The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 579

Some people have an epiphany, but it doesn't mean that everyone has heard it.

And some of the guys in the dark cooking world are still hostile to Liu Xingyao.

"Damn, you guy is just talking nonsense."

"Yes, it's all irresponsible stupid things. Anyway, you are not the one who committed the crime. How can you make us people look back?"

Faced with the doubts of those Lin chefs, the firm expression on Liu Xingyao's face remained unchanged, "As long as you have a heart in your heart, a chef's heart that brings happiness to the people, it belongs to everyone's era and can be created from now on."

The people in Liang Shanbo who heard Liu Xingyao's words were stunned there this time, and the entire Hubaoyi Cave became silent at this moment!

It took a long time for those chefs to come back to their senses, chanting the words Liu Xingyao just said!

"It belongs to everyone's era?"

"It belongs to our time?"

Liu Xingyao nodded, staring straight ahead and said: "Yes, you have such a good cooking skill. You don't know how many people can be there in the future. You must have understood it. The purpose of cooking is not to restrain people, but to liberate people. To make people happy.

Born in the dark and growing up in the dark, you have been trained in the dark in Liangshanbo since you were young, but you gradually forget that you are a chef who can bring happiness to others?"

Chapter 312 Creating the Future

Liu Xingyao's words shaken what everyone in the dark cooking world said, and everyone in the dark cooking world is beginning to waver because of his words.

Yes, even if you have done something bad before, you have no choice but to do nothing.Now if you can use your own cooking skills to bring happiness to others and make delicious dishes, why not?

Gradually they remembered their original intention of being a chef, and became the first dish the chef brought out... At that time, the guests who saw the dishes had their heartfelt smiles!

"Are we... still chefs? Can we really... continue to cook for people?"

One of the dark cooking world chef Lin, his eyes blurred when he thought of something with his hands, and his legs fell on his knees with a "poof": "If I can, I really want to return to my hometown. I cook a table of my best dishes for my relatives... the old folks and the villagers, I really... really want to smile when they see them eat my food!"

Following these actions and words of this dark cooking world, the hearts of Han Yu, Ruda, Lai He and even Xiang En very were touched, and their thoughts returned to the time when they were chefs.

At the beginning of man, nature is good.All the chefs here, which one of the original purpose of being a chef was not to present the most beautiful dishes to your favorite people?

However, because of the changes in the world and a series of things that happened and experienced, they were forced to become like this. Now that they are really given a chance to reform and return to the past, they will definitely choose to renew without hesitation. came.

Han Yu quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said: "But everything is too late. We are trapped here and there is no chance of escape. The only hole has been blown up."

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but smiled contemptuously after hearing this, and said: "Is it really just like this? Huh, you guys come with me now, use your hands to prepare for our new era. There is a second exit in this basement. Let me go!"

"Also... Is there another exit? Is this true?"

"Difficult... can we really go out?"

Everyone in the dark cooking world was overjoyed.

Liu Xingyao nodded to the people behind him and the others, Feishasha, and others to make them follow. Then he came to the place where Yanxian had fallen. After removing his body, his right hand touched a mechanism.

There was the sound of the "Boom Rumble" boulder turning. In the surprise eyes of everyone, it was obvious that the sun was shining in, and the entrance of the passage appeared in front of everyone.

"There really is an exit, God really didn't abandon us!"

"It's great that we are really saved, it's hard... Is Liu Xingyao really the savior sent from heaven to save us?"

From the very beginning, people in the dark cooking world who were hostile to Liu Xingyao had changed their attitude towards him at this moment.

Even Han Yu couldn't help but muttered, "I don't even know this exit, but Liu Xingyao, who came here for the first time, knows it clearly. Could it be that God arranged all this?"

Han Yu, who seemed to have believed and accepted this fact, said loudly to everyone in the dark cooking world behind him: "Everyone, since Liu Xingyao has given me new life and hope, we will follow him to create something that belongs to us. Time."

"Create an era that belongs to us!"

"Yes, it's a new era!"

