The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 578

"Although it is so, but they are already like this, there is no reason not to save..." Liu Xingyao originally planned to use the poison of dense smoke to trap them here temporarily.

Even though the dark cooking world is abominable, but only a few people deserve to die.Other people did bad things out of helplessness. Ruda and Renn in the original work are the best examples.

"Master Jie, don't talk about it, let's save people first," Liu Xingyao said decisively.

"Really, we don't even know when we can go out now, and still have the mind to take care of others?" Gang Gun Jie said this, but finally got started.

Although these people in the dark cooking world were paralyzed on the ground, their consciousness was very clear. After hearing Liu Xingyao's words, they were touched.

About half an hour later, the people in the dark cooking world who were smashed by the falling stone were saved. Not only that, Liu Xingyao also gave them the smokey antidote.

Most people in the dark cooking world are actually not bad, and they are naturally grateful after being saved.

Of course, Yanxian alone did not give him an interpretation, but despite this, he had already recovered a little strength and was able to fit on the wall.Even at this time, he still did not forget to take a sip of wine laboriously.

As for what Liu Xingyao and the others did just now, he naturally saw it.

Chapter 310 What is justice?

At this time, Yanxian also recovered a little strength, even when he was poisoned by heavy smoke, he had to take a sip of wine so hard.

Although it took a lot of effort to get a sip of wine, Yan Xian's face was extremely refreshed, looking at Liu Xingyao and others in the distance, and said: "Hey, you still haven't escaped in the, No one can do without here!"

It’s okay if Yan didn’t speak. The nameless fire of the talking steel rod solution immediately rose, and pointed the finger at Yanxian, shouting: "You bastard, do you still dare to say? If it wasn't for you, we would Are you trapped here? If it weren’t for your plot to steal the legendary kitchenware, so many things wouldn’t happen!”

Seeing Gangbang Jie so angry, Yan Xian smiled instead: "Because of us, is it possible that our dark cooking world did something wrong?"

When Yao Niang thought of what happened in Lujia Village, she watched Yanxian behave like this, and she wished to kill him.

"You evil 20 demons... So many lives in Lujia Village were killed by your hands. Isn't it wrong? After you die, you will be thrown into eighteen hells and tortured!" Yao Niang gritted her teeth. Said.

"Hahaha, the lower eighteen layers of hell? Maybe... Since the legendary kitchen utensils were born in this world, there has been no such thing as peace. The only thing is fearless struggle and sacrifice."

Yanxian leaned on the stone wall, looked at one of the passages, and said: "The legendary kitchen utensils is a double-edged sword, or a double-edged sword that hosts good and evil. Those who hold them must be careful, because the thousand-year treasure is right. [Xie Nian], who is entrenched in anyone's heart, reacted and dragged him into the evil world! Because they know the power of the legendary kitchen utensils, more and more people come to snatch it! Liu Xingyao, you think it is only you and us Want to get legendary kitchenware?"

When Liu Xingyao heard Yanxian's words, his expression changed slightly: "Yanxian, what do you mean by these words?"

"What do you mean? In your so-called light world, there are also a lot of guys peeping at the legendary kitchen utensils, think about them as their own. Those people are even more disgusting, abuse of power under the banner of justice, and eliminate all threats. People. Is that true justice or evil thoughts? Hehe, in fact, the so-called justice at the end is just a measure of one's strengths and weaknesses. Whether it is evil or evil, as long as those who can win represent justice!" Yan Xian Said these words mockingly.

With Yanxian's words, everyone present could not help but bow their heads and fell into contemplation, as did the wrapping of Liu Xingyao.

And Yan Xian sipped himself a sip of wine, and then said: "We people in the dark cooking world were put on the banner of'evil' from the beginning. No matter what we do, we will be denied or even delayed. What a good thing you want to do, in the end, it just arouses others' suspicion. So it's really a mockery!"

"These are just your excuses... What do you say that you have the life of those in the Lu family? All of this is just that you want to get rid of yourself!" Yao Niang shouted.

Yanxian chuckled, and did not regret what he had done. "Since nothing is wrong, I can only make a mistake and kill all those who resist me!"

Liu Xingyao was silent for a moment, then looked at Yanxian and said again: "So, in the end you still abandoned it? If my guess is correct, blow up the exit to trap all of us here, except for him. There is no one else. In the end, you are just a tool used by others..."

At this time, even Yanxian had bitterness on his face, and said, "We can only blame the wrong person. We descendants of Liang Shanbo have followed such a cruel and heartbroken person. The same was true of Song Jiang in Liang Shanbo. It is hoped that the imperial court will come up and wait until the end is a devastating disaster, and Kaiyu is even more troubled by us!"

