The envoys of the sword star Empire soon all entered the imperial capital, leaving Yu Wencong and others shivering in the cold wind.

Zhuo fan, who had been observing all this in the dark, could not help nodding: "I didn't expect that it was Yu Wenyong who came back. It's hard to believe that it was yuwenyong who had been foolhardy at the beginning, but now he is also a schemer. Ha ha Time can really change a lot

"As envoys, even if the Shuanglong academy is not satisfied, they will be expelled from the country at most, and they can't be treated as such. Otherwise, humiliating the envoys is equivalent to fighting against the sword star. I'm afraid none of the four states has the courage. The grievance of Luo Meng can only be swallowed by themselves! "

"If it's just a grievance, it's OK to cheer up and start over again, but..." His eyebrows trembled slightly, and Zhuo fan left: "Miss Murong, let's go and stare at the post house. That yuwenyong's coming to Tianyu won't be so simple as to revenge the emperor casually!"

After listening to his words, Murong Xue pondered for a while, but also hurriedly followed. Inadvertently, she has been used to following Zhuo fan behind, looking at the feelings of human beings

Three hours later, the sun was setting and the dim moonlight was slowly climbing up the top of the hill. In the imperial capital, the prosperous streets were decorated with lights, which changed into another extravagant scene.

In the post house, a fat man with big ears was pacing about in a gorgeous room. He was bored.


Just then, the door rang softly, and Yu Wenyong walked into the room. Seeing the fat man, he bowed down and said, "yuwenyong, Minister of the Ministry of rites, see Prince Guo!"

"Oh, Lord Yuwen, you've come. I've been driving all day, and I've been suffocating him to death!"

Pulling Yu Wenyong's sleeve and sitting in front of the wooden table, the fat man, like a child, said in a hurry: "I listen to your words and stay in the car all the time. I didn't go out even when those people outside invited me. You have to arrange some fun for the king tonight. Although the prime minister asked me to listen to you, you can't treat the king as a prisoner completely? "

The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and the evil light flashed in Yu Wenyong's eyes: "don't worry, your highness, I understand your mind. I'll arrange it for you tonight!"

"Really? Hey, hey Thank you very much Grinning, the prince showed a smile that you know, I know, and he rubbed his fat fingers.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Yu Wenyong also showed a strange smile. With a flick of his finger, he took out a set of civilian clothes from the ring and handed it to him: "Your Royal Highness, you are a noble person. It's too dazzling to act rashly. Put on this one and go out to play again. I'll let two people cover you out. Don't be found out. It will damage the face of the Empire! "

"I know, the Prime Minister of Baili is most interested in this point, and I will not discredit him!"

With a silly smile, Prince Naguo changed his clothes without saying a word. Then he couldn't wait to pat him on the shoulder and walked out: "Lord Yuwen, you're really smart. When I go back, I'll give you a good word in front of the prime minister, hehe..."

When the voice dropped, Prince Naguo went out and left. Two people had been waiting outside the door for a long time, and they were escorting him away.

Looking at their distant figure, Yu Wenyong's mouth crossed a mysterious arc: "give me good advice Ha ha, you think too much... "


"Lord Yuwen, Emperor Tianyu invites you and Prince Guo to dinner!" At this time, a guard outside the door knocked on the door and bowed.

A smile, Yu Wenyong did not say yes: "OK, I know, but the prince's highness is in a bad condition, so I won't go. I'll go alone."

"Yes As soon as he bowed down, the man left.

Yu Wenyong dressed up and set out.

Only after he left, a burst of wriggling in the dark, Zhuo fan and they appeared again.

After seeing Zhuo fan, Murong Xue murmured: "to the palace?"

"No, keep up with that stupid prince, he's the key!" As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo fan flashed away and disappeared. Murong Xue also disappeared.

Half an hour later, under the black night sky, the lanterns are shining high and the fragrance is blowing. From time to time, under the sound of warblers and swallows, it is lingering. Under a small building full of Oriole singing sound, a plaque more than three feet high is so eye-catching.

"Fragrance house!"

Chanting a sound word by word, the prince showed a licentious smile like a dream: "Hey, hey This is my home, secular holy land, fireworks bloom, girls, I'm here

With a roar, the prince of fruit, like a wild animal with passion, pounced on him. The two attendants, looking at each other and grinning, followed in.

Soon, Prince Guo, surrounded by a group of rouge, entered a room and raised his hand. The two immediately understood what he meant and handed a medicine bottle respectfully.

