The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 572

The steel baton solution will fail, and Liu Xingyao's expectation is that all this will proceed according to his plan.

Then, the next plan is the key to truly deciding whether to escape here.

"Okay, now I need everyone's help. Whether we can get through the difficulties or not depends on whether we are united. You have all come together and heard me..." Liu Xingyao began to plan this time.


Ten minutes later, Liu Xingyao and others reappeared at the venue of the dark showdown just now, but at this time, Shidi and Yao Niang were missing.

Yanxian, the sage scholar, and everyone from the dark cooking world also stepped out, and the dark duel continued.

As for Liu Xingyao's lack of two people, Yan Xian did not ask, because in his eyes, there would be no chance of escape when he came here.

"You have a rest, right? Then the dark showdown will continue."

The sacred scholar stood up directly and said: "The three of us who will fight in the second battle have already decided. Have you decided on the manpower to fight?"

"It has been decided."

Liu Xingyao stood up as he spoke, followed by Tian Suohui and Feisha.

The seated Yan first saw this and couldn't help but smile again: "Hahaha, I said Liu Xingyao, do you have the heart to let these two lovely little girls die?"

"Who the hell is going to die is not necessarily."

Liu Xing 260 Yao sneered and pointed to the sacred scholar and said, "Han Yu, do you dare to be my opponent in this game?"

Although the sacred scholar Han Yu knew Liu Xingyao's terrifying strength, if he chose to back down, his status and face in the dark cooking world would naturally disappear.

Han Yu has always believed that "brain power is better than force," and he will consider everything he does.Therefore, after careful consideration and comparison, he chose to fight.

"Liu Xingyao, it was thought that you had a chance to win the Asian Journal, I would be afraid of you, and I would let you be like Gangbang... There is no way to stand against my cooking!" The sage scholar Han Yu chose to challenge.

In this way, this first group of two people has been determined, Liu Xingyao VS Han Yu.

Then the second group of Hisasha VS Lin chef "walker" Wu Song.

The third group Tian Suohui VS Lin chef "two-tailed scorpion" Lai He.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 301 Tofu

Liu Xingyao's team VS Dark Cooking Jie Yanxian's group. At this time, the "dark duel" with life and legendary kitchen utensils as a bet has come to the first battle.

In the first battle, Liu Xingyao's team here was defeated by the steel baton, and the remaining two men who participated in the battle were victorious.Although Gangbang Jie drank the venom, there was nothing serious about it under the antidote prepared by Liu Xingyao in advance.

Just after a ten-minute break, the second round of "Dark Showdown" has begun.

And the players on both sides have also decided-

The first group: Liu Xingyao VS "Sacred Scholar" Han Yu.

The second group: Scarlet Sand VS "Walker" Wu Song.

The third group: Tian Suohui VS "two-tailed scorpion" Lai He.

The theme ingredients for the subsequent three sets of duels were also drawn and decided.One to three groups are "tofu", "roast duck", and "tea".

The themed ingredients for the three sets of duels seem to be more interesting, but the highlight of this second matchup is still Liu Xingyao and Han Yu.

"Then I announce that the second battle of the Dark Showdown will now officially begin!"

Following Xiang En's order, this dark showdown was officially announced.However, the focus of Yan Xian waiting for the attention of the "eating melon" crowd is still in the duel between Liu Xingyao and Han Yu.

Liu Xingyao is the thorn in the flesh of the dark cooking world. As long as he loses in the dark duel, everyone in the dark cooking world thinks that the rest is nothing to worry about.

"The theme of the duel is'tofu'. Both sides can choose different tofu according to their needs." Xiang En reminded Liu Xingyao and Han Yu.

Tofu...This dish or ingredient has a long history in China.

Tofu is a soy product, and it is also called water tofu.According to legend, it was invented by Liu An, king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty.The main production process is pulping, that is, soybean milk is made into soy milk; the second is solidification, that is, soy milk is solidified into a gel containing a lot of water under the combined action of heat and coagulant, namely tofu.

In addition, tofu is the main raw material of vegetarian dishes in our country. In the memory of the ancestors, it was unpalatable at first. After continuous transformation, it has gradually become popular with people and is known as "plant meat".

Therefore, some monks who are greedy want to eat meat but do not break the precept, so they love tofu. Tofu can be said to be one of the most popular ingredients in temples.

At the same time in my country, tofu is also divided into "North and South tofu". Tofu in different places has different methods, so the taste will be different.

Han Yu confessed a few words to a black-robed man, and soon the black-robed man delivered a large piece of ultimate tofu to him.

I saw this piece of tofu was placed in a rectangular wooden box, and the surface of the tofu looked like white jade. In this view, it was delicious and high-quality tofu.

Crystal clear, shining like a gem, and like suet jade, people can't help but want to touch it.

"This...what a beautiful tofu, it's like a piece of white marble!" Yao Niang couldn't help exclaiming.

With a complacent look on Han Yu's face, he pointed to the piece of tofu in front of him and smiled: "This tofu is made with good soybeans and spared no time to make it with distilled water. It is ultra-high purity soft tofu."

"Steamed...distilled water? No wonder there is such a color!" Yao Niang exclaimed again.

Han Yu smiled and smiled at Liu Xingyao again: "But don’t worry, Liu Xingyao. I will never take advantage of you in cooking. There are still a lot of this kind of tofu in the ingredient store. You can make it if you need it. Just grab it by hand. Not only this kind of pure soft tofu, but other tofu as well!"

These words seemed to be an upright confrontation with Liu Xingyao. Han Yu knew in his heart that the taste of this tofu in his hand was definitely much stronger than other tofu, and it was the only one in the dark cooking world.

Therefore, even if Liu Xingyao wanted it, he was gone, and Han Yu just talked about it.

And Liu Xingyao didn't know this. After learning that the theme of the cooking showdown was "tofu", he was ready to suffer a loss in ingredients.


"However, my intention is not to win or lose in this duel. What I want... is to plan success!"

Liu Xingyao's eyes flashed sharply, and then she asked Yao Niang to help take out a piece of tofu from the ingredient library. Although it was not as good as the tofu that Han Yu had on hand, the tofu was considered a good piece of tofu.

The surface is still like jade.

After putting out the tofu, Liu Xingyao did not pause at all, took out a kitchen knife and raised it high.


Liu Xingyao let out a low voice, and the right hand holding the bamboo kitchen knife moved resolutely and cut the white tofu in front of him.

I only heard the sound of "swish", and I could hardly see how he swung the bamboo knife. The speed was dazzling, and a large piece of tofu had been cut neatly.

All this was seen by Han Yu, his eyes flashed darkly with surprise, and said: The tofu was cut neatly with one knife and one knife, and the tofu was divided into blocks without any hesitation. , The tofu is cut almost the same size, no difference.

And in order to avoid the odor of iron, bamboo knives should be used. It can be said to be quite knowledgeable about tofu. It seems that it has a deep understanding of tofu!

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