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao nodded secretly, and turned around and said to everyone in the dark cooking world: "When you walk out from here, remember that you are no longer in the dark cooking world, and you will no longer work for anyone. , You are going to live out yourselves, your hands are only for those who are worthy, everyone, go--"

"it is good!"

A group of women left the underground secret room in such a mighty manner. Whether it was Yanxian or Kaiyu, they never dreamed that there was another exit hidden in this underground secret room, and Liu Xingyao had not easily discovered this exit.

Of course, Liu Xingyao was able to find another secret road that no one else knew so easily, naturally because of the help of the system.With the help of the system, he knew every passage in the underground secret room.

In this way, Liu Xingyao led everyone from the dark cooking world to escape.


Yang Shanbo, the headquarters of the dark cuisine world

When the Asian Journal learned that Kaiyu actually blew up the exit, Jiang Yanxian was waiting for everyone in the dark cooking world to be sealed in the basement, and was very angry!

"Kaiyu, why are you doing this? Didn't Yanxian and the other dark cooking world's brothers die in vain?" Yanxian looked very angry at Kaiyu, who was still smiling faintly at the upper seat.

Kaiyou, who was sitting here, did not change the smile on his face at all because of Asia's anger. He didn't rush to stand up and laughed: "Asian should not be so anxious, their sacrifices are worth it."

(To be continued...).

Chapter 313 Turning Against Each Other

Several subordinates of Kaiyou, who was responsible for blowing up the entrance to the basement, told Kaiyou that the plan was successful and all Liu Xingyao had been trapped in the basement.

However, after learning about this, the Asian Journal was very angry. He thought that Kaiyu was really too much. He actually started to get rid of Liu Xingyao and the two of them, and Yan Xian was among them!

"Kay, although you are indeed the leader of the dark cooking world, this kind of thing is not discussed with any of our five tiger stars at all. Do you still have brothers like us in your eyes?" Asia was unable to control his heart. Kai Yudao, who is still waving the folding fan at the upper seat like this, is angry.

The folding fan in Kaiyou's hand does not leave his body regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, because he thinks that he can keep himself calm anytime, anywhere!

Although facing the furious Asian magazine, Kaiyou smiled calmly with a folding fan in his hand: "Yakan, calm down, their sacrifices are worth it. Without an opponent like Liu Xingyao, who will be our dark food in the future? An opponent in the world? Although the legendary kitchen utensils are hidden, as long as we activate our huge intelligence network in the dark cooking world, it is not difficult to find out within three to five years!"

Yakan's clenched fists made a "creak" sound, and said, "It's worth it? In order to get rid of Liu Xingyao, how many brothers and chef Lin had been sacrificed on the last floor of Qijian? The same is true this time. We are for Liu Xingyao. There are already dozens of sacrificed Chef Lin, do you know Kaiyu! Don't you have anything to show up yet?"

"Discovered? Haha, I only know that we can't stop our dark cooking world now! And as I said just now, sacrifice is necessary! As for the sacrificed Chef Lin, how difficult is it to re-train this?" Kaiyou still does not Moved.

Yakan’s anger from the very beginning turned into disappointment now. His clenched fists couldn’t help letting go, shook his head and said, “Kay, I thought it was my own illusion. You can sacrifice everything to achieve your goal, even with Brothers you have walked here for many years! Now you and the dark cooking world at this moment, there is no place worthy of my nostalgia..."

Speaking of Yakan, walked slowly towards the outside of Hubaoyi Cave.

The faint smile on Kaiyou's face suddenly became hideous: "Yakan, what do you mean?"

After taking a few steps, Yakan stopped and turned back, taking a look at Kaiyou and said, "Kayou, I told you during the first duel with Liu Xingyao that they are people who are favored by God, continue. You must be the one who loses in the fight. For years of brotherhood, I would advise you... to turn around and give up looking for legendary kitchen utensils."

"Looking at you, it seems that you want to betray me and betray the entire dark cooking world, right?" Kai You narrowed his eyes into a line, revealing a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"It's not betrayal, but you chose to abandon our group of brothers, so..."

However, before the Asian magazine finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Because of the severe pain, the whole person squatted on the ground, and Dou Da's sweat continued to seep from his forehead.

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