The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 570

So this also means...

"Hahaha, I said earlier that you are not my opponent at all. Now your title of No. 1 in the continent will disappear forever with your loss. You have no regrets when you lose in my hands. On the contrary, this is still a very glorious thing!" The sage scholar Han Yu laughed loudly with a gloomy and dignified face.

A group of people in the dark cooking world were also afraid that the steel rod would escape, and a group of people surrounded him.

Seeing this, Gangbang Jie sneered: "I’m the Gangbang guy, I'm not too speechless, and I'm still preparing for the duel."

After speaking to the people in the dark cooking world, Gangbang Jie turned around and looked at Liu Xingyao and the others, saying: "Hold 617 and apologize to everyone. I didn't win a battle for you. I hope I am dead. You can return my steel rod to my home pastry chef, this is my last wish..."

Speaking of the steel stick, he drank the venom without hesitation. After seeing this scene, Yao Niang, Xiang En, and Mila, Han Qing and other women's faces changed drastically. Although they wanted to stop, they found that it was impossible. .

Because this is the dark duel, the winner is the king and the loser is Kouzhi. Those who lose the game will lose everything and wrap their lives!

However, Feisha and Erina, who were attentive, didn't panic much.

The steel baton that drank the venom fell directly to the ground like Ruda just now. Although the foaming process was different, it eventually fell to the ground unconsciously.

The dark duel of this group is over, and the winner is Han Yu, the sacred scholar of the dark cooking world.

Then, in the first battle, the dishes of Erina and "Jin Leopard" Luo Tai have not been judged.

"Yahahaha, little girl, your teammate's Gangbang has already fallen, you still have the courage to stand here, I have to admire it~" Luo Tai said while watching Erina still be so mocking .

Erina embraced her hands, glanced at Luo Tai coldly and said nothing.

"Hmph, I'll send you to unreunite with Steel Bar right away!"

Luo Tai talked about letting a few young people from the dark cooking world help, and directly served three large casseroles in front of Yanxian, Liu Xingyao, and Mila.

Even if the casserole has not been opened, there is still a tantalizing fragrance from it.

"Oh, casserole? This should be made of fish soup, right?" Yanxian keenly smelled what was in the casserole.

Luo Tai smiled triumphantly and said, "Hey, it's true that Master Yanxian actually smelled it like this. That's right, what I made this time is'fish soup'!"

The theme of the duel is "Fish". As the younger brother of "Tang Emperor", it is indeed okay to take out the fish soup.

With that, Luo Tai opened the lid of the casserole in front of Yanxian, and suddenly a white smoke came out with a strong fragrance.


The gold-colored soup oil beads, it seems that this is the best soup.

Even Yan Xian could not help sighing when he saw this, "As expected, the younger brother of the'Tang Emperor', he can actually cook this level of soup with fish bones, and the soup should have other secrets?"

Mrs. Luo grinned triumphantly: "Hey, please, Master Yan first taste it."

"Okay, hey, don't be polite, you two are also judges~ try it together!" Yanxian said to Liu Xingyao and Mila beside him.

Liu Xingyao was not even prepared to be polite with him, and scooped out the delicate small blue and white porcelain bowl.

The surface of the soup is floating with golden oil, while the soup is actually milky white, which is the expression of the essence of fish bones.

Liu Xingyao took a spoon and slowly put it in his mouth. Just like this, his body couldn't help but tremble. An unspeakable fragrance wafted between his lips and teeth, which could not dissipate for a long time. After swallowing it, the aftertaste was long and faint. There is a clear fragrance, but after the clear fragrance is a strong fragrance!

"It turns out that not only fish bones are used in this soup, but also pork bones? A taste of it has a scent of fish. When swallowed, it will have a strong scent of pork bones. The top and strong delicious soup is like a spring, and it will deepen Full of my appetite!" Liu Xingyao couldn't help but praise like that.

Mila also placed the spoon in front of her eyes and watched: "And what is even more surprising is that the taste of this tofu is so soft and tender, it tastes better with this fish soup, and there is also an appetizing sauerkraut in the soup. , So it has an appetizing effect."

