I originally thought that after Loki’s incident, there would be relatively peaceful days. This was a beautiful idea of Jusses, but in fact, he was too naïve, and the cruelty of reality gave him a fool without mercy.

In the room, Eusys is distressed by the situation in front of him, overwhelmed, racking his brains, and forgetting to eat and sleep.

“Jusses, hug!” A red-haired little Luo and Li hugged Yusyth, their innocent eyes flawless.

“Woo, hug…” Next to the red-haired little Luo and Li, there was also a blonde little Luo, Li was about to cry, tugging at Yuses’s clothes, bean-sized tears were swirling, miserable and miserable.

The pair in front of them, who looked like Lias and Aisha, appeared in front of Juses in the morning, but Lias and Aisha were nowhere to be seen.

Shouldn’t they be..?

Just when Eusys was full of suspicion of the identities of Li Luo and Li, the door was pushed open, and Junai walked in with a smile. Seeing the scene in Eusys’ room, Junai was surprised.

“Oh, a lot of kids. Looks like Lias and Aisha, Eusys, is it the daughter of you and Lias and Aisha? Zhu Nai blurted out.

“How is it possible, if there is also you and Lias,” Jusyth argued, proving his innocence. At this time, the two little Luo and Li were already glued to Yuses’s body, grabbing Yuses’s hair and cheeks.

“Uh-huh!? Is this hinting at me for something? Now it’s daytime, I can’t think of Jusses’ unexpected boldness, Lias is not there, and she shows her true face” Ju Nai’s eyes had a more mysterious gaze, looking at Euthys, looking like he was picking by Jun.

“Not what you think!” Jusys defended.

“Is that like that? Such? Still is? As he spoke, Junai was already close to Jusses, his white jade-like fingers brushed over Jusses’s body, and his vermilion lips passed over Jusses’ ears.

“Zhu Nai, don’t, there is still business now!” Eusys was already blushing and reacting. “Oh? That is, when the business is done, you can do it? Junai continued to tease, she liked the look on Jusses’ face.

Just when Eusys was anxious about how to answer, the savior came. Meiya floated in from outside with a confused eye. “Good morning, host”

“Ah, Meiya, just in time. Let’s see what’s going on with these two guys. Zhu Nai, gather everyone together by the way. Eusys lifted up the little Luo and Li, and at the same time lamented that life was not peaceful again.

The screen turns.

In the hall of the villa, all the members of the research department gathered. Everyone stared strangely at the two little Luo and Li hiding behind Euthys. Really, the long ones are too much like the minister and Aisha.

“It really looks like the Minister and Aisha,” Jenova tilted his head and stared at the two little Lo and Li. Constantly thinking.

“I think they’re the minister and Aisha,” Kiba said. Everyone also feels like this, but why do they turn into Xiao Luo and Li? And it looks as if the zombies have memories and only remember Eusys.

“It seems that there is a magic to turn adults into children” The kitten seemed to remember something, muttered, and couldn’t be sure.

“Is there a technique like that?” Eusys asked. I don’t know anything about it.

“Yes, demons can use magic to change their appearance. Jusses, don’t forget, the minister’s mother is as young as the minister, but the age difference is very big! Zhu Nai came over with steaming tea.

“But it won’t happen to lose your memory like this,” Jun Nai said, dragging his cheek, looking confused.

“Probably the backlash of the spell,” Asachel said as he drank tea, looking curious. Sure enough, here it is. Good things happen every day.

“Backlash! Lias, something like this happens to them too? Eusys looked at the little Lo and Li hiding behind him. Lias’s magical mastery can be said to be perfect, and it is impossible to make such a mistake.

“Not necessarily, master.” Meiya walked down from upstairs and said seriously. “If you use magic that is not commonly used, occasionally serious mistakes will occur, which will cause a backlash and act on the caster himself”

“But they seem to have lost their memory.”

“Maybe it’s the memory that is sealed at the same time.” Meiya said. This is not impossible.

When Eusys heard this, he looked at the mini Lias sitting on his lap with a complicated expression. What exactly does Lias want to do?

Miniature Lias looked at Jusys with a strange look, her watery eyes twinkling. “Jusses’ expression is so strange”

“Oh, Aisha also wants to do it” Mini Aisha poked her head out from behind Jusses, and looked at Lias sitting on Yuses’ lap with tears in her eyes, extremely envious. especially

Seeing this, Elsis also picked up Aisha and put her on the other side, which made Aisha happily throw herself into Euthys’s arms and coquettish.

“Sure enough, even if it gets smaller, he still clings to Eusys,” Asachel said, touching his scruffy beard. It’s nice to be young.

“The smaller minister and Aisha are so cute” Gaspar trembled and peeked out of the cardboard box, and sure enough, the attributes of the house still didn’t change much.

“So, do you want to try to make them laugh?” Meiya suggested.

When Gaspar heard this, his eyes lit up, and he rummaged through his cardboard box for a while, and finally took out a paper bag. This gave Usyston a sense of foreboding.


Gaspar poked two holes in the paper bag with his finger, and then.


He slammed the paper bag over his head. “Minister, senior Aisha, as long as you wear this, you will gain a hundred times more courage” The place where the paper bag opened revealed a blood-red red light, staring at the two little loli.



Miniature Lias and Aisha grabbed Jusyth desperately, trembling.

“Gaspar, don’t scare them” Yusys hurried to comfort them, and at the same time asked Meiya, “Meiya, is there any way to recover?” ”


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