“Serjax, actually ran to the human world. Don’t take me with you,” Serafre’s image slowly projected on the table.

At the same time, two projections also appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. They are Achuka Astalotte and Asmod Beelzebub. In this way, the demon kings of the underworld can also be regarded as getting together.

“Serjax, say, what’s the matter with us? You know, I’m lazy,” Asmodeus looked like he hadn’t woken up, but it was just Asmode’s habit. Asmodeus is the type who habitually hands things over to his dependents to do, simply put, like doing summer homework in one day, and taking the rest of the time to rest.

At the same time, the current demon kings are also responsible for different fields. Achuka Astalotte is only responsible for the integration of the military aspect; Asmode, on the other hand, was a strategist; Serafl is a diplomat of the underworld, and Serjax is involved in it all.

“Actually, I wanted Eusys and Lias to come to the relics of my family and receive the traditional rituals of the Gimonri family.” Sejax said.

“Oh, so it was that. Last time it was when Serjacks was a kid.”

The rest of the three demon kings laughed when they heard it, it turned out to be the one!

“Brother, is it a relic that has been handed down from the family?” Lias asked her brother in surprise.

“What are the ruins you are talking about?” Eusys asked, how could they all have excited expressions.

“Forgot, Eusys doesn’t know yet. To put it simply, there is an ancient relic in the Jimonri family, and when the family reaches a certain age, they have to go to that ruins for testing, together with their dear ones. That’s it,” Serjacks explained to Jusses.

“Test? I understand! Jusyth nodded thoughtfully.

This makes Lias secretly anxious, what do you understand? It’s not the kind of test you think!

“Then, let’s go and prepare.” Serafl, Asmode, and Achuka were disconnected at the same time.

“That’s the way it is. Lord Eusys, look forward to your arrival! We left first. After saluting Eusys, Gurefia pinched Serjacks’ face and walked out of the room, her eyes extremely cold.

“It hurts! Tap it,” came the painful voice of Serjacks.

“Still know it hurts? Go back to educate you,” the voices of the two people became smaller and smaller.

“Lias, it’s okay. The test, will definitely pass,” said Eusys, who was ready, and the test could improve himself.

Seeing Jusses’ performance, Lias knew.


A few days later, Juses returned to the Underworld, this time with just Lias and him. Others cannot participate.

On a ruined place sits an ancient shrine, surrounded by huge stone pillars forming a passage, and a green fire lights up the road, which is the junction of the ruins.

The surroundings are full of various cracks, indicating the traces of time, and under the purple sky, there is an ancient atmosphere. These buildings, which have gone through thousands of years, still stand quietly here today, watching the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the underworld.

Because it is a ruin, it is surrounded by a tall wall on the periphery to protect the ruins from destruction.

“Click, click” light footsteps sounded at the entrance of the ruins, especially loud in the silent ruins. The figures of Juses and Lias enter from afar.

Jusyth looked at the temple in front of him, unexpectedly a little different from the evil place full of gloomy and monster-infested that he thought. It’s just a very spacious and clean temple, and there is no power in it. The temple is at least hundreds of meters long, and various magic formations are carved into it, adding a charm.

Walking on the road, Eusys also found that some pictures and stories were also carved on the surrounding stone pillars, not like mythological stories, but more like some love stories.

Kindness? Am I reading it wrong? On one of the stone pillars, the carved figures seem to be Sergex and Gurefia. Jusyses continued infinitely inside. However, it is clear that if it did not make any sense, it would not be carved here.

“Lias, do you know anything about this ruin?” Jusyth asked, looking at the surrounding buildings.

“… This ruin, actually…” Lias was a little distracted and unclear.

Just as Eusys wanted to know more about it, suddenly a huge magic array appeared on the surrounding ground, forming a circular stage that illuminated the surroundings.

A figure appeared in front of Juses and Lias.


Eusys held the broken soul in his hand in an instant, while protecting Lias behind him. Jusyses could feel the immense magic in that man. Very strong!

But with the light, the person in front of him also reveals his true face! Jusys was surprised because it was Lias’s mother, Venilana Gimoni.

Seemingly satisfied with Jusses’ performance just now, Venilana smiled and nodded.

“Come on, two. Take the first test! Please come center stage,” Vinilana said.

When the two heard this, they walked to the center of the stage, and something like a light curtain rose around them. Jusses was also a little unaware of what Lias’s mother was going to do at this time.

“First of all, the first test is… Vinilana points to the first test.

Jusyth was ready, while Lias was a little shy. It seems that the content of the test is already known.

Venilana slowly said the content of the test, social dance!! _

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