"Er Prime minister, then Your majesty, seriously Are you wise? " Cao was asked by Zhuge Changfeng. He was embarrassed and held back for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

Do we oppose the emperor and praise him instead of scolding him?

However, Zhuge Changfeng was quite satisfied with his answer, and nodded with a smile: "yes, our majesty is quite wise, or more accurately, shrewd. For so many years, I've been restless. I'm afraid that your majesty will suddenly attack me one day and drive me to a place where I can't be destroyed with an unwarranted charge. After today, I can finally rest assured

"Oh? I really apologize to the Prime Minister for worrying you so much for so many years. It must be hard for me, hehe... " The emperor chuckled and looked around.

When Zhuge Changfeng saw it, he couldn't help but burst out and laughed, "Your Majesty, you are still waiting for reinforcements. Ha ha Forget it. Don't wait. Although you didn't hand over the cards completely when the second prince rebelled, you really didn't find out. In fact, you secretly trained a royal guard with more than 50000 people. All of them are brave and good at fighting! "

"But it's a pity that I have already let the friends of gourong country ambush them. It is estimated that the 50000 people have been completely destroyed. "

"Canrong? Ha ha I should have thought that if you helped the gourong mission to celebrate the birthday of the imperial capital, you must have contact with each other! Since you disappeared, the rebellion began, and the gourong mission disappeared in the post house. However, there are only five thousand of them. Can they deal with my 50000 elite soldiers? " The emperor fixed his eyes on him.

The corner of his mouth crossed a proud smile, and Zhuge Changfeng couldn't help laughing: "5000? That's just the number of envoys. Don't forget that I'm the Prime Minister of the Empire. I'm in charge of trade between the two countries. In fact, a year ago, I secretly asked the elite soldiers of Tuoba iron mountain to disguise as business travelers and enter the country in batches. The Chamberlain in charge of business transportation is my own. You and Dugu zhantian don't know about it! Now there are 100000 dog soldiers in the Empire. "

"I see. It's a good trick to hide it from the world." Taking a deep breath, the emperor nodded clearly: "it seems that my destiny is really over!"

"Yes, but I can't blame anyone else. Who made your majesty so anxious to pacify the seven families? As a result, the inner space was empty, so I had a chance to take advantage of it. I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry! But I also understand your Majesty's eagerness and your Majesty's body. I know that we are about to reach the state of five decline of heaven and man. However, under his Majesty's knees, there is no way to divide the family and inherit the orthodoxy. If you can't pave the road ahead of time, the seven families will be very powerful in the future, and they will probably build their own army. Then Tianyu will really collapse! "

"No one knows me better than the Prime Minister of Zhuge. Cough, cough..." The emperor nodded faintly.

Zhuge Changfeng also sighed and seemed to feel the same way: "but the empty city plan you set up is really a dangerous move, and it really took me for a while. Your majesty is the only one who can play with me and clap

Speaking of this, Zhuge Changfeng still had some feeling of sympathizing with each other, but he soon became indifferent. He turned his head and looked at the prince and said with a smile: "prince, after your majesty abdicated, the world is bound to be unstable, and the orthodox succession is needed. Do you have the will to take over the throne as soon as possible?"


When this was said, everyone was surprised, especially those ministers who thought that the rebellion was successful and that Zhuge Cheng was the emperor. But who knows, the Prime Minister of Zhuge actually gave the throne back, and they rebelled against the wool!

The prince's eyelids jumped, and his heart moved, but it was still difficult to figure out whether Zhuge Changfeng meant true or false, or to deliberately humiliate their Yuwen family.

Only the emperor nodded his head and said with a smile: "prime minister Zhuge is really ready. You know, even if you get the world, you will be hard to convince the public. Besides, there are still Dugu zhantian who needs to be dealt with. It's better to support a puppet to come to the stage and become the Emperor himself. When the time is right, it is not too late for the emperor to abdicate! "

Hearing this, the prince hesitated a little, but when he thought that even the puppet was the emperor, it was better than the dead now, so he couldn't help but feel moved.

With a smile, Zhuge Changfeng turned his lips in disdain: "Your Majesty, you look down upon me. Although what you said is reasonable, I did not have the heart to be emperor from the beginning to the end. Now rebelling, to tell the truth, is just a fight with your majesty. As for Dugu zhantian, hehe As long as I get your Majesty's jade seal, I immediately order the garrison to let the troops of Tuoba Tieshan enter the country. Without the support of the imperial court, how long can Dugu zhantian survive when he meets Tuoba Tieshan

The emperor nodded: "it's really good calculation. It's really seamless. However, the prime minister, you are still very close to each other. "

Voice just fell, the emperor suddenly eye pupil a congealed, big drink out a voice: "hands on!"

