The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 567

But this thought was only in my heart for a moment, because this is the nest of the dark cooking world, and there is no way to escape from here at all levels and secret paths.

Therefore, the only way in front of us is to win this "dark matchup".

At this time, Ruda and Jidi’s dishes have been prepared, two different cold and fat dishes, and both are the best cold dishes on the huge stone stand specially used for judging here.

Yanxian seemed to "believe" Mila, and there was no food to hide who was on either side, so he sat down and said, "Okay, let's start with Ruda's'Buddhist Guanyin Lotus'. Let's eat first... "

Mila and Liu Xingyao also came here, and didn't say much, but if you look carefully at the "Buddhist Guanyin Lotus" in front of you, you will find that the degree of completion is so high.

One layer is buckled with one layer. Although there are only cucumbers, shrimps and other ingredients, there is no special or high-end ingredients, but Ruda uses such ordinary ingredients to create an extremely gorgeous and noble feeling.

"Master Yanxian, I also specially prepared a good wine for you. Cold dishes and cold dishes are a good choice..." Ruda said, sending a pot of wine to Yanxian.

Chapter 292 Flower Monk Ruda

Ruda seemed to be very close to Yanxian, and sent him a pot of good wine he had kept in private for many years.

Yanxian, naturally, after Daxi took the good wine, he seemed to have become another person again, and conjured three big bowls, filling one for Liu Xingyao, Mila, and himself!

"Come and come, the unique and delicious cold dish with good wine, this is simply the highest enjoyment in the world~~" Yan Xian was in a good mood and laughed.

Liu Xingyao smiled faintly when he saw this, but did not refuse, and then set his sights on the "Buddhist Goddess of Mercy Lotus" that "Flower Monk" Lu Da did his best.

The nine-layered "bergamot Guanyin lotus", one layer after another, one layer of cucumber and one layer of cabbage, is as transparent as a gemstone. Pork or shrimp balls added to the two "jewels" are dotted with this flower. Guanyin lotus".

It's not so much a dish, it's better to say that it's a handicraft. Even Liu Xingyao felt that he couldn't bear to destroy the 203 pieces of art at this moment.

However, just for a moment, Liu Xingyao picked up the chopsticks and took the lead in picking up a transparent cucumber slice and slowly putting it into his mouth.

Mila followed closely, Yanxian also laughed and picked up several pieces into his mouth.

This... taste?It's so fresh and delicious.The crisp cucumber and the sauce on the surface combine the refreshing taste of the two.

Is it just cucumbers that can taste such a high-level taste?Worthy of being a master of "cold dishes", this cucumber must have been specially processed.

Liu Xingyao tried the shrimp and pork on the side.

It seems that the white color has not been seasoned, but the soy sauce has been added to stimulate the wild taste of the meat. With cucumber and cabbage, the taste increase is not only a grade.

Wait...Wait, why is there such a taste if no seasoning is added?Difficult...Could...

Liu Xingyao put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Luda in front of him and said, "So, the reason why there is such a light taste is because you have blanched all the ingredients again after seasoning, right?"

Lu Da looked at Liu Xingyao in amazement, but only after a few bites he could tell the secret of what he was making this "Buddhist Goddess of Mercy Lotus"?

"Ahahaha, that's how it is~" Yan Xian said, and drank a large bowl of wine again.

Ruda explained, "To be precise, after the seasoning, after marinating for a few minutes, put it in cold water to wash all the seasonings, so that not only can the bergamot Guanyin lotus itself be kept light and elegant. The high-end taste of the food, and at the same time it makes the people who eat it feel that it is not particularly tasteless, besides...

"Let me speak for you."

Liu Xingyao interrupted Ruda's words, and a smile evoked from the corner of his mouth. "Especially the pork and shrimp sandwiched between cabbage and cucumber and the'flower's stamen' are fried and then seasoned, and then steamed. Is it the right way? In this way, the meat becomes smooth and tender without losing its chewy texture."

After tasting it, Mila finally put down the chopsticks in her hand and said: "It is worthy of being a master of cold dishes,'Hua Monk' Ruda, this is indeed the best bergamot Guanyin lotus I have ever tasted..."

Mila, who rarely speaks and commented, said that this dish is indeed praiseworthy.

