The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 571

Mrs. Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on her face: "Haha, have you heard? My fish soup will definitely not be bad!"

However, before Luo Tai was happy, Yanxian said again: "However, Luo Tai..."

"Huh? Master Yanxian?"

Yan first looked at Luo Tai from his side, and said, "How long was the last time I ate your food, do you remember?"

Luo thought for a while, and said, "Master Yanxian, if I remember correctly, it was a year ago. At that time, my brother and I..."

"That's it. The rest is not the point. I ate your dish a year ago and it was also a soup dish. However, the taste at that time did not change much from the taste at this time, that is to say..."

Yanxian's gaze suddenly became low and terrifying, and said: "You haven't made any progress in your cooking in this year!"

When these words fell, Luo Tai stayed there for a long time as if struck by lightning, and couldn't recover.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 299 The Darkness is Terrible

After Luo Tai listened to Yanxian's words, the sweat on her forehead kept falling.

"Yan...Sir Yanxian, you...what do you mean by this?" Luo Tai asked somewhat puzzled.

The hippie smile on Yanxian’s face has disappeared, replaced by a fearful gloom, and said, “Don’t you know what it means? Your cooking skills have not improved compared to a year ago, do you think Does our dark cooking world need a chef who stays in place like you?"

" could I...I...I have worked hard, could it not be improved!" Luo Tai didn't seem to believe it yet.

At this time, the sage scholar Han Yu also stepped forward and came here to taste the fish soup made by Luo Tai.

"Sure enough..."

Han Yu put down the spoon in his hand and looked at Luo Tai and said, "You are the same as your brother Roco. Both stop at soup cooking, but you can't break through. So the taste of the soup will always be like this. Luo Tai, you guys The two brothers are so useless!"

In a word, it was like a lightning strike that caused Luo Tai to step back several steps.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao stood up, and said, "So, the competition in this group is already obvious, right? Right, Yan Xian?"

Yan first didn't speak, he glanced at Luo Tai and then at Erina, and said: "Yes, regardless of other factors, just compare the dishes on both sides and you know that this little girl really won."

Upon seeing this, Xiang En immediately announced: "I declare that the winner of this group of dark duels is Erina!"

It was announced that Mrs. Luo squatted on the ground, her face was full of horror, and said: "I lost...I actually lost, this...this is impossible, I actually lost!"

"Mrs. Luo, it's really embarrassing for you to be like this. You really lost the face of our dark cooking world. What are you waiting for? Don't you drink the failed venom?" Han Yu looked at Luo Tai in a cold voice. .

"I don't want it, I don't want to die... I don't want to drink the venom, I don't want it!"

Luo Tai stood up as he said, and then madly fled towards the side of the secret room exit.

Seeing him running away, Yan Xian didn't even ask, and didn't mean to stop him, and Han Yu's mouth showed a gloomy smile.

Immediately, Han Yu winked at the two black-robed men guarding the gate, and the two of them immediately understood and took out a sharp dagger from one side of their clothes.

Lo Tai, who was just escaping, noticed the actions of the two of them, and rushed to the two of them frantically, and shouted: "Go away, I am leaving here, I am fed up with this ghost place, I am going outside...I Go to the outside world..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a man in black robe suddenly emerged from the test, and a sharp dagger pierced into his abdomen, completely submerged in his body.

Then the black robe man's dagger in front of him pierced his heart.

All this happened in an instant, within a few seconds, Luo Tai was already in a pool of blood at this moment.

Blood flowed all over the ground, Luo Tai fell to the ground with wide-eyed eyes, very unwilling to die.

Feisha, Erina, Tian Suohui and other women covered their mouths when they saw this. No matter how good they were in their hearts, they were just girls. Naturally, this bloody scene was a bit unbearable.

Yao Niang is okay. After all, she has experienced a bloody experience in Lujiacun, but she still hates everyone in the dark cooking world...

