After the new members joined, Lias’s dependents have been completely used up, and although there are still eight soldier pieces, Lias may not be able to use them anymore. That’s enough.

When it was time for lunch, Junai brought out a lunch box for Eusys.

|“ Jusses, for you” Junai said a little embarrassed, this was the first time she cooked for other boys, or her own man, really nervous.

Sweet and sour fish, Eusys picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and a wonderful taste of MEI spread out in Yusyth’s mouth.

“It’s delicious, Junai!” Eusys kept eating. Zhu Nai laughed non-stop. This made other women grit their teeth a little, knowing that they also made bento.

“Huh. Jusses, your mouth” Junai pointed to the corner of Jusses’ mouth.

Kindness? Is it glued to something? Eusys was about to remove it with his hand when Junai’s face suddenly approached. Chirp. Instantly, Junai’s lips lightly touched the corner of Yusyth’s mouth. Wiped out that “abominable” grain of rice. This scene is unhappy.

At the same time, this scene also aroused the attention of other girls, and the eyes full of killing intent focused on Yuses’s body, making Yusyth break out in countless cold sweats.

“Eusys! In my face! ”



“Well, please make it clear”

Lias and Aisha approached Jusys with smiles on their faces, while Kitten and Jenova forced each other with fierce expressions.

Why did things come to this point? It’s just a meal! Feeling the murderous aura of the women, Eusys shouted wrong.

“Yudou, Gaspar, save me…” Eusys called out to the boy members for help, thinking that they were all brothers and would definitely stick knives in their ribs, but Yudou turned around as if he saw something, and Gaspar jumped into the cardboard box without looking over.

This… Is that the only thing that is the unity between us? Yuto, Gaspar! Say yes to fight together and move forward together?


When Juses was about to be forced by Lias and the others to have no way to retreat, Junai suddenly hugged Yusys from behind, still looking like he was driving! Then said loudly.

“I like Eusys the most. Huh”

Lias’s face was full of anger when she heard this, and red magic burst out from her body, damn it, if you steal fishy, where does Zhu Nai have the confidence to dare to do this.

“Jusses, I will not forgive you today”

Lias rushed towards Jusses, and Aisha and the others joined the battle………

It’s finally back to normal days.

Eusys walked down the school path, touching his aching shoulder and grinning.

Not! Baichu! Eusys meets Junai’s father, Baichu.

“Guian, Mr. Baichu,” Juses tried to greet Junai’s father. Unexpectedly, as soon as Baiqiu saw Jusses, he became gloomy, staring at Yusys fiercely, and saw that Yusys was breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Euthys…,” Baichu said gloomyly, looking like he was going to tear Euthys to shreds.

“Yes, Mr. Baichu,” replied Eusys with a stiff face.

“Junai… Just please… Take good care of her ..” Baiqiu collapsed instantly, finally reconciled with his daughter, and he was immediately snatched away, what is this called? Say okay, what about the thirty rivers east and thirty rivers west? It’s a split second.

“Well, I’ll take care of her,” Yusyth said seriously.

“If she is a little wronged, I will never let you go…” Baichu suddenly roared, patted Yuses the shoulder, and immediately fell down, quietly walking away, pitiful.

Mr. Baichu really is still very related to Junai, Jusyth looked at Baichu’s lonely figure and said in his heart.

Back in the classroom, I saw Hyoto Kazujo, huddled with Genju and Matsuda, discussing something closely.

“Summer vacation also has a hurdle that must be overcome for high school students. Say goodbye to the virgin body,” said the bespectacled Yuanzhu.

“Oooh, Yuanzhu, how did that rumor go?” Ichijo asked, staring at Genju.

“It has just been confirmed that Yoshida from the next class has completed the summer vacation, and the target is still a third-grade senior!” Yuanzhu Dragon Tooth Road.

“That guy: Actually”

Ichijo and Matsuda cursed on the spot!

“I heard that the paste of my companion is also involved with the first-grade junior!”

“Really fake, mushy that bastard”

Yes, a summer vacation passes, there will be a big change, they change their past selves, achieve a bold image transformation. Boys started to play their hair, girls began to follow the style of hot girls. The most important thing is whether the singleness ends or not.

Euthys knew that there were many people who ended up single, but judging from the conversation between the three of them just now, sure enough, it was still a singles trio.

“Ugh. Euthys, Guian” A girl in the class immediately greeted Eusys warmly when she saw him.

“Guian!” Eusys responded with a smile.

“Here it comes… The legendary love killer” | Matsuda shifted his gaze to Yusys, and there was a deep chill.

“Not only is he good with the legendary senior Lias, but he is also very close to Senior Sister Zhu Nai, even Genova and Aisha have fallen into his clutches, and the most important thing is that there is nothing to do. This is simply cheating, how do we mix? “The resentment of the marshal is enough to destroy a world. Ichijo was a little unnatural, but still smiled reluctantly.

I heard it all, but actually, it’s not what you think. Eusys smiled reluctantly inwardly. That’s a dire situation.

“What a heavy virgin,” Kiryu, wearing glasses, smiled and raised the corners of his mouth.

“Kiryu! Are you here to laugh at us? ”

Hearing Genju’s question, Kiryu nodded.

“Hehe, anyway, you three, this summer vacation must be meaningless”

|“ You…” Yuan Huang jumped to his feet angrily, but could not refute it.

“Eusys, this summer vacation is very meaningful,” Kiryu shifted his gaze to Euthys, wanting to hit the two guys through Eusys.

“Ugh! ….. It’s okay, it’s okay” Juses touched his face, he did seem to be much better than the three.

The trio was utterly defeated by the words of Euthyses and lay down on the table with their heads down, constantly cursing those who broke away from singleness.

Sure enough, such days are the best. Jusyth looked up the window.

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