"Heaven and earth are two saints? Three hundred years ago, the second of the three strongest dragon guardians in the ancient three links war? It turns out that You are not dead? " His eyelids trembled slightly. Zhuge Changfeng took a deep breath and said with a broken smile: "it's so, ha ha ha..."

They looked at each other with a trace of secret pain in their eyes. They seemed to have no wish to mention the past.

"But in this way, with your Majesty's wisdom, it should have been well arranged. I think we, the 200000 rebels, should have been completely surrounded. In addition, the 100000 elite riders of gourong state have already fallen into the trap of your majesty. It's just It will take a lot of military power to do this. As far as I know, only Dugu zhantian has this ability. However, he is now ordered to rebel against the emperor and Zhuo fan... "

After pondering for a while, Zhuge Changfeng's eyes flashed suddenly. He looked deeply at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, do you still have a huge force? I don't know it!"

Smiling and shaking his head, the emperor said without hesitation: "Prime Minister of Zhuge, I have been with you for many years. Everyone knows that there are some Ascaris in each other's belly. If I want to move my hands and feet in secret, is it possible under the eyes of your prime minister

"It's absolutely impossible. I have this confidence too!" With a slight smile, Zhuge Changfeng stroked his beard, but soon frowned and said, "so, I wonder, where is this huge force in your hands? What's wrong with me? "

Hearing this, the prince and the fat man are also under the heart of a Lin, Qi Qi turned to look at the emperor, quietly listen.

Because the emperor's hand is too deep, let alone Zhuge Changfeng, even they do not know. Moreover, from the last second rebellion to this rebellion of Zhuge Changfeng, it was more and more dangerous and close to the crest of the storm every time.

But even so, the emperor's huge military power has never appeared. It can be seen that the emperor's heart skill and the depth of the city government are rare in the world. Even if their two sons thought about it, they felt chilly on their backs and worried!

After a cruel look at Zhuge Changfeng, the emperor chuckled: "ha ha Want to know? But I'd better advise you not to know it, so as not to increase your troubles. "

"What are the worries of a dying man? I just want to die and understand Eyes are still calm, Zhuge Changfeng faint voice.

After staring at him for a long time, the emperor nodded his head slightly and praised: "well, I am worthy of being the backbone of the country who has assisted me for decades. I deeply admire the fact that I can still handle affairs so calmly at this moment."

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

Gently patted the palm of the hand, the emperor leisurely said: "come on, take them down!"

"Ha ha ha In accordance with your Majesty's orders All of a sudden, a familiar big drink resounded through the sky and spread all over the ears of all the people present. Zhuge Changfeng's body was cold, and his face sank in an instant.

At the same time, with the sound of animal roar, a number of dog soldiers, under the body of the spirit beast, the tide generally to the crowd. It's just a moment, it's all around.

Those rebellious ministers, seeing such a situation, felt a little confused.

What's going on? Isn't it said that the army of gourong is our own people? How can we be surrounded?

At this time, Tuoba Liufeng took Han Tiemo, his younger sister Tuoba lian'er and sanlangwei, slowly walked out of the crowd and went straight to the emperor. He leaned over and said with a smile, "everything goes smoothly according to your will."

"Master Tuoba, you..." An old man with a goatee beard looked at Tuoba Liufeng and his party in disbelief. He was speechless.

Zhuge Changfeng took a deep breath, but sneered and said, "Minister of rites, don't say any more. I'm afraid we have been sold by these dog soldiers. Now around us, not only are there 100000 elite soldiers of gourong, but also 50000 imperial guards that your majesty has already prepared... "

"No, it's 300000 dog soldiers!" However, before Zhuge Changfeng finished speaking, the Emperor gave a faint smile and said leisurely, "Prime Minister of Zhuge, you can bring hundreds of thousands of dogs and soldiers from heaven and the sea from the sky. As the Lord of the world, can't I bring some more in?"

With a smile, Zhuge Changfeng sighed and shook his head, but he said no more. Instead, he looked in the direction of Tuoba Liufeng and said, "master Tuoba, I don't know what your majesty has given you, and let you help him so much?"

"The prime minister, to be honest with you, your majesty has promised us that once this matter is completed, the northern part of the Suli river will be turned into the property of my dog soldiers!" Tuoba Liufeng nodded slightly and explained.

After pondering a little, Zhuge Changfeng secretly calculated and frowned: "to the north of suliliu river is rich in ore veins, which is a rare good boundary. However, it is only one tenth of the land in the sky. I promise you that we will share the sky equally. Is it not as attractive as your majesty promised? "

"Ha ha Prime Minister of Zhuge, sometimes the cooperation between the two sides is not only based on the size of the interests. Whether we can get it or not is the key Shaking his head, Tuoba Liufeng said with a smile: "when the Prime Minister discussed cooperation with us, your majesty already knew everything. Your every move is under the supervision of his old man. Can it be a great success? ""If you take a step back, you will share the world with us. But it's a pity that you're not orthodox enough. Will the three guardians of your country agree to what you said? Then there will be another battle. We may be wasting our lives and money, and we will not get anything. Cooperation with your majesty is different. Your Majesty's 95 is known to all. He said that even if the three schools of protecting the country have no right to interfere, we can get real benefits! "

Zhuge Changfeng pondered for a long time and nodded slightly: "so it is. Your country is really long-term, but this time it is my mistake. Hum, hum Damn it! Damn it! It's just that the old man of Dugu zhantian, although he is loyal and brave, as the imperial marshal, he will not accept such a treaty until he dies. "

The corner of his mouth crossed a scornful arc. Tuoba Liufeng didn't care at all. He turned his head and looked at the emperor beside him.