Liu Xingyao's keen sense of smell smelled a strong smell of blood, and he couldn't help but frowned: "Yanxian, you are still cruel, even to your own subordinates, you are no different from Kaiyu!"

"He's cruel? I don't think so, the dark cooking world just doesn't need such waste, and...everyone who wants to betray the dark cooking world must die!" Yanxian said harshly.

Liu Xingyao's eyes flashed sharply, and then he closed and said lightly: "This first round of dark duel is over, don't you mind if we rest for a while?"

"Of course not, you can rest well. If you have any needs, you can bring it up, and I will satisfy you as much as possible...Ah, except for letting you go!" Yanxian laughed, and he seemed to be back to normal. Irregular appearance.

Liu Xingyao didn't bother to bother about it either, and let Hou Rang reach the "corpse" who was holding the steel rod and was led by another person from the dark cooking world to rest in another stone wall.

Now there is only Liu Xingyao in this stone room, but in order to prevent people from having ears on the wall, 2.9 speaking very quietly, important things or gesturing.

Without saying anything, Liu Xingyao came to the "dead" Gangbang Jie and fed a glass of water.

Seeing this, Erina couldn't help but nodded softly: "Sure enough, all the antidote we ate before? Brother, I have already prepared, right!"

Liu Xingyao nodded, staring at the door of the stone chamber, and whispered: "The medicine has a certain time, because Master Jie took it in advance, the medicine was not so strong, and he drank so much venom, so it will take some time to wake up. Someone must take care of him before this."

(To be continued...)

Chapter Three Hundred Tactics

After hearing Liu Xingyao's words, Yao Niang and Ji Di realized that what they had taken was an antidote pill.But what surprised them was that this little red pill could actually detoxify the poison produced by the dark cooking world?

Ji Di and Yao Niang, who didn't know Liu Xingyao very well, were naturally very surprised.However, the most surprising of them was Xiang En.

Having spent so many years in the dark cooking world, no one knows the dominance of the venom produced in the dark cooking world better than him.

"The venom is made from scorpions, venomous snakes, centipedes, toads, and spiders, which are the so-called five poisons. It is brewed in combination with other toxic substances. Even if an elephant drinks a drop, it will take less than five minutes. Death, not to mention the fact that I just drank so much Gangbang..." After Xiang En finished speaking, he glanced at the Gangbang solution on the ground.

After Liu Xingyao drank the steel baton, he stood up and said, "What? Don't you believe my antidote?"

"It's not that I don't believe 07, but it's incredible. I didn't expect you to know so much about poison, which is beyond my expectation." Xiang Endao.

If it were not for the system in the body, I would not have brought them to this place.And the system stuff, even I don’t know how amazing it is and where it came from.Liu Xingyao said in his heart.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this..."

Liu Xingyao still lowered his voice and said: "According to the current trend, even if we win the match in the dark, Yanxian and the others will not let us leave here, so we must find a way to leave here. Xiang En, you should be the exit here, right?"

Xiang En turned his head to the side and sighed lightly: "I know, but I know, but how easy is it to escape? Not to mention that Lord Mila and Han Qing are still in their hands. Gangbang Jie doesn't know when to wake up. Since we are here, Yanxian will not let us leave anyway. I think there are twice as many people guarding every entrance than usual..."

Erina, Hisasha, and the three daughters of Tian Suohui are the people who have been in contact with Liu Xingyao the longest, and they have a deeper understanding of Liu Xingyao and their three daughters.

The three women came here with Liu Xingyao without hesitation, one of the reasons was naturally because they didn't want to be separated from him, and another reason was...

They believed in Liu Xingyao's courage and aura, even if it was Tiger's Den, he had already planned his escape from here.

From Liu Xingyao's personal point of view, when he came here this time, he not only needed to consider rescuing Mila and Han Qing, but also took everyone out of here safely.

It is indeed a huge challenge for him, so he must arrange everything carefully, and he has already set multiple plans in his heart.

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