When Lind followed them out, Cass pressed a button on the door. When they reached the first floor, they saw two big men coming down from upstairs.

They greeted Rendell and then walked downstairs without saying a word, just like those customers who just happened to meet the owner of this club on the way to the basement.

Obviously they came to clean up the mess.

Obviously, in addition to being a club, this place also serves as a gang base to a certain extent. They kill people here, and there are people who are responsible for collecting the bodies here.

Then, Lind followed this group of social people and got into the car again. Cass turned the car key, "Boss, where are we going?"

"To No. 16 Jinhua Street, if I remember correctly, old Langdon's family lives there." Rendell said.

"Landon? That detective Langdon's house?" Cass was a little confused, but he still started the car and turned around. The boss said to go, so go, as for what to ask, that's another matter.

"Yes!" Rendell nodded.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Langdon is just a little policeman, right?" Detective Merclayton was a little confused.

"This is what we call him, hehe!" Cass said, with a smile on his face, "We all think he is quite cute. He has been persistently trying to drive us, the cancer of society, out of here."

Corso smiled helplessly, "But he doesn't know that if there is no boss, this place will only be more chaotic."

He is a person who has truly seen the dark side of this world. When he first came to Surrey, he didn't think that this place would be ruled by a powerful gang.

In his memory, the more chaotic the place, the stronger the black organizations will be. And the stronger the black organizations are, the more fights there will be, and the more chaos there will be. It is completely an endless vicious cycle.

But in Surrey, the group of sharks led by Rendel is the only one, and after they occupied and incorporated the underground industry of the entire Surrey, they also lost a lot of desire to continue to attack and plunder, as if they were planning to stay in a corner of Surrey.

What was most unexpected was that Rendell actually managed the entire underground industry in Surrey in an orderly manner. First, he thoroughly investigated the drug industry, and then rectified the other two industries, killing countless people and sinking them all into the Thames.

Sometimes, floating corpses suddenly appeared in Greater London, and some of them floated over here.

In this way, the group of sharks not only gained the love of many informed people, but also made a lot of money because of the orderly development of the other two industries plus many white industries.

Even because of the positive effects of their actions on public security, the authorities turned a blind eye to them.

There is black and white in the world. Letting the group of sharks, a lawful evil existence, stand in Surrey is much better than the previous chaotic and "a hundred schools of thought contending" environment.

However, Koso still doesn't know why this boss hates the drug industry so much.

Corso had heard about the protection of prostitutes. It was said that the boss was the son of a prostitute. If the children of poor families grew up in the mud, then this boss could be said to have climbed up step by step from the dirty and smelly sewer.

Thinking of this, Corso couldn't help but look at the boss in front of him.

The two prisoners looked out the window, one saw the mud on the ground, and the other saw the stars in the sky.

Obviously, Rendel was the guy looking at the stars.

This is also the reason why Corso is willing to work for Rendel. Isn't it much better to serve such a person than to serve those royals!

"Yes, old Landon came to me and said that some abnormal cults appeared here. Pennywise, where is the flyer?" Rendel turned around and said to Lind.

Lind took out the flyer that he had folded together from his pocket and handed it over, saying by the way, "Drive well."

"It's okay. I was playing cards with them while driving last time!" Cass smiled indifferently.


"How did you break into my house?" Lendl handed the flyer to Cass, who was driving, and then turned his head to look at Lind curiously.

His words obviously shocked the two people sitting behind Lind. A thirteen-year-old child broke into the home of a gangster boss. This matter is absurd no matter how you think about it.

"I have my own tricks." Lind felt the eyes of the two people around him constantly looking at him and said, "If you need it, you can see what I said - my advantage."

"Okay!" Lendl waved his hand indifferently. He looked at the little guy in front of him and suddenly thought of someone - his boss.

The real boss behind the group of sharks.

"How is it?" Lendl asked Cass again. Lind suddenly felt that this guy didn't look like a gangster boss at all. He looked like this with everyone.

Cass kept scanning the flyer while driving, "It's just a small church? Boss, there won't be any hidden secrets!"

Lendl nodded, "You'll know when you get there."

Cass also nodded and continued to concentrate on driving.

Golden Flower Street and Crescent Flower Street are two adjacent streets, which is why old Langdon came to ask for help when Rendel was jogging in the morning.

Golden Flower, Crescent Flower and Ligustrum are all typical residential neighborhoods, but the layout and environment of the houses here are worse than those on Privet Road and Crescent Flower Street, and the prices are correspondingly lower.

After a while, they arrived at No. 16 Jinhua Street.

Cass got out of the car and straightened his collar, "This is it. I haven't been here for a long time! The last time I came here was when I, the boss, and the head of the police station came to visit Detective Langdon."

"This matter is also related to little Langdon." Rendell said. They stepped on the messy lawn. The grass had grown very high, which was obviously a sign of neglect.


Linde was a little surprised. In order to make sure that he was not wrong, he secretly enhanced his senses and twitched his nose.

"It has a very pungent smell that is constantly drifting in the wind. Apparently the main source of this smell is... gas?!"

Linde glanced at the closed doors and windows and shouted loudly. If the smell he smelled was just a little bit escaping from inside, it would be unimaginable how high the concentration of gas was in the room at this time.

"Hurry... the gas is leaking." Lind shouted, and then ran over first. At this time, Corso had just stepped out of the car!

"Gas?" Rendell was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted and walked forward quickly.

However, Lendl was pushed gently by Cass, "Don't go there." After saying that, Cass ran over after Lind.

Cass didn't quite believe whether Lind's sudden shouting about a gas leak was true, but it was better to go and take a look.

Of course, it was because he didn’t know if the gas was really leaking, so he just went over there and Lendl didn’t go over there.

