The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 185 Little Landon's Head

"It all started with that flyer!" Old Langdon calmed down and ignored the kid standing next to him.

"That flyer appeared about a week ago, and it just appeared out of nowhere beside my bed!

I went to the bar alone to drink some wine because of Cero's matter the day before, so when I got up and saw the flyer, I thought I got it from somewhere when I was hungover..."

Old Langdon said with regret, "I don't know if I had thrown the flyer away at that time, would the following things not have happened."

"So you didn't throw the flyer away at that time, but this small piece of paper caused some people with bad intentions to covet it?" Merclayton asked with interest.

"No... no one else. It's just that, starting from this flyer, Cero began to show some changes." Old Langdon said, "A month ago, Cero had some unknown accidents during a mission. In the next three days, he had a high fever and his body temperature once soared to 100 degrees."

100 degrees? Lind was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was talking about Fahrenheit. One hundred Fahrenheit is equivalent to thirty-nine to forty degrees Celsius, which is indeed a very serious high fever.

"At that time, Rendel and Mr. Cass went to the hospital to visit him." As he said, he glanced at Rendel.

Rendel and Cass nodded. Just like what they had said before, they did visit Sero when he was sick before.

"On the fourth day, his high fever subsided without any transition. After that, he directly resigned from the police station and locked himself in the house."

At this time, the joy on Merclayton's face was visible to the naked eye. "That is to say, after a mission, your child first had a high fever for three days, and then had serious mental problems?!"

Old Langdon was a little angry, "My son has no problems!"

Merclayton didn't care about Old Langdon's emotions, "Sir, I am a well-known private detective in Surrey and even in Greater London. Maybe my words are not very pleasant to hear.

But if we want to grasp the truth in the fog, whether it is words or self-esteem, we should honestly give way at this time, right?

From your description, Cero had a high fever, resigned, and locked himself in the room. This is a manifestation of severe mental stimulation. Why do you deny it?"

"You..." Old Langdon stared at him, like a balloon about to explode.

But he didn't explode, but suddenly deflated. "Sorry! I'm too sensitive."

Mercklayton smiled to show forgiveness, "Please continue talking about what happened before!"

"Yes, he suffered serious mental damage, but I don't know why. I went to his colleagues to find out the situation, but they also said they didn't know."

"Do you think they really don't know or they don't dare to say it, based on your years of observation." Mercklayton asked. From the beginning, only Mercklayton was asking questions and others were listening.

"I think they really don't know. Their concern for my son and their confusion about my questions are hard to fake." Old Langdon said.

"After that, he just ate a little bit every day, like a walking corpse, and he was in a daze every day. Including me, he seemed to be unable to hear what anyone said to him. He didn't eat anything, unless he was particularly hungry, then he would eat whatever he had.

Once I heard the kitchen overturn in the middle of the night. I thought it was a thief, but he was eating the raw food in the refrigerator." As he said, Old Langdon looked at Sero who was lying on the sofa.

"When it was more serious, he even ate the grass outside..."

Several people looked at each other, and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Even the instinct of "eating" was confused. What kind of experience would cause such a serious psychological problem.

Sure enough, just as old Langdon said, if he was looking for a hospital, then Cero Langdon would have been locked up in a mental hospital at this time.

"At that time, I was ready to support him until he died." Old Langdon smiled bitterly.

"But after the flyer appeared, the situation became more serious.

At that time, I didn't rush to throw away the flyer. I took it to the bedroom and threw it casually on the coffee table.

After that, I went to the kitchen.

However, when I was doing the morning, I heard Cero's howling in the living room."

Howling? Is this the word to describe it!

"When I went out, I saw his eyes were red, and he was holding the flyer tightly in his hand.

He was hesitant and howling at me, and I could feel the fear, yearning, disgust and love in his tone."

"Wait!" Merclayton interrupted him, "Are you sure he had so many complex and contradictory emotions at the time?"

"I'm sure!" Old Langdon nodded, "He ran behind me in fear, and then he grabbed the flyer enthusiastically."

"This..." Merclayton frowned for the first time, but the fanatical and morbid expression on his face became stronger.

"Fuck, I won't listen anymore, it's boring, I'd better take a look at the scene first." Corso grabbed his head helplessly. He was indeed good at investigation, but it was completely different from detectives. They did more intelligence gathering and infiltration. In other words, he was like a secret agent.

It was completely different from detectives.

"Wait!" Merclayton first signaled Corso to calm down, then looked at old Langdon, "Is there anything else strange?"

Old Langdon thought for a while, "Actually, there's nothing special.

Merlayton nodded, "Sit here now! You know, you just experienced a gas poisoning incident, and it was a premeditated vicious incident to kill you. You stay here first, don't move around, and wait for us to inspect the room."

Old Langdon nodded, "Okay."

After that, Merclayton looked at Cass again, "Cass, and... Mr. Rendell. You can get more details from Mr. Langdon here first. Then Corso and I will check this house first."

Obviously, this madman who is keen on solving cases does not allow anyone to mess with him when he is searching for clues. And it is obviously not the first time they have cooperated. Merclayton is very skilled in assigning appropriate tasks.

But this time is a little different,

Cas looked at Rendell, "Boss, what do you think! "

Rendell frowned. He was gentle by nature, but that didn't mean a young detective who had just met him could order him around.

Rendell thought for a while, then glanced at Merclayton and nodded to Cass, "If this allows you two to show off your skills, then it's okay. After all, this house is not that big."

As he said that, he turned his head and wanted to go back to the car to rest for a while. As for getting to know the situation with old Langdon, Cass would do it. Of course, he did feel that the house was a little stuffy now.

"Wait... In addition to talking about these things. I have a question." Corso said.