Take off the bottle stopper, the prince drank it without thinking about it. His eyes gradually turned red. He roared and roared up to the sky: "tonight, I will fight a hundred people. Who will fight? Ha ha..."


As soon as the door was closed, the voice of the warbler and the swallow's voice, as well as the roar and hiss, came from the door. The two guards, who were outside, looked at each other and laughed tacitly.We, the prince, don't have any hobbies. Just like this, hehe

"This We're going in, too? " The figure flashed out of a shadow. Murong Xue looked at the closed door and the noise. He knew what was going on inside. He could not help but blush and murmur.

With a grin, Zhuo fan didn't say yes: "because of this, I have to go in more. There's no reason to see half of the play and give up when it's about to climax

"Dirty!" Glare at him fiercely, Murong snow face red, angry voice.

"I mean what? Anyway, I can't see anything in it. I just feel it and listen to the sound at most. What's the difference between this and looking outside? "

"What are you doing in there?"

"Er More precise detection. You know If my eyes are inconvenient, I have to pay attention to every clue, haha As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo fan instantly turned into a light smoke, then flew to the door and disappeared in a flash.

As soon as the door opened and closed, the two guards didn't respond to it.

Red with anger, Murong Xue clenched his hand tightly and thought a little, but he also rushed to there. Click and the door closes in a trance. The two guards outside the door felt as if there was something in the past, but they didn't see anything. They could only think that they had an illusion.

Enter the room, hide with Zhuo fan in the shadow, listen to that lewd voice in the ear, Murong snow is already red, face is shaking. Zhuo fan is thick skinned, but it doesn't matter. He waits quietly.

But one hour passed, two hours passed, but nothing happened. Only prince Naguo, seems to have become a wild animal, bared his teeth and screamed, completely crazy. Let the warbler and the swallow howl in pain.

Biting her teeth fiercely, Murong Xue flushed all over her face, glared at Zhuo fan, and said in a low voice, "all for such a long time, have you found anything?"

"Found it!"


"How can he last so long? Ya must have taken medicine!" Fixed point nods, Zhuo fan is serious.

"I mean, what are you paying attention to?" Murong Xue said

"I'm also looking at the plot of a hundred Li longitude and latitude, but I can't see anything. It's a pity that I can only listen to it..." Some regret, Zhuo fan long breath.

Murong Xue is already angry, seven tips smoke, big curse way: "whore, you see, I don't accompany you, hum!"

As soon as the voice fell, Murong Xue was about to leave. But at this moment, with a plop, something was thrown in from the outside window. It looked like a person, but at this moment, he was still, either dead or faint!


As soon as the corner of his mouth turned up, Zhuo fan felt clear and said: "most men are interested in pleasure. Even if they take medicine, they can't make themselves into wild animals and lose consciousness. What else can we do? I think the prince is close to madness now. It is obvious that his medicine has been tampered with before his consciousness is blurred. I said it was made by Baili Jingwei. Miss Murong, do you have any comments? "

"I..." Not from a stagnation, Murong snow at the moment some confusion.

"Or what do you think of?"

Then, Zhuo fan continued, but he quickly nodded and laughed: "Oh, you are so dirty. Although I am a devil, I am a serious man, I never practice double cultivation. How could you Oh, I didn't expect that... "

"You..." Face a draw, Murong snow was ashamed to lower his head, hate to gnash teeth.

This damn asshole, play me!


But suddenly, a light chant suddenly sounded, the figure slowly moved the body, issued a girl's voice. Murong snow a startled, listen to familiar: "is that child?"

"Yes, sifan!" Long breath, Zhuo fan also can't help but sigh.

And the crazy Prince Guo, it seems that he also heard the girl's voice of scratching his heart, and he suddenly looked at this place. His eyes were red, but his eyes were more shining. With a roar, he rushed at the girl who couldn't afford to fall.

There's something new, ha ha

Whew Poof!

A finger flick, hit that rascal on the body, immediately let him body a stagnant, stiff there, can't move any more.

Zhuo fan slowly closed his hand and said nothing. Murong snow looked at him and was about to go out: "I'm going to take this little girl away. She shouldn't have been in such a place. It's a disgrace!"


But Zhuo fan grabbed her shoulder, but stopped her movement. The face is full of incomprehension, Murong snow took a deep look at him, do not know why.

Just at this time, luosifan knocked on his dizzy head and woke up. At the same time, Zhuo fan bent his fingers and played again. Prince Naguo's body shook, and he was able to move again. Seeing the beautiful and moving girl in front of her, her eyes lit up and the wolf howled. Then she rushed to her , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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