Lind didn't care what was going on behind him. He trusted his nose. As he walked closer, the smell became stronger.

Scales appeared on the entire body under the clothes, and muscle fibers exploded.

Linde stepped hard, and the door was knocked open with a loud bang.

His eyes swept over one after another, and he involuntarily took a breath of the rich gas. With his back to Cass, who was running over, he shook out a corner of his wand.

"Whirlwind sweeps away!"

A whirlwind suddenly rose up in the originally calm and dull house. They carried the gas and rushed outward violently toward the door. They were also accompanied by some fine garbage and dust, which made Lind's clothes whistle.

Linde also involuntarily stepped back.

"What's going on?!" Cass asked, hiding his face. At this time, he also smelled the strong smell of gas being blown out.

"The air pressure difference is too great, so as soon as the door is opened, the high-concentration gas inside will escape outside." Linde explained.

"Really?" Cass was a little confused. Lind glanced back. The detective looked here with some confusion. This rhetoric is nothing more than an excuse. Whoever wants to believe it will believe it. That’s what he said anyway.

With that said, Linde walked quickly inside. The others followed.

Linde kept scanning the entire room quickly.

"Here!" Merkleton's voice came from the kitchen. Linde also walked over there.

"Is it because I didn't pay attention when cooking?" Cass asked.

"No!" Merkleton said, "Carry him out first!"

Lind went over and took a look, and saw Merkleton walking out holding the man Lind had seen before. His face was red and unconscious, and his lips were a sickly cherry red.

"Where's little Langdon?" Merkleton called upstairs as he passed the stairwell. Corso had already run up.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of Corso banging on the door kept coming.

Finally, I heard the sound of him opening the door, and then I heard Corso whispering, "This..."

"What happened?" Merkleton asked.

"We'll talk about it later. I'll take him down first." Immediately, there were sounds of fighting and a low growl that didn't sound like a human being at all.

"Quiet!" Corso's roar came, and Lind even felt the dust from the ceiling being shaken by their fight upstairs.

Merkleton carried old Langdon out, "At the same time, he shouted to the back, don't touch the scene yet, this is not normal. Cass, you hold on to the gas valve. Don't touch anything else except the gas valve."

This team composed of SRR gang members, gang second-in-commands and private detectives is obviously not working together for the first time. They share different tasks with ease.

Lind didn't say anything. Rendell was waiting outside. He could see the relieved expression on his face when he saw old Langdon being carried out.

Linde walked carefully around the room, his eyes constantly scanning. He was not in a hurry to touch here and there. He asked himself that he was a more careful and sensitive person, but if he were to compare with SRR and private detectives, , that's a huge difference, so now he just looks at it and doesn't touch it.

"This is……"

Linde walked to the side window. The windows were tightly closed at this time, and the gaps were covered with milky white weather-resistant glue commonly used for home decoration and glass sealing.

This glue has good sealing properties and is easy to buy and use. Just put the glue cartridge into the glue gun and push it out like squeezing out toothpaste.

In other words, this is a gadget that Lind can use with his butt.

"Indeed...someone did it on purpose." At the same time, Lind saw Merclayton outside through the window. He was doing chest compressions and artificial respiration for old Langdon without any scruples.

"Call...an ambulance?" Cass asked.

"No...it's not serious." Merclayton said, "He can be awakened." When he said this, his face was extremely eager.

Can he be awakened? Wake him up first, and then he doesn't care much about it?

Is this...a passion for solving the case?

Thinking about it, footsteps came from behind, and Corso walked down the stairs. At this time, there were bloody claw marks on his face, and he looked like he was beaten by his girlfriend. He was carrying a body on his shoulders. It seemed that it should be the little Langdon.

"How is it?" Lind asked.

"Very...weird." Corso responded, and then carried him out, and Lind followed him out.

"Cough cough!" The cough came from the old Landon lying on the ground. Along with the sound, his chest made a blower-like sound. Obviously, his lungs were also hurt.

As soon as Corso went out, he threw the little Landon on the ground, "Something is wrong with this!"

Merckleyton nodded excitedly, "Yes, haha!"

At this time, the old Landon stood up. Merckleyton was about to start asking excitedly, but he saw him crawling to the side of the little Landon and patting his son's cheek, "Sero... Sero, are you okay?"

The few people looked at each other for a few times, all shook their heads helplessly and sighed.

Linde went back and smelled, and said, "It's almost dispersed. Let's go in first, so that the neighbors won't see it."

Lendl nodded, "Everyone come in first!"

Then, Merckleyton helped the old Landon and walked inside again. Corso was a little unhappy. He just carried this guy out, but he carried him in again. Isn't this a pure waste of time!

But thinking of the look on old Langdon's face just now, he could only pick up little Langdon and take him back again.

After helping old Langdon to sit on the sofa, he grabbed the corner of Rendell's clothes, "Sir, please help me!"

"I know, I know." Rendell grabbed old Langdon's hand and asked gently, "Tell me what happened first, you fainted, gas leaked, this is not an accident, right."

Old Langdon looked at his son being thrown on a sofa, feeling a little distressed, "I don't know the details, but I think it must have something to do with that church."

"Church?" Cass was a little confused, how could this really be related to some ghost church? !

Corso nodded solemnly, "Is Cero Landon... a little weird now?!"

Old Landon stared at Corso in a daze, a little frustrated, holding his head with both hands, and speaking in a confused tone, "Yes, I think this is related to his last injury. And he is not weird... it's just... crazy."

"Landon, hey, Landon. Calm down. Tell us everything you know first."

"We are professionals, please believe us!" Merclayton said impatiently, with a serious face.

"Professional?" Old Landon glanced at Lind who was picking his nose next to him...

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