"Catch the traitor and follow the princess!" At the same time, with the sound of breaking the sky, there was a strange cry. Nearly ten shenzhao masters and hundreds of ghost shadow Wei Qi rushed to Zhuge Changfeng.If Zhuge Changfeng is captured, the rebels will be defeated instantly.

However, in the face of such a large number of experts, Zhuge Changfeng gave a cold smile and said, "Your Majesty, when you deal with the second prince, it's already exposed and useless!"

With that, Zhuge Changfeng gave a look to Yin Yang Er Lao beside him. They nodded slightly, and their eyes were bright at the same time.


A black and a white two invisible waves suddenly issued, and then fused together, forming a huge wave with a destructive atmosphere, suddenly rushed to those who came.


Just like a mountain falling apart, those ghost shadow guards and shenzhao masters were immediately crushed back by this impact. Still in the air, then a mouthful of blood can not help but spit out.

To fall to the ground, already pale, dispirited!

In an instant, just a moment, ten shenzhao masters and hundreds of ghost shadow guards were defeated.

Yongning saw, not from the big shock, a face startled to look at the two old black and white, eyes flashed inexplicable panic. These can all be shenzhao masters, even if not compared to the Dragon Guard, but also the strength of the generation, how can one look can be able to defeat?

Who are these two people?

Yongning only knew that they were terrible, but I didn't know how terrible they were. Only one of the bodyguards reluctantly stood up and looked into the eyes of the two old men of yin and Yang, full of Horror: "Hua How to turn the virtual

He knew that, as a master of shenzhao realm, the power of Yuanshen is quite strong, and it is impossible to be shocked by any one of them. Most of the battles between the masters of shenzhao state do not need the original gods, because they are useless.

Even though the Dragon Guard is much better than them, they are not much better in the yuan God, but these two people

With this in mind, the eyes of the gods and their guards were full of gray. The rest of them were even more shocked. Tianyu has not yet produced a master of Huaxu state. However, he did not expect that these two great masters of Huaxu realm were all bodyguards around the Prime Minister of Zhuge.

No wonder the prime minister came to the front line so fearlessly!

At the thought of this, all the ministers cried out again. The Prime Minister of Zhuge is really capable. Even such experts can be invited to help. No wonder they have no fear all the way.

But Zhuge Changfeng shook his head and said with a smile, "ha ha ha You are wrong. They are not experts at converting virtual objects. Otherwise, how can I wait until today? At best, they are just hypocritical. It's just that they work together, and Yin and yang are in harmony. They can be equivalent to a master of dissipating emptiness! "

Hearing this, the gods still looked at the bodyguards, still covered with ashes, shaking their heads and sighing.

Even if it's a fake situation, they can't afford it!

After seeing everything, Zhuge Changfeng looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, if you have only these means, I advise you to compromise as soon as possible. I don't want to be a strong man

"Ha ha Prime minister, don't be too happy. The order I just gave is not to them, but to... " A strange light flashed in his eyes, and the emperor showed a sly look and pointed to the direction of Zhuge Changfeng.

Zhuge Changfeng was stunned and did not respond to it. However, he felt a pain in his shoulder. His two iron claws had been firmly grasped on his shoulder blade.

Not from a fright, Zhuge Changfeng turned his head and looked, but he saw that it was no one else who caught him. It was the guard he relied on most, yin and Yang were both old!

"You..." The pupil could not help shrinking, and Zhuge Changfeng showed his incredible face for the first time. All the ministers around him were shocked and retreated in a hurry. Their faces were completely white.

This What's going on?

These two people, are not the prime minister's right-hand assistant, how can

"After all Why? " Zhuge Changfeng did not feel dazed. He looked at the emperor and then turned his head to look at Yin and Yang. His eyes were full of doubts.

With a long sigh, yin and Yang nodded slightly and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, Prime Minister. Thank you for your courtesy for so many years. But it's a pity that we are the Dragon guards in front of your majesty. To come to you is merely to do what is ordered. "


The body can't help but shake, Zhuge Changfeng stays in place, stupidly!

Not only was he stupefied, but the rest of the people were also stupefied. Even the three royal children, the prince, the fat man and Yongning, were also shocked.

The original Royal Dragon Guard, there are really five people!

And these two people, even the three of them have never met, let alone the others

For a moment, all the people were staring at all this, and even forgot the fact that one side of them was the rebel, the other side was the guardian, and the other was the enemy of each other!

Because of this explosive incident, it's really shocking!

For a long time, Zhuge Changfeng seemed to accept this fact, sighed and murmured: "so You should not call Yin and Yang old. As the Prime Minister of the Empire, I checked the records of the masters who worked for the royal family. There are no names of you in it! ""Yes, they did come to you under a pseudonym. Their real name is Heaven and earth are two saints The emperor stroked his beard and made a sound

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