"Hehe, you don't need to say Kaiyu, didn't you do this kind of thing on the Lou Qi ship? You don't need to say Kaiyu!" Liu Xingyao laughed.

"But what is the use of these 027s now? You and I are all trapped here. When the food here is all eaten, we will all die here sooner or later!" Yanxian was not afraid, but drank again with a smile. liqueur.

From beginning to end, the words of Liu Xingyao and Yanxian were heard by everyone in the dark cooking world, especially when they heard Kaiyou trapped them here so cruelly, they naturally felt uncomfortable.

"Really? But I don't think we will be trapped here to die, but you were a bit right just now. You are the only one who can't leave here."

Liu Xingyao stared at Yanxian coldly with his arms around him, and said, "You must pay for the nearly 100 dead souls in Lujia Village!"

"Hahahaha, is it possible that you can kill now..."

However, before Yan Xian could finish speaking, Liu Xingyao drew a dagger from behind and pierced his chest.

This scene was unexpected even for Feisha and others.

(To be continued...).

Chapter 311 Our Time

Even Feisha and the others were unexpected, they never expected Liu Xingyao to suddenly attack Yan first.

The sharp dagger pierced Yanxian's chest immediately, and blood flowed out along the knife edge.The others were all staring at this scene in shock.

And even Yan Xian himself opened his eyes wide, looking down at the dagger that pierced his chest, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

At the moment of penetration, blood splashed on Liu Xingyao's face, but even he did not frown.

"Originally I thought I would leave like this and not take your life. But what I said just now made me discover that the devil is always a devil, and if you don't get rid of it, you will find something like that in Lujiacun. So, I'm sorry..." Liu Xingyao finished shaking The right hand holding the dagger exerted strength, Yan Xian suddenly vomited blood.

Soon, Yan Xian's eyes whitened and he fell to the ground slantingly.

After a while, the others came back to their senses, especially the people in the dark cooking world were incredible, and looked at Liu Xingyao in horror.

Liu Xingyao looked at the blood-stained right hand, but his expression was not a little flustered.

"Although it is the first time to kill someone, I have no fear or worry at all, because I know that the hands of the slain are contaminated with more lives..."

Liu Xingyao turned his head slowly as he said, and then looked at the only remaining twenty-odd people in the dark cooking world in the hall, wrapping the sacred scholars Han Yu, Ruda, and Lai He.

"You are just one of Kaiyu's pawns. He has thrown you up mercilessly long ago, and sacrificed you in order to accomplish his ugly purpose. Kaiyu is like this, so is Yanxian! Do you still want to do it for him? Are you desperate?" Liu Xingyao said to everyone in the dark cooking world in the hall.

Everyone in the dark cooking world who heard this was silent for a while, and then Han Yu looked at him sadly and said: "Liu Xingyao, what use are you saying now? We will all be trapped here sooner or later..."

Han Yu glanced at Feisha in the distance, and said, "But I still have to thank you for saving me just now, so that I could not drink the venom because I lost to you... Although I feel like escaping from the dead, I didn't expect it. It's just so short."

Liu Xingyao glanced at Han Yu, then turned his gaze to the people in the dark cooking world and said: "Yan deserves to die, but you are not going to die, so if you are given a chance to reform, it will be like... Um, Mila, Han Qing, are you willing?"

"Have a chance to reform?"

"I... We reformed?"

The group looked at Liu Xingyao strangely, they had never thought about these words.

Then, Han Yu stood up and pointed to a chef Lin next to him, and said, "He is called'Putian Diao' Han Dang, because he killed a corrupt official who overpaid taxes and filled his own pockets in Jinan, and he went to dark cooking. From the world, do you think that a sinner like this has a chance to reform?"

Liu Xingyao replied without hesitation, and said, "Hehe, so what? As long as he chooses to escape from Jinan and escape thousands of miles away, he can use his superb cooking skills to bring happiness to the locals. Who says he is a sinner!!"

Liu Xingyao's words directly stunned Han Yu and Han Dang behind him.

After Han Dang, another weak scholar with a scroll came to Liu Xingyao.

"I...I'm Wu Yong, a "Zhi Duo Xing" who is good at Chinese tea. I was wanted and fleeing here because I accidentally broke into the woodland owned by officials to pick tea. Are people like me still qualified to bring happiness to others?"

"Wu Yong, as long as you continue to cook the tea of ​​happiness that thousands of people will sigh every day and drink it, it's just so complete, that kind of boring pediatrics is nothing at all, just forget it. You are chefs, The starting point of a chef is to bring happiness to people. Don't you know what to do?" Liu Xingyao said to him.

After hearing Liu Xingyao's words, everyone in the dark cooking world was shocked, and their hearts were shocked.

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