The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 566

Chapter 290 Three Groups Situation

Even the steel baton solution was surprised by the kneading technique that the sage scholar stood up, because even his kind of dough may not be able to perfectly blend the dough together.

The steel rod was surprised, and the movements in his hand were not at all satisfied. He picked up his steel rod and pressed the cut small dough into the round skin of a unified godson.

Shengshou Shusheng glanced at the steel baton solution, put the kneaded dough ball aside without hurriedly, and took the lead in processing the fillings.

He picked up carrots, greens, spinach and other vegetables, put them on the cutting board, and cut them into countless fine powders with a fast and precise knife.

"Does it really take so much vegetables to make fillings?"

Tian Suohui looked at the magnificent knife craftsmanship of the sacred hand scholar, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What kind of dumpling is this 07?"

Liu Xingyao shook his head and said: "No, he is not making fillings, because the fillings must be made with ground meat. Whether it is dumpling filling or bun filling, ground meat is necessary."

Yao Niang used to run a restaurant, and she knew better about dumplings, a common food, and nodded: "Xing Yao is right. Whether dumplings are delicious is inseparable from the skin and fillings. However, dumplings The juicy filling determines the upper layer of the dumplings. So to make the dumplings juicy, it requires ground meat, so the vegetables he chopped into minced pieces are at most just the ingredients for the filling..."

Following Yao Niang's words, I saw that the sacred scholar put the chopped pieces of various vegetables into the dough, and then continued to knead it.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but said in a low voice: "Sure enough, it is to mix vegetables into the dough. This will not only increase the overall flavor of the dumplings, but the dumpling skin will also become chewy..."

"However, Master Jie doesn't seem to plan to do this? He is making fillings now?"

Liu Xingyao and the others followed the eyes of Feisha and saw that the steel rod unzipped a beef thigh and placed it on the cooking table. Then he broke the steel rod in two, holding a section against the beef thigh. beat.

"So that's it. Use thumping instead of cutting with a knife? This can preserve the deliciousness of the beef to the maximum..."

Feisha pondered slightly, and said: "Moreover, beef has the most muscles in the whole part of beef, because the thigh of beef is the most active part. At the same time, it has high protein content and low fat content. This part is suitable for ground meat. Up."

The situation between Gangbang Jie and Shoushu Sheng is roughly like this now, and I look back at Erinai and Lotte, the theme is "fish" cooking confrontation.

The theme of the duel is "fish", and there are no too many restrictions on what kind of fish to use, so it means that any fish can be used for cooking.

However, there are thousands of fish species that are edible in China alone, such as tropical fish, temperate fish and cold hairtail, as well as freshwater fish and saltwater fish.

However, what Erina chose was a special kind of fish-"eel"!

Eel refers to the general term for species belonging to the classification of the Eel order.Also known as eel, it is a kind of fish resembling a long snake-like appearance and has the basic characteristics of a fish.In addition, eels have migratory characteristics similar to salmon.

Of course, eels are also a kind of fish, resembling snakes, but without scales. They are generally found in the waters between brackish and fresh water.

Of course, the river eel used by Erina is also.

But what is more surprising is that Luo Tai chose not one fish, but the very common carp, crucian carp and grass carp.

These three fishes can be said to be the most common fish in China's freshwater fish. However, it is not surprising that Luo Tai uses this for his cooking, but it is strange that he actually chose three kinds of fish?

"This... this person is strange. Although there is no restriction on using multiple theme ingredients, what do you need to do with three kinds of fish? Fish balls?" Feisha was puzzled again.

Liu Xingyao frowned slightly, and said, "Luo Tai is the younger brother of'Emperor Tang' Roco. If 250 I guess is correct, what he should do is something related to'Fish Soup'..."

However, Liu Xingyao's brows soon relaxed, because he saw that since Erina had taken out the ingredient of eel, there was no suspense in this game.

Why do you say this?Because a person like Luo Tai was definitely not Erina's opponent.

"Little girl, let you see my'Jinbaozi' Luotai, the top-quality fish soup from the brother of'Tang Emperor'!" Luotai said that he also put something similar to iron nails on his ten fingers.

If you take a closer look at this thing, it's similar to the claws Luo can use. After putting on this thing, he saw his hands quickly clutching on the backs of several fishes.

I saw the scales of the fish fell off quickly, like a heavy rock falling in the water, splashing up.Although it seemed violent, it did not harm the internal flesh of the fish.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 291 Review

As time passed bit by bit, the cooking time for the first round of the dark showdown was almost over.

Here Ruda VS and the first, the theme is "cold dishes" duel, Ruda took the lead in completing his own cooking, he made "Buddhist Guanyin lotus" with "nine rings".

"Hahaha, this is the'Ultimate Bergamot Avalokitesvara' I made, the masterpiece of the highest cooking technique in cold dishes, and no one can surpass it!" Ruda laughed aloud, even if Yan Xian was here.

Not to mention the bergamot Guanyin lotus with nine-ringed "flowers", even the ordinary four-ringed bergamot Guanyin lotus, few people can do it.

Therefore, it is understandable that Ruda is so proud, at least no one other than him can make such a bergamot lotus.

As the judge of this "dark showdown", Xiang En could not help raising his voice when he saw that someone had finished the cooking, "Then, please send a chef to serve as the judge of both sides."

Speaking, Xiang En looked at Liu Xingyao and others and the dark cooking world.

Liu Xingyao stood up directly and said, "I'll come."

And behind Yanxian, a dark cooking world's subordinate, gently came to him who was sleeping on the stone seat, and said: "Master Yanxian, start to try cooking..."


Yanxian only then woke up, wiped a little halazi at the corner of his mouth, stood up and said, "It's been so long? Oh, oh, is the first group of Ruda with the theme of "cold dishes" the first to be completed? ?"

Ruda completed it first, which seemed to be within his expectation.

"Oh, Liu Xingyao, do you also want to serve as a judge? But this is also necessary. I have never tasted the dishes made by our elite chefs in the dark cooking world, right?"

Yanxian was talking while walking down the steps, and said, "You taste it yourself. If your teammate loses, you have nothing to say? In this way, you can go to hell with peace of mind! Right?"

"Yanxian, are you so confident in your subordinates?" Liu Xingyao said not angry.

"Of course, at least I know the strength of these people who are facing you better..." Yan Xian did not take his wine tank or drink for an unprecedented time.

Liu Xingyao was too lazy to argue with Yanxian, looked around and said: "Yanxian, you and me are the only judges. What about the third person you mentioned? Where is it!"

Although Liu Xingyao had guessed something, he still asked to confirm it.

"I have asked them to go."

Yan first looked at the aisle on the right and said: "Ah, look at it~ aren't they here?"

Liu Xingyao looked in Yanxian's direction, and saw someone coming... it was really Mila and Han Qing.

"Yanxian...I knew you were going to do this, but are you not afraid that Mila will tend to cook dishes made by our people during the review?" Liu Xingyao said.

Yanxian waved his hand and didn't care at all: "Even though Mila betrayed us, I still know her personality very well. Even if she knows that the dish is made by your teammates, she won't be biased towards them, because what……"

Yan Xian pointed to the inside of his mouth and said, "Mila will not deceive her tongue, so this dark duel is absolutely fair~"

"It's really ridiculous, there will be a word of justice in the dark cooking world!" Liu Xingyao laughed coldly.

At the moment when Mila appeared, Feisha and others who were not cooking all rushed towards him. After greetings, they learned that she had nothing to do with Han Qing and was relieved.

At this moment, Feisha suddenly thought, since Mila has been found, why not just run away?

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