Yudou picked up the crystal, looking haggard. Remembering his companion dying in the poison gas, he still held the church and let himself escape. Yudou’s heart was a pang of colic.

“Run away”

“Even if it’s just you”

One voice after another sounded in my head. Looking at the crystals in his hand, Yuto closed his eyes.

“Balpa Galileo, how many lives have you played with for your own research, for your desires?” Yudou’s angry voice seemed to resonate with Crystal, and Crystal emitted an increasingly bright light.

“That’s it” Lias, Aisha and Juna, who arrived from Jusses, looked at Yudou surrounded by light.

The light blue light slowly gathered, turning into one figure after another around Yudou.

“I’m afraid that the various forces surrounding this battlefield, as well as the trembling in Yudou’s heart, made the soul release from the crystal,” Junai said.

“I, always, have been thinking, am I the only one alive? There are partners who dream more than me, partners who want to live more than me, and only I can live this kind of life? Yudou said sadly, Yudou opened his eyes, and inside was anger, hatred, and destruction. Yudou also looked at the figures around him in surprise, these are his past partners.

A little girl reached out and grabbed Yuto’s clothes and smiled with a smile. The meaning is clear, she does not blame Yudou. Whoops. All the figures turned into points of light and flew around Yudou.

Never mind. These were the first words Yuto felt.

If everyone were together……. Accept us…. Not afraid… Even if God does not exist…. Our hearts are always together.

All the light entered Yudou’s body.

Boom, Jenova and Felid split their distance from each other and stood next to the special state Yudou in case someone sneaked up.

When all the thoughts and desires of all the people become able to reverse the “flow” that fills this world, the artifact reaches the so-called forbidden realm.

After absorbing the beliefs of his partners, Yudou’s eyes became different, it was peace of mind and salvation.

“My companions didn’t want me to take revenge, they wanted me to be. But I must defeat the evil in front of me. In order not to have a second, third, or even more people experience our experience. Yuto walked up to Barpa. A magic sword was projected, and his eyes were sharp for Barpa to constantly retreat.

“Philide,” Barpa shouted. Hearing this, Filid broke away from the fight with Jenova and jumped between Yudou and Balpa, and the new holy sword emitted a strong light. This gave Barpa confidence again.

“Hmph. Idiot, honestly abandoned,” Barpa said arrogantly. The New Holy Sword is his trump card.

“I will be a sword, with the body as the furnace, the heart as the fire, comrades who are with my soul, let us transcend together. In that unfulfilled thoughts, wishes …. Magic Sword Creation.” A white and black air stream erupted from the demon sword, condensing together. A brand new sword appears in Yuto’s hand. The body of the sword is black, the blade is white, and there is a dark groove in the middle. The sharp blade flashed with an icy cold light, indicating that it was not an ornament.

“The Holy Demon Sword of Double Overlord has the power of Saint and Demon. Come and try, Balpa, the holy sword that you think is invincible. Yuto said. Red runes began to appear inside the dark groove, constantly rising, spreading, and finally filling the entire dark groove.

Yudou walked towards Philid step by step, and his eyes did not change in the slightest.

“It’s actually the Holy Demon Sword, it’s not scientific. It is impossible that the two elements of repulsion actually fuse together! “Barpa can’t believe the facts at hand. Saints and demons are relative, how can they merge. But the holy and the devil are also mutual, something that Balpa did not pay attention to. Just as where there is light, there must be darkness, and there is a transition between light and darkness, which is the so-called ambiguous gray. It does not belong to light and does not belong to darkness, but it also belongs to both.

“Knight of Lias Gremori, the common front between us is still valid, right?” Jenova walked over to Yuto.


“Then explode that holy sword together,” Jenova’s eyes were like flames. The holy sword must be destroyed

“Ah,” Yuto agreed to the decision.

Duh. Jenova slammed the Holy Sword of Destruction to the ground. “Peter, Basil, Dionysius, and the Virgin Mary. Please listen to my voice” In the spell of Jenova, a chained blue greatsword appeared on Jenova’s left hand. “In the name of the saint who has placed my sword on it, I will liberate the holy sword, Dilandal” Click, click, click, the chain broke, and Jenova pulled out the holy sword named Dilandal. Dilandal is known as the holy sword comparable to EXcalibur that cut off everything in this world.

Barpa’s look was ugly. “How is it possible, my research has not yet reached the field of mastering Dilandall,” Barpa said.

“I’m different, I’m one of the few natural holy sword envoys. But this sword is so violent that sometimes it doesn’t even listen to me, so it is generally sealed,” said Jenova.

“What does this kind of thing have to do with me, just kill you” Philid sent a sword slash towards Jenova, the tail of which was linked to the holy sword.

With a click, Dilandal flicked Philide’s sword into the air, and the sword split into five and stabbed at Jenova. But they were all chopped up by Jenova.

“The broken holy sword is not Dilandal’s opponent” Jenova took the sword in one hand and slashed at Felid fiercely. Oh, Philide dodged with the speed of the Holy Sword containing the Heavenly Flash Sword. Yuto appears behind Philide. Hey, the two people are constantly staggering and merging. In the blink of an eye, dozens of moves have been exchanged. “Your sword is no match for our thoughts,” Yuto said. Click, Philid’s holy sword was cut off by the holy demon sword.

“Really fake! The Holy Sword was actually been: Uncle Ben was actually demonized again..” Philid fell to his knees and roared. “Ah,” a wound appeared on Philide’s shoulder, and Philid cried out in pain.

“Balpa, Galileo, give me enlightenment” Yuto turned his gaze to Balpa. Barpa sat on the ground in fright.

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