The emperor's eyes flashed with a hint of naked killing intention, and murmured: "the so-called solitary Yin is not long, solitary Yang is not born, old marshal Dugu is old, so it's time to have a good rest!"

His body couldn't help but tremble. Zhuge Changfeng bit his teeth fiercely and felt a trace of sadness in his heart: "Your Majesty, although the old man is stubborn and ignorant of human affairs. But I have been loyal to you for so many years. How can you bear to... "

"Yes, marshal Dugu is indeed loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous. He is really my right arm. I can't bear to make such a decision. However, he was in charge of more than 70% of the military power of the Empire alone. His army was famous and resounding in the sky, which was a great crime! "

"The gentleman is not guilty, but he is guilty Ha ha... "

Zhuge Changfeng sighed and looked up at the sky and said, "thanks to us, we both worked hard for Tianyu. In the end, we ended up like this. I don't care. Even the old man Oh, I don't think it's too much to be with you as with a tiger! "

Zhuge Changfeng looked up at the sky, a lonely eye, and finally closed his eyes deeply.

The emperor looked at him coldly, waved his hand and said, "take it down, enter the cold nine heaven prison, take strict care of it, there must be no mistake!"


As soon as the words fell, two bodyguards came here and took Zhuge Changfeng away. Then the flash of the emperor's eyes flashed and swept to the other rebellious ministers.

All of them recoiled and retreated. Some people even took a puff on their cheeks and said, "yes Your majesty, this This matter is not bad for us. We are all confused by Zhuge Changfeng and forced to go on this road of no return. I also hope that your majesty will be able to fulfill his duties to the imperial court on weekdays and spare the life of Wei Chen's dog. Your Majesty's great kindness, I dare not forget it! "

"Your Majesty, please spare me your life. You're very kind. Don't forget it!" The rest of the people all bowed down, shivering.

With a cold smile, the emperor's eyes were full of scorn: "the whole universe, can be called the meritorious service, only the prime minister and the Grand Marshal. You Hum, a group of gangsters are on both sides of the wall. I don't know why they are loyal and dare to beg for mercy from me? Come on, all of them will be cut down! "


Bowing and holding fists, many guards came forward together and dragged out those members of the court. All of a sudden, wails and cries were heard.

And those rebel forces are even more flustered when they see this. Even their bosses are taken down one by one. What else can they do?

At this moment, they are like headless flies, at a loss.

Looking up at those people, the emperor's face was majestic, and he said in a faint voice: "you are all the people sent by others. This rebellion has the slightest responsibility. I want to give you a chance. As long as you are loyal to me, I will put you into the Imperial Guard and serve me for life

As soon as this was said, the people did not feel great joy. This was a way of life that your majesty appreciated, so they bowed down and bowed down to thank them.

An earth shaking rebellion broke down at once.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, while Tuoba Liufeng laughed and clasped his fist: "congratulations on your Majesty's successful counterinsurgency."

"Thank you very much for your help Gently stroking his beard, the emperor chuckled.

Tuoba Liufeng also nodded with a smile, then pulled her sister lian'er to her, pointed to the emperor and said with a smile, "lian'er, now you know why when you were in the animal king mountain, you dare to make sure for your brother. This plan must be successful. Because our friend in Tianyu is the king of Tianyu, who is now holy! You say, can our plan fail? "

Don't feel slightly Zheng Zheng, Tuoba lian'er seems to have not reacted from the impact of the latest news, and can't say a word for a long time.

How could she have thought that the king of a country would have access to outsiders and attack his courtiers?

When Tuoba Liufeng saw this, he was clear in his heart and couldn't help laughing.

Han Tiemo, the national master, nodded slightly and said with a smile, "this matter is of great importance, so until the action, only the four of us, the emperor gourong, brother Tieshan, my husband and Liufeng's nephew, knew it. It's understandable that lian'er can't understand it for a while. "

The rest of the people heard, also a laugh, slightly nodded.At this time, the emperor looked at Tuoba Liufeng and said solemnly, "master Tuoba, I don't know what's going on there. How have you arranged it?"

"Don't worry, your majesty. It's known that the man to be dealt with this time is marshal Dugu. My father has already rubbed his hands and can't stand it!" With a slight smile, Tuoba Liufeng said: "Grand Marshal gourong Tuoba Tieshan has fought against Dugu zhantian, the God of war in Tianyu. Up to now, there have been more than 20 battles, and hundreds of small battles have not been won or lost. I don't know what will happen this time... "

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