The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 568

The dipping sauce that keeps the temperature at the body temperature, and then mix it with the cold sea bream fillet, this kind of uncompromising feeling formed on the tip of the tongue makes the taste buds suddenly burst.

Obviously such a thin fish fillet, but there is a sense of thickness, this is what surprised Yan Xian the most!

Yanxian couldn't help but slowly put the second slice of sashimi into his mouth. At this moment, the scene in front of him seemed to change, and he saw a huge fresh sea bream breaking out of the iceberg.

However, Yanxian was always the Five Tiger Star, and after a while he recovered and nodded: "So that's it, you should use ice blades to cut these sea breams, right?"

And nodded again for the first time.

Ice blade, as the name suggests, is naturally an ice chopper made of ice.

"I should be grateful to you in the dark cooking world. I even have kitchen knives like Ice Blade, so I helped me a lot, otherwise I wouldn't choose to cook this dish." And Dao.

Yanxian picked up a piece of sashimi again, and said: "It turns out that the low-temperature cutting of the ice blade will stimulate the meat of the fresh sea bream. There are also nerves that are still alive in the meat, making the sea bream's firm taste and fresh The taste is completely aroused... The wonderful taste formed with this sauce cannot be dissipated on the tip of the tongue!"

Liu Xingyao has an extraordinary sense of smell. He looked at the sauce in front of him and said: "This sauce is not just a simple sauce. This is the chicken bones of a local chicken. After mashing it, it is seasoned with green onions and seaweed. It’s made into a sauce, so it tastes very rich..."

After tasting the main course sea bream fillet, Liu Xingyao picked up another thin transparent cucumber slice and put it in his mouth. After eating it, it felt like another... heavenly delicacy!

(To be continued...)

Chapter 294 The gap is at room temperature

He made the "Double Sky of Ice and Fire", made a large amount of crushed ice into an iceberg, and then quickly cut high-quality snapper fillets with an ice blade and attached to the iceberg. The ultimate taste formed in this way is matched with his special sauce The taste is sublimated, as if there is a taste from... heaven!

"Whether it is sea bream fillet or cucumber, although it does not seem to have undergone any special treatment, the taste is appropriate and good. It can be said that it is an unprecedented strong taste!"

Even Mila, who has rarely spoken, looked at the "ice and fire double sky" in front of him and said, "Whether the sauce is paired with sea bream or cucumber slices, the deliciousness that forms on the tip of the tongue will last for a long time. Disperse, but the most incredible thing is..."

Mila's gaze fell on the "bergamot Guanyin lotus" that hadn't finished eating on Ruda's side, and said: "Although the dishes are all cold dishes, and they are all made of knives, they are also impeccably delicious as cold dishes, but and the chef's sea bream fillets are stronger and more delicious?"

Saying this is tantamount to saying that the cold dish tastes better.

Ruda was surprised at once: "What...what? could this be!"

Feisha and others who watched the battle also showed joy.

Ruda couldn't believe that he would lose out to a mere super chef after he has been specializing in "cold dishes" for many years?

"Mila, don’t think that Master Yanxian let you be the judge, you can go to this group of bastards, then you tell me what is the difference between me and Jidi’s cold cuts? Why do you say that his food is more delicious, I'm not convinced!" Ruda said straightforwardly.

At this time, Liu Xingyao, who was holding his hands, opened his mouth and said: "There is an old Chinese saying that'facts speak louder than words', and there are many more'ice and fire double days' made by Chef No. 1, you will understand everything after you taste it! "

Ruda was arrogant, not to mention that he was still on the cold dish. Hearing this, he suddenly said: "Do I have the meaning to taste it? And it is this kind of super chef's cuisine!"

"Oh? You don't dare to taste it, because you are now afraid, afraid that the food cooked by Chef Ji is better than yours, and it is the cold dish you are good at!" Liu Xingyao deliberately stimulated.

Ruda's carelessness can work with a little stimulation.

Sure enough, after listening to Liu Xingyao's words, he immediately grabbed the chopsticks on the table: "Taste and taste. Isn't my'flower monk' Ruda still scared? I'm going to see this kind of untechnical cold dish, what is there? delicious!"

