In Lias’s gaze, a large pit appeared not far away. Lias, Aisha hurried over. Yuto and Kitten are on guard against a sneak attack.

“Cough, cough” Eusys slowly stood up, a trace of golden blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. The clothes on the body are all tattered, and some are even bleeding.

“Jusses, it’s okay. I’ll help you heal right away,” Aisha looked at Yusyth’s scarred body, tears almost falling. So is Lias. Because of their own inattention.

“Oh, it’s okay, this little injury is nothing,” Jusyth smiled. The previous body was destroyed, and this injury was really nothing compared to it. It still hurts a little though.

“You’re still laughing,” Lias reproached.

“Golden blood? What ethnicity are you from? Kokbor asked. I had never seen the blood of any race golden.

“I’ll tell you when you’re going to die. Birdman,” Yusyth said. “Boost” Eusys’s power doubled again, and now Eusys has stacked several times his power.

“Hmph, outspoken. Now have fun with my pet” Kokbol sent a wave of light and slammed into the ground, a huge magic array appeared, and then the flames surged, a huge three-clawed slap on the ground, and several huge monsters with three heads appeared on the ground. This is the watchman of hell – the three-headed dog of hell – Carl Belos. The bloody glasses of the three-headed dog of hell stared at everyone.

“Let’s go up, before Eusys recovers” Lias unfolded her demon wings.

“Yes, Minister” Kitten, Yudou, and Ju Nai replied.

Buzzing, the three-headed dogs of hell constantly sprayed flames at Lias and Junai who were flying in the sky, wanting to burn them directly. After dodging several flames, Zhu Nai emitted a cold magic spell from both hands, instantly freezing the flames and turning them into ice cubes and falling down. Advancing up, Lias’s destructive power slammed into a three-headed dog, bringing up a puff of smoke. KO one.

The kitten kicked one of the other three-headed dogs on the head with a powerful split, followed by a powerful lightning strike from Junai, knocking out one again.

“Drink” Yudou directly chop one over. But two fish that slipped through the net ran to Jusses.

“Juses be careful” Lias rushed in the direction of Jusses, the magic bullet in her hand kept shooting, but it didn’t hit.

“Aisha, are you afraid of it?” Juses looked at Aisha a little trembling.


“Then close your eyes, open them and they’re gone,” Yusyth said. Aisha closed her eyes when she heard this.

Eusys’s eyes became sharp, a sword slashed, and one was directly divided into corpses. But the other one was preempted. A large sword cuts it in half.

“I’m here to help” came by Jenova. There is also Wisteria Ina on the side.

“…. Why did you go? Eusys asked when he saw that the two men were only coming now.

“Eat !!”

“…..,” Jusyses was speechless. They won, and they actually went to eat at the critical moment. I didn’t know, I thought it was a foodie.

“The power of the holy sword is really powerful,” Zhu Nai looked at the three-headed dog who was killed by one blow.

“Done… And then, finally,” on the other side, Balpa said happily. I saw a brand new holy sword appear in the fan-shaped magic array.

In addition, on the top of a mountain in the distance, the young man who knew the uncle who summoned Eusys looked in the direction of the Koma King Academy at this time.

“Minister, Yudou, you go and destroy the holy sword, the cadre teaches me” Jusyth rushed towards Kokbol again, drawing a black line. The Holy Sword must be destroyed quickly, or the town will be destroyed.

“Leave it to me,” Yuto rushed in Balpa’s direction.

“Huh, do you want to stop me from stalling for time? Let me see how much energy you still have,” Kockball looked at Juses who was rushing towards him. The spear of light once again turned into his hand and threw it at Yusith.

“Dark Curtain” Juses once again used the same move he had used against the Angel of Light. The place where the broken soul crossed turned completely black, and Kokbol’s spear of light was slowly devoured.

If it works, then the plan should work. Eusys had an idea. The dark curtain has completely surrounded Kokbol and Jusses.

“What’s the trick again?” Kokbol looked at the dark curtain of black oppression around him.

“Soul locks…,” shouted Eusys.


“Balpa Galileo. I am a survivor of the Holy Sword Project and an avenger who avenges those you killed, even if I transform into a demon” Yudou slashed at Balpa Galileo with a fierce sword.

Whoops!! Yudou was knocked away and fell violently to the ground, covered in scars. Felid looked at Yudou with crazy eyes, holding a brand new holy sword in his hand, gathering the power of several holy swords. Just now, Felid took the new holy sword and cut Yudou away. The power of the holy sword was terrifying.

“Have you actually fallen into a demon?” Balpa walked over to Yuto’s side.

“I’m thankful for that, thanks to you, the plan was finally completed,” Balpa said.

“Done?” Yudou stood up tremblingly.

“All of you swordsmen have failed to reach the value of being able to control the holy sword. All I have come to the conclusion, just extract the factors from the subject’s body” Balpa’s eyes were full of madness, and the narrow eyes made people want to go over and beat him no matter how they looked.

Yuto was instantly shocked, and the pain contracted violently. But Balpa wasn’t done yet.

“And we succeeded in crystallizing it, which is the product of crystallizing all those factors.” Although it turned out to be the last “Balpa” took out a badge-like purple crystal. Inside the blue dot of light is moving.

“Hahaha, the guys other than me can’t keep up with the power of the factor halfway,” Philid laughed maniacally, he was indeed a genius.

“That is? When the holy sword receives the blessing, it will put that thing into the body and make up for the lack of factors, right?” Jenova fought with Felid, while recalling.

“The hypocrites generally regarded me as a heretic and shamelessly used the results of my research. Anyway, that Michael, even if the factor was extracted from the body of the experimentee, he did not kill it, right? Barpa said, holding the crystal.

“So, we didn’t have to die? Why? Yuto questioned.

“You are just confidential research materials, only discarded when you run out,” Balpa’s words hit Yudou fiercely.

“We believe in the Lord with all our hearts and have been patient, but you have used us as materials and discarded” Yuto clenched his fists. Yudou was very angry in his heart and couldn’t believe it. This sin! Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable.

Others can’t look past it either.

Da, Balpa threw the crystal at Yuto’s feet.

“If you want it, give it to you, anyway, it has reached the stage of higher quality energy production” Balpa’s words once again aroused Yudou’s anger, what did he think of his partner?

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