the duel until the opponent's camp is completely defeated and win. Another thing to note is ..."

He said that Xiang En deliberately paused for a moment before continuing: "During cooking, he recognizes the support for his teammates' cooking, which means that they can cooperate with each other. At the same time, if the person who loses the game will drink poison..."

Hearing Xiang En's explanation so carefully, the sacred scholar couldn't help squinting his eyes and smiled: "Oh, Xiang En, are you really afraid that they didn't understand the rules of this dark duel, and they said so in detail? But it's okay, so they lose. He is convinced, and then drink the poison and go to hell, hahaha!"

"It's so noisy, I said you should be the one who wants to drink the poison, right? You bastards in the dark cooking world do all the bad things, and it's time to go to 18 levels of hell long ago! Holy hand scholar, I will do yours Opponent!" The steel rod rebuked the accusation, and declared war on the sage scholar.

The sacred scholar gathered the folding fan in his hand, with a smile on his face: "Hehe, I'm the sacred scholar, Han Yu, since I joined the dark cooking world, no one has done anything to me so directly except for the five tiger stars. Declare war, Master Jie, you are the first one."

"Stop talking nonsense, see the real trick on the cooking table!" The steel rod solution has revealed the steel rod wrapped in white cloth, which is ready for battle.

At this moment, Luo Tai focused on Erinai, staring at her with gloomy eyes, and said: "Little girl, you were lucky to defeat my brother last time. This time I must take revenge for him, because you let my brother I have been branded with the'unpalatable mark', and I want you to know the pain!"

Gangbang Jie stared at the sage scholar, and this Luo Tai was staring at Erina, bound to avenge his brother.

Then the remaining flower monk Ruda had to fight against Ji Di.

In this way, the three opponents have been determined, so the next time is the duel of life and death.

"In addition, I must also remind that the "theme" used in the "Dark Duel" is randomly selected from the closed stone box in the middle. What "theme ingredients" to choose depends on your choice. Now," the sage scholar reminded.

Gangbang Jie looked at him full of confidence and grasped everything in his hands. It was very uncomfortable. He said, "Well, what white-faced scholar, what are we going to compare, you choose?"

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