"Of course, I will make the same mistake as my brother again. Yes, this fish soup is not only delicious, but also has an appetizing function, because I considered that Master Yanxian will eat a lot of dishes next time! "Luo Tai proudly said.

The main reason why Roco failed in the previous duel between Roco and Erina was because he did not consider the problem of eating a lot of food next, so he made a strong soup that affected his appetite.

And Luo Tai, who had learned the lesson, specially noticed this in order not to repeat the same mistakes.


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With the lessons learned from the past, Luo Tai, who does not want to repeat the same mistakes, made the soup this time considering that the next three judges will have to eat other dishes, so it was specially put into the sauerkraut soup, and then combined with the main ingredients of fish bones and pork bones. The rich soup comes out.

Needless to say, Luo Tai's soup was made perfectly, at least much better than Locke's before.

However, it is a pity that the opponent he met was Erina.

Liu Xingyao knew very well about Erinai's strength, at least this level of soup was not his opponent.

"It seems that you are very confident in making your own soup. Come and try this for so long. "French fish dumplings"!" Erina sent a plate of exquisite dumplings to Yanxian, Liu Xingyao, and Mila. In front of.

When Yanxian and Shengshou Shusheng who had defeated Gangbang Jie saw this dumpling, their eyes flashed with surprise.

"Did you make dumplings with fish fillings?"

Yanxian was very surprised, but the astonishment in his expression quickly disappeared. Then he returned to his usual appearance, poked a dumpling with a chopstick and placed it in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, dumplings are also very good. The appetizer, then let me taste this..."

Speaking of Yanxian, he bit down the emerald-colored dumplings in one bite, and his face changed slightly as he chewed.

In this hot, soft and juicy fish dumpling, every time you chew a bite, the delicious fish filling will spread in your mouth. There is also this elastic contentment, ten-point elegant taste.

Even if this dumpling compares with the dumplings made by Han Yu and Gangbang, the taste is not weak at all!Even more delicious than them.

The cooking skill of this little girl is so great?

Yanxian tried three times and divided five into two, connecting the three dumplings on the plate to the bottom of the plate and the sauce was almost the same, which surprised everyone in the dark cooking world such as Luo Tai on the side.

"This...what is going on, this dumpling can actually have such magical powers, so that Master Yanxian can actually have such an expression?" Luo Tai was surprised in his heart.

Difficult...difficult =:...Luo Tai has a bad feeling in her heart.

The corner of Liu Xingyao’s mouth evoked a smile, and said: “The main ingredient of the meat filling is of course fish, and it is also catfish. Compared with other fish, catfish has no scales and no small spines. easy.

But ordinary catfish meat has an unpleasant earthy taste. In order to remove the earthy taste, it is seasoned and marinated with cooking wine, ginger, garlic, etc., and the main reason for the high-quality taste of catfish is because it is put in— tea!"

After hearing this, Erina habitually showed the unique smile of the cold queen, and said: "Don't start brother, have you already eaten it? Yes, after I processed the catfish, I combined the fish with flour, eggs, ginger, Garlic and cooking wine are seasoned. Repeated kneading makes the fish filling more vigorous. Although seasonings such as cooking wine are added, the earthy and fishy smell of the catfish meat has been almost removed.

But just this is not enough. Fill the marinated fish meat, knead it into dumpling-sized meatballs, and paste the moist green tea leaves on it.The tea aroma of green tea can effectively remove the last earthy taste..."

After listening, Mila could not help but nodded: "That's it, it's no wonder that it always tastes with a light green tea fragrance. Is it because of this? Not only does it remove the earthy flavor of the catfish meat, it also adds to the whole dumpling. Taste and flavor."

When Mrs. Luo heard these words, the sweat on her forehead had turned into big beads of sweat and kept falling.

"You... don't you sing and talk together, you... do you think I don't know you are trying to collude? I... the fish soup I make is the most delicious and appetizing, right... Right, Lord Yanxian ?"

Luo Tai looked at Yan and asked first, but the question was obviously lacking in confidence.

Yan first took a sip of wine, and his gaze fell on two completely different dishes. One was Erina made dumplings that had been eaten only with sauce, and the other was made by Rakuta. Fish soup.

"If you want to say, this dumpling and fish soup are both delicious, they are both very good dishes." Yanxian said lightly.

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