The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 577

"Well, astragalus and angelica must be put in the soup, and then the surface of the cooking must not be less than these Chinese medicine..."

After Liu Xingyao explained to Feisha, he turned around and handed out two red antidote pills to everyone, saying: "This is an antidote pill. You should take one before the dark showdown, just in case you need it. I gave both of them.

Time is limited, and I don’t say that much. When Scarlett’s cooking starts to be reviewed, it’s when the plan starts.At that time, please act by chance!"


This is what happened in the stone house before. Everyone in the dark cooking world was overwhelmed by this sudden scene.

The green pill of Liu Xingyao Feisha is naturally a pill exchanged from the God of Cookery system.It is non-toxic, but if it is combined with Chinese medicine, it will turn into a pungent and unpleasant smoke, and it will definitely be dizzy after inhaling the nostril.

Although it is not a highly poisonous thing, its power is not trivial. It can be indeterminate within a few seconds of inhalation together, and it will be unconscious for several hours.

As Scarlett combined the soup containing the pills with the roast duck, the smoke began to spread, filling the entire cooking hall.

"No, this thick smoke is very toxic, everyone, hold your breath and leave here!"

I don't know who shouted in the dark cooking world, and everyone in the dark cooking world suddenly became a mess.

If it is on weekdays, these people in the dark cooking world will not be so flustered, but they have seen several dark cooking duels just now, and there are people who are disappointed by drinking the poison, which has a lot of impact on them!

These chefs in the dark cooking world are also human, and they are also afraid of death.Just ask, how many people can do it without fear in the face of disappointment?

Therefore, after these words were shouted, everyone in the dark cooking world had long since turned into a mess, and everyone just wanted to escape.

In the process of fleeing, someone activated the secret room and the door to the outside was opened.

Because there was a plan before, when the smoke spread, Jidi had already rushed out and fed the antidote to Han Qing and Mila.

But when he was about to escape, Yan Xian stopped him with an angry shout.

Mila, Han Qing, and the third person were kicked into the air by Yan Xian, but Yan Xian who looked drunk unexpectedly exploded with such great strength.

"Puff" and the most injured, directly vomited a big mouthful of blood.

However, Yan Xian injured Mila, Han Qing, and later, because he inhaled a lot of dense smoke, he began to feel dizzy.

Liu Xingyao, Yao Niang, and Gangbang Jie who hadn't only woke up soon also rushed over and directly helped the three people on the ground.

"Don't fall in love, get out of here!" Liu Xingyao shouted to the three.

However, Yanxian was already half kneeling on the ground at this time, and said loudly to Liu Xingyao: "Stand...stop, you...definitely go out alive, I can activate the explosive device here at any time, you..."

Liu Xingyao paused and turned around to look at Yan Xian and said: "It's a pity Yan Xian, your explosive device has been destroyed by your good men..."

"My subordinate?"

However, when Yanxian saw Ruda who was standing in front of him even after drinking the poison, he understood.

"Lu... Luda is you! You actually... betrayed me?" Yanxian had already begun to weaken at this time, making him unable to exert strength.

If not, he would definitely rush to kill Ruda.

"Hug...sorry, Lord Yanxian, if it weren't for them, I would have died a long time ago. I would have to repay this kind of rebirth. My Luda has always had a clear grudge!" Luda said to Yanxian.

At this moment, Yan Xian finally understood that what kind of poison Liu Xingyao fed Ruda at that time was clearly an antidote!

"Liu... Liu Xingyao is the one who underestimated you... No... I didn't expect you to be able to pick up... this kind of poison... really... is the one of the heaven chosen?"

After Yan Xian finished saying this, he fell to the ground.

Liu Xingyao looked at the fallen Yan Xian and whispered: "Are you the chosen one? Maybe..."

Afterwards, Liu Xingyao headed outside the basement under the leadership of Lu Da and Xiang En.


(To be continued...)

Chapter 309 Unexpected

Liu Xingyao and his team finally rescued Mila and Han Qing. A group of people fled from the basement towards the ground, but when they fled halfway, they found a huge explosion from the ground.

There was a huge explosion of "Boom", and the exit that Liu Xingyao was escaping from began to collapse gradually.

The few people in the dark cooking world who had escaped in front of Liu Xingyao and his party were directly hit by the falling boulders, and were immediately buried by a large number of falling rocks.

Rao Liu Xingyao's expression changed greatly when he saw this: "No, someone blew up the exit. Now we can't get out!"

Seeing this, it's worth it: "If you are trapped here, everything is over, no!"

Speaking of the steel rod, the steel rod in his hand was used to block the falling boulders, but as the explosion continued to sound, the entrance of the cave had completely collapsed.

"There is only a dead end to stay here. Go back to the basement and find a way!" Liu Xingyao could only say to everyone.

"Damn it, who did it!"

The steel baton smashed an oncoming stone in anger, and said, "Could it be that Yan asked someone to blow up this place first?"

"Idiot, when I don't talk about it now!" Yao Niang yelled at the steel rod in an angry way.

In desperation, in the end Liu Xingyao and a group of people could only retreat into the underground secret room again.

At the same time, the outside (ground) of the underpass

At this moment, a group of people in black robes nodded their heads looking at the ground that had been hollowed by the explosion.

"Sure enough, as Master Kaiyou had expected, Master Yanxian could not defeat Liu Xingyao and the group. If we were not allowed to come, they would really have escaped." One of the black robes humanely.

Another black-robed man also nodded and said, "Yes, but it's a pity that Master Yanxian and other brothers in the dark cooking world are buried with Liu Xingyao!"

"Huh, what does it matter? Get rid of our worst enemy, and successfully get the legendary kitchenware, then we will be the world of our dark cooking world. This sacrifice is nothing at all!"

"That said, let's go and return to Master Kaiyou right away. The people below... will never get out, just live and die inside!"

After speaking, these few men sent by Kai You turned and left, leaving only the underground that was hollowed by the explosion and still smoky.


Because of the ground explosion, although the underground stone room was not destroyed, it has already received a lot of impact. Some boulders fell in different locations, and because of the inhalation of the special "dense smoke" dark dishes of Scarlet Sand Everyone in Jie fainted on the ground, and some people who were not lucky were just pressed down by a huge rock.

People who are relatively lucky are just being pressed by their thighs or arms, but even so they are uncomfortable and can't get out of the boulder.

But because of the poison of "dense smoke", other people were unable to act for a few hours, and after a few hours, these people who were crushed by the boulder would have bleed and died.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Although they do all the bad things on weekdays, they are still a living life at any rate. Ruda, Master Jie, and the first chef, go and rescue them."

"Hey, Liu Xiaozi, are you serious? This group of guys has always wanted to kill us! Are you not afraid of saving them and getting bitten again?" Gangbang Jie shouted so loudly, obviously not wanting to save this group of darkness People in the cooking world.

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