"Hahaha, so Ruda's cold dish is the most to my taste~ I can drink at least three tanks of wine for this cold dish~" Yan Xian laughed.

Ruda was praised by two five tiger stars, and his face was full of pride.

"Hey, Super Chef and Di, I don't think you need to taste your cooking anymore, just drink the poison without regret..."

But before Ruda finished speaking, he discovered that Ji Di had opened the dish covered by his lid...

"This dish will be named'ice and fire double sky'!" Ji Di pointed to an iceberg in front of him.

Luda, Yanxian, and the surrounding dark cooking world were all stunned. The first thing they did was an iceberg, and on the surface of the iceberg, you can see a lot of sashimi attached. On top, there are also thin cucumber slices.

Yanxian came back to his senses after a short surprise, still with a lot of surprise in his expression, and said: "Oh, it's really a big deal, did you actually make those ice cubes into icebergs? Then put the sashimi and Cucumbers are attached to it. This is a bold technique. At least in cold dishes, it can be regarded as a clear stream~"

Yan Xian raised his head and glanced up as he spoke, still showing a blank face.

Ji Di took off the gloves of both hands, then took out a knife and carrots, and said: "Wait a moment, this dish has one final stage."

Talking about this, his hands moved quickly, and under his continuous knife work, he saw that the robu piece flew towards the iceberg in an orderly manner.

Along with the movement of the body left and right or up and down, the positions of carrot slices attached to the iceberg are also different...

Chapter 293 Double Sky of Ice and Fire

And finally, the carrot slices, which are used as costumes, are attached to the ice sculpture with a "flying" knife.

After a while, Ji Di put down the carving knife in his hand, and said: "The'Double Sky of Ice and Fire' is officially completed!"

At this time, even Yanxian couldn’t help showing his admiration. The carrot slices or sashimi or cucumber slices on the iceberg were still braving in front of him, and said: "It seems that I have underestimated this knife worker. You’re an outstanding super chef. And if I’m not mistaken, the fish fillet on this one is sea bream fillet, right?"

And the first nodded, without much explanation.

Liu Xingyao also nodded secretly, thinking that this is really the master of the protagonist in the original plot, this swordsman-there is nothing to say.

I saw the slices of sea bream fillets with a little bit of light. If you look carefully, you will find that it is like a mirror that can reflect your own appearance.

Undoubtedly, this is the symbol of the extreme smoothness of the fish fillets, and this is also the best proof that the knives have achieved proficiency!

Yangquan Restaurant is full of guys at the level of knives freaks. At the top is the Shiquan master known as "Superman". When he was young, he was also a celebrity chef who resounded in mainland China. Knives had already reached the limit !

After that, it's the number one, and in the original work and after the number one is Ren, the seven-star knife, and then Liu Subaru as the protagonist.

After Yanxian made his evaluation for the first time, even the chef Lin from the dark cooking world made a sorrowful voice. Why did he say that?

There has always been such a thought in the dark cooking world that Chef Lin's strength is definitely higher than that of the outside special chef.

Therefore, for a long time, these chefs in the dark cooking world have developed a feeling of "invincibility". This is why Liu Xingyao and even Liu Subaru and others in the original plot of the cooking confrontation, look down on them, and finally end up A disastrous end.

Of course, people in the dark cooking world are arrogant, but they still have skills, at least in some areas few people can surpass them, but they are doomed to fail.

If you have to ask the reason, it's because they couldn't beat the protagonist's "halo" and someone who opened up...

"Dip it with this dipping sauce when you taste it. It will taste better." As Ji said, he put a pile of earthy sauce on the table of the three judges.

Yanxian seems to be habitual. After drinking half a bowl of wine, he said: "Oh, does this need to take off the sashimi of sea bream and eat it with sauce? This is really an innovation of cold dishes!"

This is not the first time Yanxian praised Jidi's cuisine for its innovativeness, which embarrassed Ruda, and he actually had a bad feeling in his heart.

There was not much order. The three judges, Yanxian, Liu Xingyao, and Mila, began to use chopsticks to clamp a piece of sea bream on the iceberg, then dipped in a little dipping sauce and slowly put it in their mouths.

With a thin layer of sea bream fillet, combined with the special sauce, even Yan Xian suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

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