Ruda rudely picked up a sea bream fillet, and then slowly put it in his mouth, but his face changed greatly as he ate and chewed.

"This this……"

Liu Xingyao looked at Ruda in surprise, and couldn't help but said indifferently, "Is it different from the cold dishes you usually make? I know you must be thinking like this now, "Although it is a bit different from the top-quality cold dishes you make usually, But...but why is it better in terms of flavor'!"

When this word fell, the people in the dark cooking world who were eating melons were shocked!

"This...what the hell is going on, Ruda's cold dishes are actually no better than the dishes of a Guangzhou super chef?"

"The taste is the same, but the flavor is bad? It's impossible!"

Liu Xingyao ignored the surprised gazes of others, and then looked at Luda and reminded: "I said, you just ate the sea bream fillets raw, this time you mixed the dipping sauce, and then tasted the cucumber. This is more than just The flavor will be better..."


Feeling incredible, Ruda ate cucumber slices and sea bream slices with dipping sauce. After eating, his tall figure froze in place, while sweat dripping from his forehead...

"It does taste better than the cold dish I made, but...but why..."

Ruda's right hand holding the chopsticks was trembling slightly: "There was no error in my cooking process at all, and any step was ignored. On the basis of the original recipe, I changed the cooking and added my own innovation. Inside. But why, it still tastes better!"

Liu Xingyao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's definitely not enough to stick to the rules in cooking, and it's a good thing to add your own innovation, but you ignore the other most important factor in 2.4..."

"Ignore one... the most important factor?" Ruda couldn't understand.

At this time, Yanxian, who was drunk and drinking, said, "It's the temperature here!"

Ruda immediately had an epiphany, and understood.

"It seems that you have discovered that innovative cuisine makes the taste better, but you have ignored the influence of the surrounding environment on the cuisine. It is true that the key factors that determine you and Chef No. 1 are here. Room temperature!" Liu Xingyao said the key point of the gap between the two.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 295 wins!

Ruda had an epiphany and seemed to have noticed something: "Although...even though this is a basement room, I have to admit that I will be aware of the taste with the outside world, but even if I notice it, it won't be so obvious, right?"

"So this is where you least understand."

Liu Xingyao's words stunned Ruda again, and continued to explain: "There are many things you don't understand in this world, and you don't know the reactions of some chemical components..."

"Chemical reaction? What are you talking about, what a nonsense!" Ruda refused to admit defeat.

However, only Feisha, Erina, and Tian Suohui were present, and the three of them knew what Liu Xingyao meant by "chemical reaction".

Chemical reaction refers to the process in which molecules break into atoms and the atoms rearrange and combine to form new molecules, which is called chemical reaction.Luda and Jidi used cucumber slices in the cold dishes, and they were all processed differently by 07 to make the taste better.

However, the volatility of its taste is mainly attributed to some chemicals of cucumber, and chemical experiments have proved this. With the decrease of ambient temperature, the volatility of volatile substances also decreases.

In other words, the temperature in the underground chamber of the dark cooking world is higher than the outside temperature, and there are torches on the surrounding walls, which intensifies the temperature here.

And because I knew this, I attached the sea bream fillet to the iceberg to reduce the volatility of sea bream and cucumber.

Of course, this is not about understanding the chemical principles. I am afraid that he has noticed this in his daily cooking before he has this dish.

Although Yanxian and others didn't know the chemical principles, they were not fools, and they knew something.

"It turned out to be like this. It's no wonder that the sea bream fillet here will taste better, because of the temperature? Hehe, I really didn't expect it!" Yanxian said with a smile, as if saying nothing. The big deal.

Ruda sweat kept falling, and still roared: " must be a coincidence. He just happened to use ice to cool down. This is not his personal strength at all!"

"Coincidentally? I'm afraid that's not the case!"

Liu Xingyao looked at Ruda, who was already panicked, and said, "I think Chef No. 1 anticipated the development of the game from the beginning, right? Chef No. 1?"

And the first one was the face with facial paralysis, saying: "I don't know what the so-called chemical reaction is, but I know that temperature will definitely affect the taste. Because the'Yangquan Restaurant' where I work is in hot Guangzhou, you You should also know that the most taboo thing about making cold dishes is temperature.

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