"What's wrong?" Merclayton asked.

"Landon, do you know that your son is doing... art creation in the room. Also, has your son ever shown an extremely morbid desire to attack you?"

"Art creation?" Everyone, including old Langdon, was a little confused.

"It seems that you don't know. Let's go up and take a look first. "Corso said helplessly.

Mercklayton's excitement was becoming increasingly difficult to conceal. The more complicated and strange things were, the more he wanted to attack.

Everyone nodded, and Corso took the lead and led everyone upstairs. "What about the tendency to attack?" Corso asked.

"No, he has never shown any desire to hurt me, and he has never been angry with me, from childhood to now, never." Old Langdon said.

"Okay!" Corso said, touching the scratches on his face with some anger.

At this time, under the leadership of Corso, everyone had already walked up the stairs, including the worried old Langdon.

"Here," Corso stopped in front of a room and explained, "I found him in this room. He locked himself in it at the time, and I broke the door open by force. This is his room, right? ! "

Old Langdon nodded.

After confirming, Corso stepped back a few steps and made room at the door. "Anyway, I don't want to watch it anymore. You can watch it if you want, but I remind you to be mentally prepared in advance. "

Cas laughed, "Oh, do you think I have never seen the world? ! "Then he walked in first.

"This... um..." Cass staggered out, then covered his mouth, as if the scene inside had made him seriously nauseous, and if he didn't press his mouth, he would vomit.


Wasn't he still very crazy the last second?!

Thinking of it, Lind squeezed forward. At this time, Rendell and Merclayton had also entered. They all looked unhappy, but they still walked in stiffly.

Lind also squeezed in.

The blood-red paint covered the entire room. In addition to the things in the regular bedroom, there was a chair in front of the bed, which was the most open space in the room.

There was a corpse wrapped in a white sheet on the chair, and above the corpse was a withered and skinned head. At this time, the head was full of flies and insects, A maggot kept crawling in the gap between the eye socket and the dried eyeball.

The white bed sheet had been dyed black and red, and there was a constant flow of stinking tissue fluid from the bed sheet, which accumulated under the chair to form a pool of pus like animal fat.

At the same time, glue guns, medical scissors, fishing lines, needles and other things were scattered on the bed.

The most horrifying thing was the appearance of the head.

Although it was dry, the hair of the head was neatly combed, and the face was clumsily painted with heavy makeup, looking like a half-dead zombie.

It can be barely seen that the head is exactly the appearance of Cero Landon.

"This..." When old Landon saw this scene, he couldn't catch his breath before he finished speaking and fell backwards.

"Cas, take good care of old Landon. "Lendl said lightly, his words were no longer gentle.

"This kind of vicious incident is simply..." Lendl said with gritted teeth, but no one could hear the anger in his mouth.

"Don't be impatient!" Lind said. "Something is wrong." Lind's nose twitched, his eyes turned into squares, and he kept looking at the head.

"In addition to the stench of flesh and blood, there is also a hint of the fragrance of soil." Lind said slowly, "The fragrance of the grass nurtured by the soil is too subtle, so it is covered by the strong smell of blood and decay."

Lind walked over slowly, and Merclayton approached the corpse with him.

"Do you really have such a good nose?" Merkleton laughed, "You could smell the smell of gas right away!"

"It's just talent."

"Haha! I found what I have been looking for in you." Merkelton said nonsensically,

Linde raised his eyebrows, not understanding what this somewhat abnormal detective was talking about.

Linde's wrist shook, and the wand that was originally in his sleeves turned into a Mitsubishi thorn that shone with cold light.

At the same time, Merkleton also walked in front of the corpse, stretched out his right hand and grabbed the head, not caring about the pus and flies.


Linde's wand pierced the corpse and then sliced ​​it horizontally.

A large pile of meat gushed out from the opening he opened, as if it were parting a packaging bag.

At the same time, Merkleton also held the head, then exerted force on his wrist and began to twist it, as if he was breaking a branch.


The originally rotten cervical vertebra was broken off by him, and then he lifted the head up like a basketball.

"Sure enough, this is a modified, decayed corpse, not the 'corpse of little Detective Langdon' as it appears." Lind said slowly when he saw Merkleton's head being lifted up.

"Mr. Rendell, if possible, could you please ask your people to investigate whether there have been any recent thefts of bodies.

The stolen bodies were whole bodies within a month - uncremated. In this case, it is recommended to go to a medical place to investigate, such as a medical school, a hospital morgue, etc. " Merkelton said, he was very respectful this time, obviously he didn't want to touch Lendl's brow now.

"There is also the crematorium, which is the most likely place, because if their 'customers' disappear, they are most likely to hide it." Linde added.

"No, no, no, can you explain to me what's going on now?" Lendl was a bit confused, why didn't he understand anything.

Merkleton just brought the head to Rendell, "Mr. Rendell, look here," Merkleton pointed to the hairline of the head, "The hair of this corpse is sewn together with a wig. of."

Rendell took a closer look, and sure enough, the surface skin of the hair on top was very different from the facial skin below.

But... let alone seeing it, even if he saw it, he probably wouldn't think much about it at the time! As long as there is hair, the human scalp and face are not the same color.

"Also, when we came in from the front, I noticed that there were signs of being pulled back on the back of the face and on the neck."

As he spoke, he turned the head around and showed the back of the head to Rendell.

Rendell endured his nausea and looked at the head.

Sure enough, there were rough sewing marks on the back, and even the thread ends had not been cleaned. Combined with the fishing line and needle on the bed...

"Obviously, little Mr. Langdon used another corpse to recreate 'himself' by filling, sewing, and stretching the skin."

"I didn't expect little Langdon to be a crafts enthusiast!" Linde said.

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