"Ah, who are you?"

A scream, Luo sifan saw that he had just awakened, there was a naked, ferocious face full of ferocious man rushed at him, not by the moment the color of his face, both palms together, a touch, he knocked him to the ground, a mouthful of blood can not stop spitting out.

However, Prince Guo, who was already on the top of his medicine and was completely insane, did not care about his own injury. He got up and looked at the beautiful woman. He was hungry and ran over with excitement. His eyes were full of obscene light.

Seeing this, Luo sifan was already frightened, but she, who had the highest strength of shenzhao, once again knocked the wolf to the ground and made her spit blood.

However, the wolf was still fierce and fearless to death. He was knocked down again and again, as if he didn't care about his life.

In this way, after more than 30 rounds, Prince Guo was bruised all over his body, and his internal organs had been severely damaged. However, the lustrous light in his eyes remained unchanged. He was looking for the trace of Luo sifan from the left and right, with a silly smile on his face.

Looking at this scene, although the little girl luosifan is the winner, she is also frightened by the abnormal. Murong Xue looked at Zhuo fan and asked, "why?"

"What, why?"

"Why did you let him go just after he had been restrained by a little girl?"

Slightly pondering a little, Zhuo Fan said faintly, "I think I know what hundred Li Jingwei wants to do, so I think Let him succeed

"You want him to succeed?"

"Yes, I've been staring at Zhongzhou for so many years. I want to wipe out Zhongzhou right away, finish my plan, and go back to my place. I More urgent than everyone else. The reason is that there is not a fan of Yutian. The second is that Zhongzhou has been recuperating in recent years, which is very stable. The power of Zhongzhou, which you have seen in the war, is even stronger than the combined strength of the four states. "

His eyebrows trembled slightly, and Zhuo fan sighed: "if it doesn't move, it will be solid like a rock, and no one can attack it. So I've been waiting for it to move, and now it's finally moving, how can I stop it? "

Eyelids gently shake, Murong snow staring at him: "then why did you just stop him, let it continue?"

"Miss Murong, don't get me wrong. I have my bottom line when I let it move. The people of the Luo family must not be hurt! "

After a long breath of sullen air, Zhuo Fan said: "in fact, if the last painting student really killed the sea of clouds, my plan can also be implemented. But I stopped him, because the sea of clouds can't die. Just now I stopped this irrational prince. It's the same with Miss Fan, who can't lose. Now that I let him go, the plan of a hundred Li longitude and latitude will continue. I can also go through the old Cang secretly. Sifan is the peak of shenzhao. This person will be fine only in the early days of shenzhao, but after that, Yunhai is expected to suffer some injustice. "

Staring at him tightly, seeing that he looked safe and sound, Murong Xue took a deep breath, turned his head, and did not look at him: "I don't know what you say, schemer!"

"Ha ha Miss Murong, you have made progress. If in the past, you must be able to help me, act on behalf of heaven and defend the way for me. But now You know how to tolerate it! "

"It's not that I know how to tolerate, but because I don't know what's right and what's wrong. I'm afraid that once I do something, what's right will become wrong. This hundred years, watching the vicissitudes of life, I am more and more confused. Now I'm here with you. I just want to know how you judge! " Eyes slightly narrowed, Murong snow quiet voice.

The corner of his mouth cocked, Zhuo fan nodded lightly: "Murong girl, I'll tell you a story in a moment, maybe you will know what is the right devil. This story was also told to me when I was walking in five states. It was very inspiring. At that moment, the state of mind has a qualitative leap forward, and the cultivation has regressed by five levels! "


"Yes, my true secret is to cultivate the mind and return to the original. Strength no matter how strong, only improve mood, can return! When I return to the origin, I will probably know what the heaven and earth road is

"Well, I'll be interested to hear it, too." With a smile, Murong snow rarely showed a pleasant color. It was a pity that Zhuo fan couldn't see it.


With a loud noise, Prince Naguo has been knocked down for the 50th time. But crazy, he seems to feel no pain, stand up tough, grin, eyes of the lewd light. But that constantly spit out the blood foam, but with some internal organs, dripped all over the ground.

Seeing this, Luo Si fan's eyelids trembled violently. He could not help but feel sick and vomit. Who is this pervert? How can he feel like a zombie when he is beaten like this?

Hey, hey, hey

The licentious smile in his mouth was still constant. The prince of Naguo twisted his body and took a step again, which made him rush towards losfan. The gurgling blood could not stop flowing down, like a flying centipede laying eggs, which made the little girl feel sick. I don't want to touch him any more. I have to avoid him as soon as I turn around.

But at this time, there was a big bang. The door of the room opened suddenly. Two guards were beaten in by Qi Qi. Two familiar figures also rushed in. Qi Qi yelled: "sister sifan!"But it was just the two brothers, longjianshan and Xie Nianyang, who came.

But as soon as they saw Prince Guo's appearance that was no longer human, they were shocked. Qi Qi called out, "what's the matter? Don't touch my sister sifan!"

Bang bang!

It was late, then fast. The two men scrambled for performance. One was in the palm and the other was flying. It could not be said that it was all in one's life. It was also 89% of the strength. Qi Qi hit the key of the prince.

The black tiger of dragon Jianshan took out his heart and hit the prince's heart. With a crack, he pierced his chest. Xie Nianyang hit him upside down with a gold hook, and with a puff, he kicked his head all over the place.

All of a sudden, blood gushed and continued. If the prince's headless body was slightly shaken, he fell down rigidly and lay in a pool of blood.

"I grabbed that claw, I saved sifan!"

"I kicked that foot. I saved sister sifan!"

Without looking at the corpse at all, long Jianshan and Xie Nianyang just stare at each other, and then they rush to Luo sifan to inspect her condition and ask, "sister sifan, are you ok?"

With a dull face and shaking his head, Luo sifan was a little worried and pointed to the blood man: "he Who is he? "


However, before the two of them could answer, a cry of surprise was heard. The two guards were stunned by the blood in the area, then looked at the three people of luosifan, pointed at them and said: "you three, you are so brave that even the fruit king of our sword star Empire dares to kill. Do you know that if the prince is the special envoy of the sword star, killing him is equivalent to a war with us. Can you afford it

What, swordsman?

The body can not stop a shock, three people are all shocked. Then the body a soft, completely shocked!

It's over. I'm in trouble!

Zhuo fan was watching in the dark, but he was dumb and smiling: "Oh, bear boy, this time I'm in big trouble, ha ha..."

"Is this the plan of a hundred miles? To fight against Xizhou

"If he thought so simply, it would not be a hundred Li longitude! make war? He can't afford it, ha ha... " After a look at Murong Xue, Zhuo fan waved his hand and turned to leave: "the longitude and latitude of a hundred Li have moved, so should I. It's been a hundred years, waiting for this moment. Wu ran Dong, don't worry any more, your chance is coming! "

On the other hand, in the palace hall, the lights are bright, and the guards are surrounded by three layers. Yu Wenyong went to the banquet on behalf of the sword star emissary. Looking at the battle, he laughed and said, "my third brother, I haven't been to the state banquet in this palace for a long time. How do you feel strange? When can we have a soul melting master to guard our sword star Empire? Just a few dozen people? Third brother, in recent years, the empire is in your hands, and it has developed well, ha ha... "

"Don't make fun of you, brother. You are the emissary of sword star. These guards are dispatched by Luo Meng to protect you. Younger brother, I'm just an emperor of the third class empire. How can I have this qualification to be protected by the soul melting master? To tell you the truth, teacher, he's no more than five levels of emptiness! " His face was icy, and Yu Wencong spoke quietly. Luo Yunhai and other high-level members of the Luo League accompanied him and looked at him coldly.

Glancing at the crowd, Yu Wenyong disdained to curl his lips: "you say Fang Qiubai, isn't he the Dragon Guard of Tianyu? Why is it so bad now? How can it be reduced to five levels? Just like me

"Ha ha Your brother is a servant of the sword star Army Department. He is rich in cultivation resources. It's not like our poor mountains and rivers, and we don't have so many cultivation materials. You should catch up with the rest of the world! "

Sprinkle ran nodded, Yu Wenyong smile, does not deny: "emperor brother said that is good, the cultivation environment in Zhongzhou is really much better than here. Even being a seven grade sesame official in Zhongzhou is better than being an emperor here


As soon as his body was stagnant, Yu Wencong pondered a little in the face of his provocation, but he chuckled and calmed down again: "everyone has his own ambition. It's up to you. Some people like to be the head of a chicken, while others like to be the tail behind the Phoenix, smelling the smell of excrement. No one can force anyone. Even sometimes, no one can be a chicken head. Some people want to be a chicken head, but they can't do it! "

Yu Wenyong bit his teeth, and his face sank suddenly. His murderous spirit could not be stopped

Yuwencong, you have a seed!

Seeing him like this, Luoyun sea color a Su, those guards are also Qi Qi nervous, protect in the emperor's side.

But soon, Yu Wenyong's whole body was murderous, and then he took it back. Looking at the nervous faces of the people, he said with a strange smile: "brother Huang, how can I feel that these guards are not here to protect me, but to protect you?"

"You're welcome. Where can I have such a big face?"

He didn't care about his polite words. Yu Wenyong just blinked in his eyes, grinned, and said: "it's just that sometimes, if you're in the wrong direction, it's no use protecting more and more strong guards!"Heart does not feel a Lin, Luoyun sea color a Su, tightly staring at him, eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

He what do you mean?

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